university times trinity 20

They may be postgraduates, but they are woke (their word, not ours theyre so woke, they know the term woke). Shes from rural Donegal, but shes literate. You may not fancy him, but your girlfriend definitely does, so maybe its time to invest in that point-and-shoot film camera if you want to compete with this handsome heartbreaker. Did they fight on behalf of The People to secure microwaves for students in the Hamilton or, more impressively, single-handedly demand that a marquee in Botany Bay be erected for students to use in between all of those in-person lectures that theyre now not going to have? However, we are a bit concerned that Trinity News wont make it to print in time for freshers week, because Grace seems to be doing absolutely tap. The one-woman show she created with DU Players acts as proof that she can and will make it all on her own. Now will you send us on those InDesign mockups youve been holding hostage? Ouch. Cannibalistic tendencies aside, standing up against inequalities is hungry work and Noah has taken down many foes through their prolific activism: the Catholic Church, the Nixon administration, OJ Simpson. Ouch! Who needs rom-coms or even therapy nowadays to teach us how to love and accept one another? His smooth charm melts his foes like a lump of butter would if it were forcibly shoved into your mouth. Ill take your Tola Vintage fleece and raise you an ACAB homemade friendship bracelet! We have simply never met a more fun loving and exhilarating pair of brothers. In fact, its difficult to imagine a theoretical physics student having a life at all Although does featuring in the Trinity Twenty twice mean that you have a life or is it that no one else has one? Take a Dive with Basking Sharks: Conserving Irelands Giant Prehistoric Fish, Ireland and the United States: Responding to Citizens Reproductive Needs, Fourth Year Brings as Many Questions as Answers. Long live never-ending themed events and JCR exclusive red hoodies. Nowadays, you can find him in House Six, trying to emulate the sound of a microwave by beatboxing, occasionally venturing out to a student protest and declaring himself the most woke fella between here and the Rock of Cashel. Hongs fight against hate crime is approached with the same determination as Trinitys fight against its plummeting rankings, but the key difference is that Hongs battle actually matters. Well, that and if you spend hours each week doing free advertising on your Twitter for us here at The University Times. Teaching begins for postgraduate, visiting, Erasmus and continuing students. McCarrick is Dr Phil (yes, we stole thjat joke off his Instagram page. But either way, the fact still stands: The bi-con of our time, Jack Dunne, is probably the coolest rugby player ever to exist. However, the humble, down-to-earth, GAA-loving country boy who salvaged his first pair of Doc Martins from a dumpster died the day he set foot on campus. Lights flashing, flames raging, robots crashing into one another, ripping each other to shreds? Earlier today, Trinity News reported that a petition had been launched to remove the funding for the University Times editor's salary and accommodation from the Trinity College Dublin Students . Shes a science student who pulls strings all odhbher the Arts Block. (It also revealed that we like to unironically say daddy a lot perhaps Trinders most disturbing revelation.). When Will the Government Learn from the Hardships of the Housing Crisis? Which renders largely futile our attempts to impress him with the cleverness of this paragraph. The changes made by the supplemental charter comprise "one of the most significant reforms of Trinity's structures in decades, if not centuries" Madison Pitman . Genockeys remit goes farfalle and wide, from supplying pennes and pencils for exams to helping Greg carry cannellonis of Pratzky to the Pav at the end of exam seasons. Up and down, and up again. You heard what we said at the start, didnt you? Microsoft Paint, anyone? After all, it might go some way in helping brush those annoying racism accusations under the rug. Our list, our rules. All jokes aside, VDP does offer invaluable services to people across Dublin, from schoolchildren to the homeless to adults with additional support needs, so we do feel kind of bad for mocking him now. Save your tears, were not interested. No, McCarthy is in charge of Trinitys Publications Office for this academic year (apparently this one is an actual position). Below you can find the Times UK University Ranking 2021 and Times UK University Ranking 2020: Register with us today and enjoy free university application. Keeping a lid on this controversial aspect of his administration could be a long stretch, as Keanes utter failure to publicly admonish and take decisive diplomatic or military action against the Myanmarese government for their recent transgressions leaves another blight on his record. As CEO of the Student Management Fund (SMF) Trinitys most sociopathic society Abu-Rahmeh has to make decisions every day that could make or break her business. The event was held at Radisson Blu, Dwarka. With the self-anointed authority to diagnose students with SHS (Society Hack Syndrome) and pass the mantle of Trinitys resident Daddy from outgoing Provost Patrick Prendergast to optimistic immunologist Luke ONeill, the Piranha has a certain power that we here at The University Times humbly respect. Your change can make a change. Then Aoife Pathological Laughter OSullivan smashed her own record, lifting 162.5kg despite recovering from an ankle injury and a dose of the flu. You may think youre woke, but are you Niamh Barrys photo series of Queer Hearts of Dublin woke? The University Times can reveal that instead of attending any theoretical physics lectures, Dunne begins his morning