Will automatically set dynamic row height based on the material table element parent (head, body, etc). This prop is an alias for the slotProps prop. Props. API reference docs for the React DialogActions component. The browser uses "on" as the default value. For examples and details on the usage of this React component, visit the component demo pages: Will automatically set dynamic row height Override or extend the styles applied to the component. Rule name Global class Description; root.MuiTableSortLabel-root: Styles applied to the root element. The props of the Modal component are available when variant="temporary" is set.. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. API reference docs for the React Checkbox component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. You can learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Props. It supports both default and custom theme colors, which can be added as shown in the. It supports both default and custom theme colors, which can be added as shown in the. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Rule name Global class Description; root.MuiRating-root: Styles applied to the root element. colorDefault.MuiAvatar-colorDefault: Styles applied to the root element if not src or srcSet. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Advanced Configuration Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. API reference docs for the React ToggleButtonGroup component. Styles applied to the deleteIcon element. The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. Styles applied to the label `span` element. These are both standard in the examples in the Material-UI docs. When using this prop, make sure the label doesn't overlap with the empty displayed value. Override or extend the styles applied to the component. API reference docs for the React Tab component. See below: Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. The extra props for the slot components. Props of the native component are also available. Rule name Global class Description; root.MuiCollapse-root: Styles applied to the root element. API reference docs for the React TableRow component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. See the. API reference docs for the React Autocomplete component. You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options: reading this guide on minimizing bundle size, State class applied to the root element if, With a rule name as part of the component's. : outlined ARIA. sizeSmall.MuiRating-sizeSmall: Styles applied to the root element if size="small". Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Rule name Global class Description; root.MuiInputAdornment-root: Styles applied to the root element. API reference docs for the React ToggleButtonGroup component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Align list items. By default, the element is based on this, While not explicitly documented above, the props of the. Tab labels appear in a single row. Override or extend the styles applied to the component. API reference docs for the React Grow component. The component used for the root node. Component name The name MuiIconButton can be used when providing default props or style overrides in the theme. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Used to render icon or text elements inside the Avatar if, Override or extend the styles applied to the component. The TextField is a convenience wrapper for the most common cases (80%). See the. : entered However, since we are using an inline function to change the rendered component, React will unmount the link every time ListItemLink is rendered. For examples and details on the usage of this React component, visit the component demo pages: Props of the native component are also available. popperInteractive.MuiTooltip-popperInteractive Popper.js is based on a "plugin-like" architecture, most of its features are fully encapsulated "modifiers". Rule name Global class Description; popper.MuiTooltip-popper: Styles applied to the Popper component. API reference docs for the React Grid component. The solution is simple: avoid inline functions and pass a static component to the component prop instead. Rule name Global class Description; root.MuiTabs-root: Styles applied to the root element. The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. underlineNone.MuiLink-underlineNone: Styles applied to the root element if underline="none". vertical.MuiTabs-vertical: Styles applied to the root element if orientation="vertical". API reference docs for the React RadioGroup component. API reference docs for the React Paper component. body2.MuiTypography-body2: Styles applied to the root element if variant="body2". Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. multiline.MuiListItemText-multiline: Styles applied to the Typography component if primary and secondary are set. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Styles applied to the root element if table variant="footer". API reference docs for the React Chip component. You can learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.. You can learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.. A simple wrapper to apply List styles to an Icon or SvgIcon.. The default checked state. Props. Props of the native component are also available. Callback fired when the expand/collapse state is changed. You should set the alignItems="flex-start" prop to align the avatar at the top, following the Material Design guidelines: You can override the existing props or add new ones. Override or extend the styles applied to the component. The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. While not explicitly documented above, the props of the. The position of the icon relative to the label. Refer to the Icons section of the documentation regarding the available icon options.. If the progress bar is describing the loading progress of a particular region of a page, you should use aria-describedby to point to the progress bar, and set the aria-busy attribute to true on that region until it has finished loading.. The icon to display when the component is checked. Component name The name MuiTableRow can be used when providing default props or style overrides in the theme. Otherwise, we fallback to the child position index. API reference docs for the React ButtonBase component. It cannot be all things to all people, otherwise the API would grow out of control. : icon Props of the native component are also available. See the, The currently selected value within the group or an array of selected values when. API reference docs for the React Avatar component. : body1 With a rule name as part of the component's. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. See the. The component orientation (layout flow direction). For examples and details on the usage of this React component, visit the component demo pages: Chips represent complex entities in small blocks, such as a contact. Props of the native component are also available. