I am a survivor and God-willing intend to stay that way. My loving sister Anna has been diagnosed with stage III possibly stage IV ovarian cancer last Wednesday. 9 . Then one day, the Kylie Dever, Mane Haus As he cleared his throat, he asked me if I was aware that I had a large cyst in my left ovary. 7 . I requested to have a ultrasound performed on the abdomen and pelvic area. Contents of this site are Copyright 2022 Lawrence Journal-World and Sunflower Publishing. If you have any information A steroid cell tumor composed of Leydig cells, as proven by the presence of cytoplasmic crystals of Reinke. 9 . It got bad one night and she fought me when I tried to wash her up and get her situated in the hospital bed. Finally, I was peeing quarts and had non-stop diarrhea. As soon as she answered the door I told her to call emergency I had to got to the hospital,and that there was blood in my urine. She has such a strong desire to live. They removed about 2 pints of water from her adominal. Thank you for reading my story and I pray that you continue the good fight and live a long and healthy life. Before Pam saw Dr. Finkler, a friend gave her some valuable advice. I was awake enough to ask him questions and if i was ok. Check out our breaking stories on Hollywood's hottest stars! Going to ballgames with relatives, going shopping or out to lunch with friends, taking trips to New York to see friends from where she was from. Walking helps a lot. Every once in a while she would sleep for a whole day, day and a half. Andy's Roofing, Sewing/Alterations/Embroidery 1 . I had been on 4 antibiotics & finally my doctor did a sonogram that revealed a mass. Now on to the reason I am writing this. It just breaks my heart to see him so worried. He said that he doesn't see too many patients at stage 1a, they're usually more advanced. Properwear This is a very insidious disease and crept up on this very healthy & outgoing person. It has bounced around between 2 and 6 ever since. Not misanthropes, as I once suspected. (not known at that time that it was caused by a tumor. It was then that my doctor told me the whole story of what had been going on inside of me. He is alert immediately - I can sense it over the 'phone. . Second look surgery i had at UCSF with a gyn/onc. I talked my doctor into letting me start the following Monday. My mother loved to sit Being admitted was the best thing that Dr. couldve done, it was a shame it wasn't his idea. All all-points prayer ALERT was sent out throughout our community. May God bless you and give you the strength you need on this journey. I took a workshop at the local hospice on preparing for the end of life. 10 . I work 40 hours a week and as of April 8, 2001 I will celebrate (if you want to call it that) four years of surviving this dreadful disease. They diagnosed me with appendicitis and sent me to the emergency room. I went to see him and was told I had the hysterectomy and debulking and that he felt he had removed all of the cancer. 8 . Update to story need to slow down a lot of words misspelled or left out! 2 . I'm 47 years old and really scared. Wakarusa Valley Credit Union, Dry Cleaner or Laundry 1 . It doesn't mean that ALL autotrophs drooled, it's just a way of saying that the evolutionary process began from a single cell species. After a very long 3 and a half year battle with ovarian cancer, I am currently receiving Hospice care since December 2005. I have endured over 30 treatments of chemotherapy and came to the conclusion, along with my wonderful doctor, that it was time to stop treatment. 5 . When my mother finally got an appointment with the ob it was around January, at this time she was told she did have ovarian cancer and that they planned to do a complete hysterectomy and they would be removing the fluid that had collected in her abdomen. She had long hair and it was falling and shedding, so we cut it. If men can routinely get a PSA blood test from their physicians, women shouldn't have to argue and push to have a CA-125 run. I was referred to a GYN oncologist and had surgery the following week. 7 . I had a total hysterectomy and 6 months of treatment with carboplatin and I was diagnosed as cancer free. I have many highs and lows. We were both healthy people. This certainly made it difficult to squeeze our way into a gyny ASAP without a track record. 9 . My periods were painful and heavy. That is probably when the tumor ruptured. Wheatfields How was I to tell this angel of mine what chemo-therapy was going to do to her, how awful it would make her feel and that her beautiful platinum blonde hair would be no more because of this powerful cancer-fighting drug? My Mom does have a significant other, but like many men, really do not know how to deal with it. I underwent 4 carbo/taxol treatments, then had a complete hysterectomy removing everything I did not need to live. I encouraged her to get a second opinion immediately. My Aunt Arlene, 1 yr after my Mom's diagnosis, she too has it. Blue Collar Press night. Dunkin 7 . But we had been down to the Gulf coast and I believed that I had picked up a little bladder infection from the water down there. 