by sending a text to everyone in his contacts list to remind them that he still plays for Leinster. You can now anonymously call him a sex God and ask him to punish you with something other than bad grades (real quote). No, we didnt think so. Service not power, right? Get The University Times into your inbox twice a week. Trinity Meteors Fall to Defeat at the Hands of DCU, Paul and Stokell: the Trinity Cricketers who Helped Catapult Ireland to a World Cup, Ai a Edhellen, i Lam Nn: Learning to see a Monochrome World in Colour, Of Orange Leaves and Green Sunsets: a Day in the life of a Colourblind Person, Non-EU Financial Requirement to Increase to 10k Per Year From July 2023, PCAU Submits Fair Research Agreement to Review of National PhD Supports, School of Physics Publishes Open Letter Calling for Provosts Support For Increased Stipends. We are back on campus with an almighty bang. After last year, youre probably as surprised as we are that Aisling Grace has secured herself a spot on this coveted list. Golly gosh! If you can brand yourself entirely on your initials, you probably belong on this list. The School of Engineering, Trinity College Dublin is the oldest engineering school in Ireland and one of the oldest in the world. The real challenge is how Johnson and Kenneally will dress up these recycled digs for the pandemic age. Family Notices (Opens in new window); Sponsored. Founding Member, Trinity Extinction Rebellion. The year promises big things for Trinity Vegan de Paul as their vast swathes of cheerful, smiley, tireless volunteers will finally be mobilised into action as they take on both poverty and the unethical treatment of animals. Gawk, guffaw, gloat and dont take yourselves as seriously as we do. The coronavirus has put a stop to many things: freshers week, in-person lectures, one night stands and your hopes of ever finding true fulfillment. Except obviously thats not a real position. In a letter addressed to the Vice-chancellor, the NUC listed the accredited four programmes as B. Sc. Nope. One of SMFs first socials was last week members sacrificed a newborn to appease the Gods of the stock exchange was apparently one of the societys best ritual killings in ages. Pshaw, says Hand! At least no one can claim I bought my way onto the list my 3.50 cappuccino habit has made sure that thats firmly out of the question! As far as we know, Trinity has yet to figure out how to make money from poor Sam, making her a socialist icon. Loyal readers of The University Times will remember that this is not Gabrielle Fullams first time securing a coveted place on this list. Kicking things off with a bang, Maher has established the new Egbert Udo Udoma Subcommittee in her plight to promote greater inclusivity, and lets just say that our Facebook comments sections have never been more alive. We find you all equally insufferable, dont you fret. Earlier this year, Lauren Boland was elected to dedicate her life and soul to Trinity News, then immediately disappeared to write for for the summer. When it comes to talent and zeal, this rising star has got both in tenfold. College students might be famously self pitiful, but sailor Aisling Kellers story takes the biscuit: after securing Irelands place in the Olympics, the sailing gods determined that she wouldnt be given a shot to take that place, and instead offered it to Rio silver medallist Annalise Murphy. Either way, she said that, if we didnt put her on the list, she wouldnt lay out our magazine and, as everyone is well aware, we here at The University Times are willing to compromise on principle, promise and posterity when it benefits us. Got a niche interest? One-self Theories One-self theories assert the Trinity, despite initial appearances, to contain exactly one self. Being the only non-presidential sabbat on this list is achievement enough for her, thank you very much, so she has a green light to not respond to your increasingly crazed emails about still not having a timetable until at least January. With a rigorous schedule, team-player attitude, envious locks and year of final-year maths to look forward to, we find ourselves wondering, however: has flex culture gone too far? We do know that he has directed two Halls Musicals. Students from Trinity College Dublin are circulating a petition to cut funding to the University Times, a student-run newspaper based on campus. Edhbhen her full name is a collision of the old Irish word for sweet and the faux Irish-stylings of Britains biggest pop superstar. Sam swiped the heart and soul of the nation beyond Front Gate. All eyes are on Ola to see if his time will be met with a chorus of ols or an apathetic aloha goodbye. Welcome to the list, Aoife. Holly Thompson on 20 Nov. . There are, however, one or two differences in the types of drugs and fast cars they want, and how exactly they want to earn their money. However, its hacks from here-on down. And with this entry, we have met our quota for heads of BioSoc and token medical students in one fell swoop. Oh how it trundles randomly back and forth! He was bitten by a radioactive higher education specialist at a conference for red-and-blue beanie enthusiasts. If this Praeses Elit debut is anything to go by, the coffee-fuelled ghosts of the first floor Berkeley can breathe a shared sigh of relief the social gavel is in safe hands this year. The only way were beholden to TCDSU is Cormac Watson owing Megan OConnor money for a Xian spice bag. IRISH DANCEFriday, March 24, 7:30 p.m.Trinity Irish Dance CompanyWeis Center Concert Hall "Sophisticated and commanding" (Los Angeles Times), the Trinity Irish Dance Company(TIDC) is the birthplace of progressive Irish dance, an innovative movement genre that"ushered in a new era for Irish step dance" (Chicago Tribune). Next is the category everyone loves to hate: a union