The pogrom began with the Spanish cleric Ferrand Martinez's agitation in Seville and quickly spread throughout Spain. Prior to the Spanish Inquisition, many of the Spanish Jews were very wealthy and influential members of the community. The Catholic Church coined the word inquisition from the Latin verb inquiro, which means inquire into. It should come as no surprise that many of the accused and detained were wealthy men. We should not only gain knowledge but draw lessons to ensure that history does not repeat itself. In 1808, Napoleon Bonaparte of France conquered Spain. Among conversos, there was likely a number of people who still continued to practice their faith in secret. After the violent anti-Jews riots that took place in Seville, Crdoba, and all the way to Barcelona, leading to loss of lives, over 200,000 Jews converted to Catholics. English Ships and the Spanish Armada, August 1588. The prisoners wore different colors of the sanbenito, depending on their sentences. One of the inquisitors, known as the alguacil, was responsible for the jailing or torture of the defendant. In the 1480s, as the Inquisition was getting underway, several Spanish cities passed laws forcing both Jews and Muslims to either convert to Christianity or be expelled. The Holy Office, as it was popularly called, was founded in 1478 on the strength of a papal rescript requested by the sovereigns of a newly united Spain, the wife and husband, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon. An official letter or document, issued by a pope of the Catholic Church. At this time, the power of the monarchy was growing dramatically, and across Europe, these inquisitions were seen as a useful tool to control religion in their kingdoms and consolidate power. To preserve and justify itself against a rising tide, the council became primarily focused on censorship of Enlightenment texts and less on carrying out trials against individuals. An organised massacre of a specific ethnic group (here, Jewish people). Catholic monarchs and royal couple Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon used the Inquisition to consolidate their royal power. If a defendant was found guilty, which the vast majority were, there was a wide range of sentencing options. You might also want to think about how the Spanish Inquisition transformed throughout its implementation and whether that affected its goals. Abu l-Hasan Ali launched a surprise invasion of the city of Zahara de la Sierra (on the Western border of Granada) in 1481. The conquest of Granada freed up the Catholic Monarchs to invest resources and energy into overseas exploration. The name Inquisition is derived from the Latin verb inquiro ("inquire into"), but this was a judicial procedure that . Countries such as England and France also excluded non-Christian religions. Several Muslims were forcibly baptized in 1526. The Papal Inquisition was thorough and detailed compared to the Legatine inquisition. Henry C. Lee, A History of the Inquisition of Spain, Volume 1, 2017. Heresy back then was a crime punishable by imprisonment and sometimes execution. What exactly was the Inquisition? King Ferdinand II then launched attacks against the regions that took in the fleeing Moors. In the twelfth century, the Roman Catholic Church developed the Inquisition to combat heresy, particularly within the Christian community. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They were also credited with unifying Spain under Catholic rule. At the same time, European monarchs were consolidating power through politically advantageous marriages. . The rebels were eventually successful, resulting in Dutch independence from Spain in 1648. It's the world of Edgar Allan Poe's "Pit and the Pendulum" and the innocent Bible believers. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. Gradually, the anti-Semitic sentiment spread to other parts of Europe, such as Spain and Portugal. This page was last changed on 13 September 2022, at 02:43. Subsequently, the inquisitor would also confess to another inquisitor who would clear him of all wrongdoings. There were fourteen tribunals that fed into the Suprema, and each of these had two inquisitors and a prosecutor. The Spanish Inquisition removed Protestantism quickly, meaning that Spain did not face the same religious wars as other countries such as France. The victim would be tied down on an inclined board and water would be poured over the cloth. What exactly did the Roman Catholic Church consider to be heresy? These, and groups like them, had been established by local clergy who began teaching doctrine that ran contrary to the official teachings of the Church. This ritual was usually held in an open space and would include night vigil prayers which would end with a Catholic mass at dawn. It would cause excruciating pain as the limbs were pulled out of the sockets. Judaism originated in the Middle East around 4000 years ago as the religion of Jews, who are the people of the Hebrew bible. Dani Rhys has worked as a writer and editor for over 15 years. The Spanish Inquisition rammed the tactics and used all forms of torture techniques, from starvation to waterboarding. For one, the world was in a massive upheaval geographically. They're probably just tortured to get information on other Fallen and then executed to cover up the Dark Angels' secrets because they are filthy heretics. Compared to this, state prisoners had it rough throughout Europe. When people want to criticize Catholic history the inquisition is one of the "go-to" topics. The Mudjars were initially allowed to keep their customs, property, laws, and religion until 1502 when they were forced to either convert to Christianity or be expelled. The inquisitors then saw that securing the converts alone was not enough and resorted to expelling those who refused to conform to the orthodoxy. Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition! But perhaps they should have. The victims that were lucky to have survived the inquisitions were left to suffer economic hardships for many years. However, it is important to remember that the extent of this may have been exaggerated by antisemitic propaganda at the time. Media in Europe willingly embraced the anti-Spanish slander, according to the Spanish scholar H. Kamen, due to their rivalry in the maritime . Ferdinand II also set up the inquisition in North Africa in 1511. Due to his reign of terror, reportedly having burnt 2000 people at the stake. Luckily, Charles efforts failed to materialize. King Philip II's use of the inquisition to quell Protestantism in the Netherlands caused dissent and anger about Spain's interference in internal affairs. Image: Inquisition torture chamber. This led to horrific consequences for these communities and fostered resentment and dissent that evolved into uprisings. The Spanish Inquisition was a judicial institution (a system of courts) established to judge anyone suspected of heresy (suspects were often informed upon by neighbours or even friends and family). As a result, the Church set up the inquisition to identify heretics (targeting mostly the Jews and the Moors) and root them out of the system by forced conversion to Catholicism or expelling or killing the accused heretic. Most trials ended with the defendant simply giving up his beliefs and being let go. In order to prevent the spread of different ideas, inquisitors introduced indexes of prohibited books. It seems that a confluence of political streams led to the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella pursuing this course. Initially, the inquisition did not target Jews but Christians or conversos (New Christians) who practiced Judaism in secret. A 30 to a 40-day edict of grace that offered those who confessed a reduced punishment. Some other forms of torture used by the inquisitors were: Strappado: The victims hands would be tied at the back and another rope would be tied at the waist. Here are some arguments you may want to include: 1. The Pope had little to no control over the Spanish Inquisition as it was controlled strictly by the monarchs. This could be called the sentencing of the condemned, and it could be done privately or in the public. The painting may have been a design for a tapestry. Henry Kamen, Confiscations in the Economy of the Spanish Inquisition, The Economic History Review, 1965. Hostility and prejudice towards Jewish people, or antisemitism, has been a recurring theme throughout history, leading to horrific consequences. . Vidarr: Norse god of vengeance and slayer of Fenrir, The Boston Massacre: The American Revolution. In Brief While the Spanish Inquisition has become a cultural reference for torture and abuse, its violence has been overstated in many ways. There were some Roman Catholics that were accused during the Spanish Inquisition. In the words of Robert of Lincoln, who was the Bishop of Lincoln, heresy was an opinion chosen by human perception, created by human reason, founded on the Scriptures, contrary to the teachings of the Church, publicly avowed, and obstinately defended. The Spanish Inquisitors could extract so many confessions simply because of the sheer pain they inflicted on the accused persons. Where did the Catholic Monarchs obtain funding from? The inquisition also included the suppression of Moriscos who were the Islam converts that were secretly practicing their religion. Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II and Isabella I, who were from Aragon and Castile respectively, established the inquisition in 1478. The Catholic Monarchs were suspicious of the converted, believing they practised their faith in secret. The Spanish Inquisition would force loyalty to the crown and discourage political dissent. The inquisition reprinted some books including Spanish religious text in it. How was the Spanish Inquisition Different to Others? Historians also debate outside of this estimation, some suggesting it was far fewer and some putting the number at over a million. The purpose of the Spanish Inquisition was to root out heretics (non-Catholics) on the Iberian Peninsula and beyond. As result, the kingdom began to lag behind, economically, socially and technologically, to the rest of Europe. At all times, allegiance to the influence of the king reigned supreme. The Inquisitors also went after people accused of witchcraft, blasphemy, and members of the Freemasons. 