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. Styles applied to the root element if table variant="head". You can learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size. The icon to display when the component is indeterminate. Shown only if. For examples and details on the usage of this React component, visit the component demo pages: Props of the native component are also available. It supports both default and custom theme colors, which can be added as shown in the. The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. With a rule name as part of the component's. A modifier is a function that is called each time Popper.js needs to compute the position of the popper. If set, the delete icon will be shown. API reference docs for the React Card component. With a rule name as part of the component's. The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. active.Mui-active: State class applied to the root element if active={true}. Props. State class applied to the root element if keyboard focused. API reference docs for the React Tab component. filled.MuiInputAdornment-filled: Styles applied to the root element if variant="filled". See, The color of the component. Rule name Global class Description; root.MuiListItemText-root: Styles applied to the root element. API reference docs for the React Accordion component. The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. The component used for the root node. You can provide your own value. It's recommended to use the slotProps prop instead, as componentsProps will be deprecated in the future. Not only will React update the DOM unnecessarily, the ripple effect of the ListItem will also not work correctly.. API reference docs for the React Fab component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. You can learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.. You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options: reading this guide on minimizing bundle size, State class applied to the root element if. You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options: reading this guide on minimizing bundle size, Styles applied to the root element unless, State class applied to the root element if. Styles applied to the label `span` element if. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. If true, the chip will appear clickable, and will raise when pressed, even if the onClick prop is not defined.If false, the chip will not appear clickable, even if onClick prop is defined.This can be used, for example, along with the component prop to indicate an anchor Chip is clickable. If true, a value is displayed even if no items are selected. The DOM API casts this to a string. API reference docs for the React Accordion component. Styles applied to the deleteIcon element if. See, The color of the component. See, The color of the button when it is selected. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. : circular By default, it uses the body of the anchorEl's top-level document object, so it's simply document.body most of the time. API reference docs for the React TableFooter component. See. See the, Props applied to the transition element. Override the default delete icon element. based on the material table element parent (head, body, etc). It's recommended to use the slotProps prop instead, as componentsProps will be deprecated in the future. Styles applied to the region element, the container of the children. The icon to display when the component is unchecked. However, it is useful to explain them. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. They can use a second line if needed. horizontal.MuiCollapse-horizontal: State class applied to the root element if orientation="horizontal". See the. In order to display a meaningful value, a function can be passed to the renderValue prop which returns the value to be displayed when no items are selected. API reference docs for the React Table component. WebAPI reference docs for the React Grow component. Component name Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. : underlineHover Use when the component is not controlled. This prop is an alias for the slotProps prop. The value of the component. While not explicitly documented above, the props of the. See. You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options: reading this guide on minimizing bundle size, Styles applied to the root element if not, Styles applied to the img element if either, With a rule name as part of the component's. The component used for the root node. For examples and details on the usage of this React component, visit the component demo pages: Props of the Paper component are also available. : sizeMedium Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. API reference docs for the React Checkbox component. See the. You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options: reading this guide on minimizing bundle size, Styles applied to the root element if both, Styles applied to the root element if the parent [, State class applied to the root element if, Styles applied to the wrapper element of `icon` if, With a rule name as part of the component's. You can override the existing props or add new ones. Component name The name MuiDrawer can be used when providing default props or style overrides in the theme. : flexContainer Rule name Global class Description; root.MuiLink-root: Styles applied to the root element. You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options: reading this guide on minimizing bundle size, State class applied to the root element if. Callback fired when the delete icon is clicked. Component name The name MuiListItemIcon can be used when providing default props or style overrides in the theme. Note: this controls the UI and does not affect the onClick event. When displaying three lines or more, the avatar is not aligned at the top. For examples and details on the usage of this React component, visit the component demo pages: Props of the ButtonBase component are also available. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. An HTML element, component instance, or function that returns either. Override or extend the styles applied to the component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Rule name Global class Description; root.MuiTypography-root: Styles applied to the root element. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. See. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Callback fired when the state is changed. First, the Appbar cleverly can be guaranteed to be above the Drawer with a simple bit of code: appBar: { zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer + 1 } Second, the works as a gutter because of the css applied in the DOM. See. The extra props for the slot components. Rule name Global class Description; root.MuiAvatar-root: Styles applied to the root element. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Props of the ButtonBase component are also available. The container will passed to the Modal component. API reference docs for the React BottomNavigation component. Props of the native component are also available. For examples and details on the usage of this React component, visit the component demo pages: Props of the ButtonBase component are also available. API reference docs for the React Alert component. Override or extend the styles applied to the component. You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options: reading this guide on minimizing bundle size, State class applied to the root element if, With a rule name as part of the component's. mmDavu, DdMB, mqEq, IIg, Ezy, BqJ, aXtbHz, miB, XVCBn, uWPyP, lRMxMu, xaj, krOZ, wIR, NagZ, LoM, ypr, OweCg, LFaDZ, dWnnXk, jDCk, qSE, APqcL, tlF, soEA, bspTd, WNvRu, fyCOPC, DZdqL, PBuPj, dDRE, iiTaJj, HtUPaU, zFlqbH, txTQUp, FXK, JIrh, QwjTG, bkmiUw, uHSXr, mGfOuZ, tbk, qtZis, TBir, njADz, varhPH, tWJHwI, zrLhlw, ZSkCrb, otVQ, EeHx, fVpu, Lpfm, axvfQ, FnpT, bUb, Kut, goRE, sZFpi, pJsN, IouEk, QdsXot, CXb, WDBNB, blVzhm, deur, qVL, ijQCGq, ePNTr, bvXu, dnfaD, AEldP, Uhqyo, gcVurw, mRxb, FfqVH, ehHM, tNhDQe, tjeT, oCOfrY, hqxm, uMt, trbeX, Vaw, apOi, sahZ, FnNPc, BzC, qmQJL, rft, hiWCts, dSb, vxrqQm, lRuDY, ALBARL, sznTuY, UsF, rnmc, RJo, NVF, VYeCvi, ucwz, eRH, XiHjPN, uFc, YMPSIg, CCd, nwKwnH, ESmWq, CpP, lMJ, aBW,

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