2 . He changed my antidepressants. Today I am constantly reminded of her diligent search for answers to her ever growing symptoms. Chemo and radiation follow. I had my tubes tied 4 months ago. 9 . My mom and her two sisters watched as my grandmother took her everyday struggle to breath. On good days, Nina enjoyed time with her family and continued working and traveling. In the mean time how do you manage to feed your kids? I began to wonder if I was given two beautiful babies because I was going to lose two other people in my life. I'm lucky because I haven't been sick. her room and the woman lying in the bed was not my mother. My stomach had been the size of a pregnant woman in her 9th month all of April. Her hospital room has been used a place of ministry, where you can feel the presence of God, even in this challenging time. Confirms it is a 6cm complex mass on the right ovary. Once she was at the Hospice they took her off the patch and put her on morphine instead her mind cleared. Format: . Intestinal obstruction underwent surgery on thursday, June 1st. When I had the final friday talk with Mom and her pcp, we were told, there was nothing else they could do and recommended hospices. chemo now and I'm not sure how many sessions I will have. May God or whoever you worship keep all of you safe! Sunrise Project She had an infection and had to be hospitalized in November for a week. "When it looks like lager coming out, then you're ready" had been the nurse's advice, and after two litres of the vanilla horror it looks like just that and I am wheeled to the small theatre. Drove to my grandmother's house shaking all the way and praying. Oh yes, the brunette with the short, tight curls. I So I was really scared about the scan, and really debated on whether to have it or not. Submitted by her husband. For now, I am alive and well. We all, I am sure, are aware of the high mortality rate associated with Ovarian Cancer, and my mom has been told that she has a 50/50 chance of five year survival, but someone has to be in that 50% that kicks this, right?!? McGrew Real Estate I am going to die. I also had scoliosis, and I wore a brace to correct the scoliosis, but the brace was turning on me so, we went to the doctors and they did a Cat scan and they found ovarian cancer. That was the Keiko I knew, loved, respected and will miss every day of my life. Pre cancer I worked as a fitness director, personal trainer, body builder. 1313 Mockingbird Lane Toys and Collectibles The football game was exciting, although the icy cold bleachers seemed to send a chill right up my buttocks into my back. Yes I am one of the lucky ones that gets the doctor who thinks that an abnormality on my pap smear is a yeast infection. She worked on Feb 20, 2004. Kurt Goeser, State Farm mother drift away from me. After the 3rd chemo, you were given a clean bill of health. What a difference 13 years makes!! The effects of my mother's death at such a young age still bothers me to this day. July, 2005: CA125 climbed to 300, ultrasound detected a tumor, though CT was clean. Nohe was certain that I was just finetamoxifen was probably causing some of my problemshe'd see me in 5-6 mos. I'm a warrior! I don't care if you are 100lbs or a 1000lbs, you make sure your concerns are addressed and not attributed to any thing so tangible as your weight!! I felt surgically raped, and nothing and no one could console me for hours. I had to drop out of college. The protein responsible for binding to and detecting estrogen in the body; the receptor is located in the nucleus of many cell types. We can only put this into gods hands and wait for his will to be done.Sometimes I find myself wondering why anyone must suffer as much as she has, but in the end we have had longer with her than some people are afforded. So please- this is to all ladies- be positive, be strong, don't be afraid to reach out for support from all around and take support from the ones who may unexpectedly offer it. When a senior nurse came to give me the pap smear, I told her to check out my "muscle". Wakarusa Family Dental: Allen Kelley & Jason Edwards My symptoms started on 8/11/00 but were slight until 9/7/00 when my abdomen started to swell. Mentally, I am ready for whatever the call turns out to be. I am now in my 3rd month of remission.What kept me fighting was my three sons and my husbund. Envista Credit Union Yet, I wonder, what kind of quality of life will she have with the chemo and it's side effects? Tammy died with her husband Chris holding her hand, her dad was kneeling at her feet, her sister beside her bed, her mother kneeling in prayer, and I had just kissed her head and she went to sleep in the arms of Jesus. But the call came, that said I was diagnosed as a stage 3a due to spread of cells to my abdomen and that I needed chemo to begin right away, and would need to have another surgery when it is over. Rosie Robertson, Solomon & Associates M Cubed Technologies During the procedure they had to do a transvaginal CT inasmuch as they couldn't find the right ovary. By Sunday I managed to take my daughter to church but I didn't feel well. But she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. This left our Brittany with a colostomy and an open abdominal wound. By the way, FYI, I would do a pelvic ultrasound over a mammogram anyday. Pearson Collision Repair Inc Since it was about 5:00, I knew I'd get the answering service if I went home to call, so I went straight there. Upon my visit to the OBGYN doctor, I asked for his personal opinion. They had given her 2 rounds of Chemo with the hope that it might slow things down. 9/14/98chutzpa alive and well in Bandon OR. 5 . I scheduled surgery for October 19, 1999. 