2 - Massacre of Jews in Barcelona during the anti-Jewish riots of 1391. Christians fought the Muslims (Moors) to try and reconquer old territories, and the Jewish population on the peninsula faced increased persecution, violence and killings. The Popes approach was more moderate than Ferdinands. Mara Cristina de Borbn, acting Queen of Spain (regent) issued a decree abolishing the Spanish Inquisition. Name two movements that the Medieval Inquisition targeted. This would lead to stretching the victims limbs and ripping them from the sockets. Many were anonymously denounced simply out of spite, feuds, and greed. Blasphemy was a verbal offense whose sentiments compromised sexual morality, misbehavior of clergy, and comments regarding religious beliefs, bigamy which involved restriction of divorce and only permitting it under unavoidable circumstances, offenders were punished, and possibly killed. The punishment of the reported cases was trials and prisoning. In that period, between 2,500 and 5,000 people died as a result of the Spanish Inquisition. Create the most beautiful study materials using our templates. The prisoners would be paraded in the venue clothed in the ceremonial attire called sanbenito (a symbolic sackcloth worn with a pointy hat). The very first tribunal sat in Seville in 1481, and six people were found guilty and burnt alive. Over the centuries, the Inquisition changed to meet various threats. What most people believe about the Spanish Inquisition today is a lurid and fanciful tale that can best be summed up like this: it was invented by the Catholic Church in the wake of the early 16th . Antisemitism in Spain reached its peak in the Pogrom of 1391. It was believed that Spains tolerance of Jews and Muslims made them less than desirable allies. When Isabella and Ferdinand came to the throne, Spain was divided (different kingdoms were run independently) and the financial situation was unstable. The main point of difference of the Spanish Inquisition compared to other Inquisitions of the time was that it managed to set itself apart from the Catholic Church. Misinformation circulated about the Jewish people in the Middle Ages and fed into peoples distrust and resentment. Definition of The Spanish Inquisition What is the meaning of The Spanish Inquisition? The sentences were read out and those who were condemned to death would be tied to the stake and burned alive. For more than three centuries, ethnic and religious minorities in the various Spanish kingdoms were targeted, resulting in what could only be described as an orchestrated ethnic and religious cleansing. As a result, it was a widely accepted practice to use torture to obtain a confession from a suspect. Seriously though, I don't think they even get the chance to repent. The Inquisition was used as a means of control and unifying a divided Spain. The papal bull came towards the latter years of the Reconquista, the period in which the Spanish crown fought to regain territories previously held by Muslim rulers in the Iberian Peninsula. From the 16th century until the end of the inquisition, Spain was known as a devout Catholic territory. In human history, the Spanish Inquisition occupies a distinct place in terms of the sheer level of brutality that was perpetrated by the Spanish monarchs who were authorized by the Catholic Church to cleanse Europes population of heretics. Copyright Symbol Sage 2022 All Rights Reserved. Many of them from places like Granada, Valencia, and Aragon. The French Revolution and its ideas caused another spike in Inquisitorial activity, but nothing could halt its decline. This essentially kept Spain largely conflict-free apart from some uprisings, although the Inquisition did involve itself in religious disputes elsewhere. Mmoires Historiques (1716). The Spanish Inquisition was a judicial institution (a system of courts) set up to try and root out heretics (non-Catholics) on the Iberian Peninsula. The cost of prosecuting and detaining the accused was paid for out of their own funds. Sign up to highlight and take notes. Its been estimated that about one-third of the victims of the Spanish Inquisition were tortured. (Choose three). United Kingdom: How and when did Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland become a part of the Union? This consolidated the monarchy's power. Conversos were tried and persecuted. The inquisitors would hear from relatives of the defendant; and to get information or perhaps the kind of information they wanted, they would resort to torture, intimidation, and threats. The Kingdom of Aragon and the region of Navarra participated in the Inquisitions, which were implemented throughout much of Europe in the 13th century. In order to understand the Spanish Inquisition, which began in the late 15th century, we must look briefly at its predecessor, the medieval Inquisition. Updated December 4, 2022. Three years later, in 1811, the French emperor abolished the Spanish Inquisition. There was also the issue of severe discrimination against them. Most times they were not informed of the reason for their detentions. Eventually, in July 1834, the inquisition was abolished and signed by the minor Isabella II under the approval of the reagent Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies. Christopher Check 5/18/2021. Which areas were placed under the power of the inquisition in 1483? Fines and exile were also used. King Philip II's use of the Inquisition to quell Protestantism in the Netherlands caused dissent and anger about Spain's interference in internal affairs. The Reconquest of the peninsula took place in the 1200s, and by 1492, the final Muslim kingdom of Granada fell. The Spanish Inquisition was a tribunal started in 1478 in Spain. The goal of the political and religious establishment back then was to end the diverse nature of the Spanish kingdoms. Later, the arrival of the Enlightenment challenged not just the ideas of the Inquisition but its very existence. Much of this has to do with the size, history, and politics of the Iberian Peninsula. From that point on, the Spanish Inquisition could operate independently of the Pope, despite his protests. During the Medieval period, anti-Semitism was rife across Europe and countries such as England and France expelled their Jewish populations in 1290 and 1306, respectively. the population is all one religion or culture). See our website to learn and read the accurate defintions of The Spanish Inquisition. Known officially as The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, it is most closely associated with the later Middle Ages, but in reality, it existed for centuries. The "toca" referred to the piece of cloth that covered the victim's face. For medieval people, religion was not something one just did at church. Burning at the stake, also known as relaxado en persona, was usually reserved for heretics that were considered unrepentant or previously forgiven heretics that relapsed. "The patient strangled and . Ferdinand and Isabella were driven by a desire to cement the influence of a united Spanish kingdom in global affairs. The Inquisition did not originate in Spain and did not originally target Jews. The geographical area that is now Spain and Portugal. Many have heard of the Spanish Inquisition, "An ecclesiastical court established in Roman Catholic Spain in 1478 and directed originally against converts from Judaism and Islam but later also against . Those who have been condemned to death are remanded to secular authorities, in accordance with the . Part of the wider Catholic Inquisition, the systematic persecution of Jews and Muslims began in the late 1400s and continued for three centuries. They were however allowed to use harsh torture devices until the victim confesses. Most believe the actual number of people sentenced to death to be between 3,000 and 5,000, and some estimates sit at less than 1,000. The Inquisition Comes to Spain. The conversos were forcibly baptized to exempt them from the restrictions imposed on Jews by the government and Church. Part of the wider Catholic Inquisition, the systematic persecution. The Spanish Inquisition was the inquisition in Spain that was state managed to maintain Jewish and Muslim allegiance to the Catholic orthodoxy in the 15th century. The accused victims were not the only ones sentenced as their relatives would be stripped of all their properties and left homeless and penniless. Triggered by the success of the Jews and their quest to unite the Spanish kingdom as one kingdom under Roman Catholicism, the Spanish monarch agreed to set up an inquisition in the kingdom. Subsequently, they became very successful and became the wealthy middle class of Spain. Those victims and their families lived in fear and paranoia for many, many years. This decision would result in the expansion of the Spanish Empire into the Americas throughout the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Which of these territories did the Christians take between 1487 and 1489 (choose three)? Its been estimated that by 1614, more than a quarter of a million Muslims had been expelled from Spain. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. In 1502, Muslims were forced to change to Christianity or else they were expelled. Everything you need for your studies in one place. The Pope would appoint Inquisitors with special powers to travel to the region, investigate the claims, hold trials, and carry out sentences. The Rack: The victim would be laid on a wooden board and the hands and feet would be tied to both ends of the wooden board. The Medieval Inquisition, for example, was developed by the Roman Catholic Church to suppress heresy. The irony is the heretical unorthodoxy of Monty Python is precisely the type of thing that could place someone on trial! Those accused were not subject to a fair trial. In 1545, the Spanish Index was created, a list of European books considered heretical and forbidden in Spain, based on the Roman Inquisition's own Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Its brutal methods led to widespread death and suffering. These totals are far less than the deaths caused in other parts of Europe by witch trials and other religiously motivated executions. Early Modern Spain Spanish Inquisition Spanish Inquisition Iraq War LGBTQ Rights UK Miners' Strike North-South Divide Notting Hill Riots Permissive Society Poll Tax Post War Consensus Referendum 1975 Scottish Devolution Sir John Major Social Class in the United Kingdom Stop Go Economics Suez Canal Crisis Test Ban Treaty Thatcherism Sign up now for weekly facts, the latest blogs, and interesting features. The legatine inquisition was established by Pope Gregory IX to root out those movements it deemed heretics. The decrees that saw the expulsion of Jews and