5 . Encore Asian Bistro Three tumors were not resectable. Nina's story begins in a similar way - with another medical problem leading to the diagnosis of Stage IV ovarian cancer. I wasn't in pain just minor discomfort so why should I worry ."it's not like i have cancer". After that I sent her to school only half days. Kim and The Quake. This cancer was sneaky. Absolute Pawfection Pet Salon Let me tell you the DO'S and DON'TS that have worked for me. 4 . You just have to believe that there is a reason and God will help us all through this now and forever. My mother was the strongest person I had known, so there was no way that she could suffer from this disease. I was stage 3C and would be required to endure 8 rounds of chemo (taxol/carboplatin), one every 3 weeks. 2 . My mom was 72 years old at the time. 9 . I had all the side-effects during chemotheraphy. I say partial because my CA-125 has been steadily climbing up from 12 after chemo, to 43 at last doctor appt. Lawrence Automotive Diagnostics Inc. Grace Interiors, Landscaping Service 1 . Suddenly I wanted to go back to the colostomy scenario. But this is what we've been dealt for some reason. I watched the woman reading the sonogram screen. The focus of tumor cells in the stroma occupying most of the field measures < 5 mm and represents low-grade serous carcinoma. They done test and paps and he told me that I had a mass as big around as my abdomen. JANUARY: Happy New Year and "Happy 17th Birthday Jenny" ca-125 dropped 100pts. Stevens & Brand, LLP Life doesn't stop with all these hurdles that hit us nor do I want it to stop. Getaway Cleaning Services After the radiographer has fitted me onto the table and instructed me, she retires into a booth and I am alone with this screen with the hole in it that moves back and forth over my body. Kara Easum, Volume Lash & Hair Studio, Event Planner 1 . 10 . 3 . Usually a protein or carbohydrate substance capable of stimulating an immune response. Wild Man Vintage I had my husband feel it and he said I should go back to doctor. The Burger Stand at the Casbah God bless all of you that are suffering due to this horrible disease! Wonder Fair In response to that feeling, I began to eat less of the fattening holiday goodies. ", Season 1-2, Season 4-5 and Season 8-9 are the only examples where the ending of one season and the start of the next are on the same day. If something is not right speak up, scream and demand testing!!! Was Staged 3. She did follow up later with a GI doc who, after an unremarkable CT scan gave her IBS meds that didn't seem to help. Hungry for that next promotion, in May 2003, my job tranferred me to the sunny coast of SC. There wasn't much information available at first. Ian Patterson, Cellar Door Cafe Some days the feeling overwhelms me. My mother continued to have signs and symptoms of a bowel blockage. To comfort a woman whose sister was dying, I wrote about Anne Morrow Lindbergh's search for peace after her infant son was kidnapped and murdered. Question your doctors, get screened for ovarian cancer, CA125 blood test, transvaginal ultrasounds, exploratory surgery. room. 9 . Then I knew there was a more serious problem when he sent me to a hospital in San Angelo, TX, where I was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 ovca. My belly button and my pubic region where they cut hurt as well as the arm that my IV was in, but I was comfortable and I was warm. Mar 14, 2003WHITBY - One of the most respected medical review organizations in the world, the Cochrane Collaboration, has invited and accepted local ovarian cancer activist Sandi Pniauskas to be one of its reviewers.Specifically, Mrs. Pniauskas will become part of the Cochrane Collaboration's Gynecologic Cancer Collaboration Review Group. To those of you who are dealing with this disease.I am so proud of you for sharing your stories, and for being strong to fight this, and hope and pray that technology will hopefully, one day soon, bring a cure and better measures for early detection. That drop in my CA by 210 points indicated to me that my supplementation was effective. So far no real hair loss but my scalp itches like crazy. And told me that when she left the house for the last time not to think of it anymore than that.a notch or a natural step in life. Thank-You for allowing me to share this with you and I will pray for ovarian research to be blessed continuously with people who are willing to help research this horrible disease that afflicts so very many women, even young women as well! She had just taken a job working at a local center for Alzheimers patients. My oncologist finally shows up about 1/2 and hour late but my orders get signed and he is apologizing profusely. Then we spent time at the hospital for a clot she had in her leg. 10 . Both were neg, so he palpates my abdomen, remarks I'm "clammy" (my kids, whom I wasn't able to find someone to watch, were digging around in the "bio-hazard" can, so of course I'm "clammy"). Never give up hope!!!! Delivering a powerful message from the book of Esther. My doctor wouldn't start chemo because of the infection for 5 months into this. 7 . When I was first diagnosed with cancer my CA125 was over 900. Lawrence Plastic Surgery 5 . Will lose hair again." Thanks, Sherry. On January 1, 2004 eighteen months after her diagnosis and 24 months since the onset of her symptoms my mother age 63 died. She said, "If I didn't know better I would say I did not have cancer--I feel really good." My hema/onc followed that with 5 more carbo/taxol treatments. I ran a half-marathon 3 days before my lasat chemo treatment. March 97 I had pain radiating down my leg and doctor # 1 told me it was sciatica and sent me home to rest. In Aug. 1998 I had a normal period. Howeverher battle came to an end only 3 1/2 short weeks later. 1 week after thanksgiving 2005. 3 . By the end of July, 2004 she had excessive ascites, and could not eat or sleep well. A tumor consisting of a mixture of immature sex cord cells and germ cells which can be viewed as an in situ form of malignant germ cell tumor. We were on the phone to Dr. Barnes and after a very difficult night ended up calling 911 for a ride to a local emergency room. First Watch He diagnosed an incompetent cervix and said he would have to perform a Shirodkar that day. My seemingly healthy mother was diagnosed with Stage IV Ovarian Cancer about 8 weeks ago (her pre-op CA 125 level was 3,250 and pre-chemo level was 3,695). Legal action over copyright infringement would have been futile, since the production company was pretty much owned by the Belarus government. Why me??" At ER did scan and blood test was told not cancer see Family Dr on Monday gave me shot of demoral let me go, but told me to see surgeon. San Marco + French Tree Service, LLC. He diagnosed her as Ovarian Cancer stage 3-4. WOW 23 years old some people say. We really shouldn't sweat the small stuff. She had complained of stomach pains and went to the doctor to find that she had cancer throughout her ovaries and uterus. Lawrence Family Practice Center She prayed daily for her family, friends and even those she had never met. CA125 down to 110 ~ 170 range My advice to someone who is diagnosed with this disease is to learn as much as possible about this disease and treatments available. could do this and that everything was going to be okay. 2 . He said he was sorry, she said, "I accept your apology, where do we go from here." Stories and Pam saw Dr. Finkler every month and regularly had Ca125 blood tests. Ideally, we would conduct such research before the treatments were administered but we usually don't have the luxury of time to learn what the oncologists are not telling us when it matters most. The quick response (QR) code, which is visible in Stuart (, The full names and occupations of the characters are as follows: Dr. Leonard Leakey Hofstader, Ph.D., Experimental Physicist (played by, Each of the male characters has a signature clothing article that is worn in virtually every episode: Sheldon (, Out of the main male cast members, Howard (. I am now finally feeling as if my loved ones' voices and my voice sound normal again, even though I know my hearing loss has changed them. Salon Lotus My husband got to stay home from Iraq so I was glad he would be there for me this time. 7 . KJHK 90.7 FM (The drugstore warnings say it can cause hair loss and my Rheumatologist said it rarely happens. For them as well as for myself. 9 . That was 2 years ago and the throbbing has never stopped. This plan of action worked out well for her. Free State Family Medicine Finally her stomach started to blow up,it was also hard. Then another chemo which she finished in December 2006. Recurrence of the cerebral metastasis was observed via an Enhanced MRI of May 2000 at Hershey Medical Center and a Pet Scan of August 2000 at the University of Pennsylvania. I asked him to write it down. I brushed my teeth, washed up, got dressed as quick as I could. Ambler Student Recreation Center (KU) I was closely monitored for breast cancer and was getting yearly endometrial biopsies due to thickening caused by my use of Tamoxifin. Au Marche, Women's Clothing Store 1 . On Friday, I decided to see a Gastroenterologist because I thought it was my stomach. Lawrence Arts Center It turned out to be an intestinal blockage that I needed surgery for. Anything that increases the risk of developing a disease. Neu Physical Therapy Center I couldn't tell him this on the phone. When the GYN came to visit me, she said that I had a stubborn "type" of cancer cell - called "clear cell"; fortunately, a chemo treatment for "clear cell" was now available and my body responded very well to the treatment. Chemo stopped when I base-lined at 5. I am a pretty tough cookie. They finally decide I must have a small hernia, and it will be repaired in the NHS's good time. 3 . I just couldn't believe the way everything happened. My doctor and I have decided to do repeat scans every eight weeks and I am actually going to go back to work part time. They got tired before I did! He could not do a total hysterectomy as he said it was a bit too complicated ended up having subtotal hysterectomy, he left the cervix in, now I have to see an Oncologist/Gynaecologist from another hospital who will probably need to do further surgery. Bone Handles, French Fries (Local) 1 . 9 . The doctor performed surgery to remove both tumors and he could only remove the one on her pelvis, he could not get to the one on her liver. I received blood transfusions, and was sent home with iron and told again to rest. woman who was lying there was my mother. ASYmmetry was the idea that won Sheldon and Amy the Nobel Prize in the last ever episode. You know part of my story. He told me to forget about dying as he didn't treat with death in mind. I knew something wasn't right. Sew Simple I see you have used part of my story on your web site. 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