Muslims were finally reversed in 1968 under the rule of Spanish dictator General Francisco Franco. But as time went on the Pope lost control of the tribunal and it literally became a witch hunt. It was founded on the 1st of November 1478 and disbanded on the 15th of July 1834. This stern was intensified between 1492 and 1502 when Muslims and Jews were forced to convert or leave Spain. There was also Saint Ignatius of Loyola (born: Iigo Lpez de Oaz y Loyola), who was arrested for heresy. Isabella and Ferdinand were pious in their beliefs and truly believed that Catholicism should be the one dominant religion in Spain. (here) Dios mio and "oy vey!" This world has gone mad. Doing so within this period would lessen their punishment. The Catholic converts that practiced Judaism in secret were termed as Marranos. This would make the suspected heretic feel as though they were drowning. You will then conclude whith what you believe their motivations were. Corruption pervaded the Inquisition as inquisitors could profit from confiscation. Conversos were not supposed to practice Judaism of which they had already given up. Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. Composed of parts that are alike (i.e. This gave a 30-day grace period to heretics to confess and receive punishments ranging from whipping to expulsion. Perhaps they had to wear a special garment known as sanbenito, which exposed their guilt, as would a branding of some sort. Auto-da-f, Plaza Mayor in Lima, Viceroyalty of Peru, 17th century. She was pious (devoutly religious) in her beliefs, leading to her and Ferdinand being named the Catholic Monarchs. The rulers of Spain asked the Pope to start the Inquisition to catch Jews who pretended to be Christians. Before the rise of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Iberian Peninsula was made up of several smaller, regional kingdoms. Spain in the 15th century had become a melting pot for different cultures and religions. People could confess and be offered reconciliation with the Church, avoiding severe punishment. The Inquisition became busy deciding which ones were lying. Many left, but many stayed and said they were Christians. Have all your study materials in one place. Thus, in 1231, Pope Gregory IX appointed Papal Inquisitors from various regions in Europe. This period will always be remembered as a dark part of the history of Spain and the Catholic Church. Often times, the victim would not just confess to what they have been accused of, but they garnish their confessions with enough details simply to please the inquisitor. During the Spanish Inquisition many people were burnt in front of crowds in the streets. Its 100% free. The Spanish Inquisition, also known as the Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicin, was officially established by a papal bull, Exigit Sincere Devotionis. The Inquisition established royal authority for the Catholic monarchs, allowing them to assert their dominance in the different realms. The tribunals of the Spanish Inquisition was made up an arresting constable, a prosecutor, inquisitors, and a scribe. King Ferdinand VII of Spain re-established the inquisition but it lacked the motivation. Free and expert-verified textbook solutions. In addition to the economic issues that Spain had to grapple with following the departure of those rich segments of the population, the kingdom suffered scientifically and culturally. The least severe involved some public penance. The accusations were made under the cover of anonymity as suspects were not allowed to know their accusers. . Six members from the Council would meet with the Inquisitor General every morning to discuss faith-related heresies and three afternoons a week to discuss minor offences such as bigamy. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. A belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine (in relation to the Spanish Inquisition, that doctrine was Catholicism). Inquisitions could use torture only as a last resort and only in minimal ways. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); World History Edu 2022. It was issued by Pope Sixtus IV . The Spanish Inquisition officially started in the mid- to late- fourteen hundreds. The tributes that Granada was expected to pay to the Crown of Castile. In the late sixteenth century Spanish political exiles, such as Gonzalez Montano in Germany and Antonio Perez, former secretary of Felipe II, in France and England, spread the germ of the Black Legend. The Pope instituted numerous Inquisitions during the Middle Ages to combat various religious movements in Europe, including the Waldensians and the Cathars, sometimes referred to as Albigensian. There were Moors (a term used to describe Muslims during the Middle Ages) who had made the Iberian Peninsula their home after their ancestors invaded that region in the early 8th century. May 21, 1558. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Revolts over the harsh treatment of Protestants there led to a resistance movement, which evolved into the Eighty Years' War, fighting for Dutch independence. More than anything, the Spanish Inquisition is a stark example of how religion can be abused and manipulated for political and economic gain.

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