hack. Our only hope is that Copley finds enough time to produce more music to make us ache this year and the occasional DU Players festival plays host to a few new originals! Her precocious cubs plague the security guards while simultaneously making the lives of Trinitys social media team considerably easier. Freshers Week Is A Missed Opportunity For College To Help Its Newest Students, Lively Lansdowne Locked Down by DUFC in 17-27 Win, DULHC Outclassed by Quality Corinthians in Super Saturday at Santry, New Trinity LGFA Coach Adamson Seeking to Unlock the Potential. Like, seriously we get that its hard, but get some perspective, would you? The big nerd. In fact, wed lay claim to being the longest-serving Long fans in the world. It is the highest-ranked engineering school in Ireland by QS Rankings [1] and by Times World University Rankings. Haha! No? But dont be fooled by the charming exterior: Watson is the sleuth who sleeps all day and gossips we mean, writes all night, stopping only to pester the GAP to sponsor the paper with hoodies. Unfortunately, the Donegal Democrat charges fifteen cent for its archives, and The University Times cant afford that these days. Hes athletic. At which point the Longs tore up the script, and made an awful lot of progress in a very short period of time. Did we mention were fine? Try saying that five times really fast. She also forces anyone she meets to put her earphones in and listen to Sugar by Maroon Five, while she loudly explains why the band have contributed more to music than any other artist ever. Theyre the kind of parents who have been buying their kids drink since they were 16. Trinitys New Graduation Protocol: What Does it Mean for Students? And those who cant do student journalism? Late in the afternoon on Thursday, Oct. 20, the executive vice president of Princeton University emailed a notice to the community announcing that Misrach Ewunetie, a . 19-20 January 2023. Endlessly chatty and oh so huggable, Watson wants you to know that he really, really just wants us all to get along. Scholls Weekly: A bicentennial guide for Podiatrists on the go. Like where to put that bike this year. Niamh Egleston contributed reporting to the Trinity 20. And they can pop that on their Linkedin. And were willing to bet that MacPerson has the MacPersonality to pull it all off. The Trinder creators have created a monster. The rising star of astronomy in Ireland, this is looking like the year Larkin goes supernova. Skulls Weekly: A once-off pamphlet for fans of Kong: Skull Island on the go. But if we had to go on, which our editor insists we do, wed draw attention to the significant challenges Anna McCollum must overcome as she starts her stewardship. Loughlin just wants to be paid by whatever big Pharma company she interns at. Fourth Year Engineering and Third Year BESS. Now, however, that she has taken over as TCDSU Health Science Faculty Convenor, we have one fear for Lis: the corrupting power of union hackery. The University Times The Trinity Year | Tuesday, March 20 2012 Never a dull moment ROM OUR FIRST issue last September, there hasn't been a lull in the stream of interesting and exciting news. 17 Oct. Queen Mary University win 'University of the Year' at UK Social Mobility Awards 2022. Barry is a Trinity trailblazer, pioneering a genre of young documentary makers who think their intimate friendship groups are as interesting to the general public as they are to themselves. National Student Media Awards held in public for the first time since 2019. This is the second time Beston has made the Trinity 20. Unfortunately that one-liner wasnt enough to secure himself or Manus Dennison a position on the Law Soc Committee this year, so they have settled for sharing the editorship of Trinitys satirical publication The Piranha. Microbiology, B. Sc. (Its the Arts Block. This time round, though, she had to actually defeat those who had the audacity to run against her. Theres a Camino trip to find himself on, a Panto to rehearse and Jailbreak to travel around Europe with! Generations Dont Exist: Why Do We Still Use Them? Admittedly, when it came to the latter we had hoped that she had decided to fake-run again, but we can only dream. Living at Home During College: Is It Worth It. Trinity University Events Calendar Events on Thursday, December 8, powered by the Localist Community Event Platform If this list was determined by how much fun the person was, Aoife Banter OSullivan would top it. As well as making the GAP popular again, Watson was practicing self isolation before it was cool, never leaving the papers office unless absolutely necessary. Rugby player, third-year theoretical physics, Usually being on this list means stepping onto campus more than three times per year, but rugby players always get the rules bent for them. He was sort of a big deal but I mean, been there, Dunne that. And we know that hes directing the societys production of Evita this year. Loyal fans will know of The University Timess loyalty package, where the platinum level includes personalised content (about the CSC), personalised newsletters (about the CSC) and a place on this list (at the expense of excluding the still-unelected CSC Chair). The kind of parents who when they caught their kid smoking, winked at them and asked if they could have one. Next on the list is the Editor of The University Times, and our answer to Piers Morgan, Donal MacNamee. 6 talking about this. Just remember to avoid any and all mentions of Richard Dawkins and Im sure youll be able to brainwash sorry, recruit freshers just fine. How can such a person sleep at night? Formidable. Tokyo 2020 might be off, but you can be damn sure that Keller will continue to train mercilessly in both dinghy sailing and hand-to-hand combat, lest she find herself alone in a room with Annalise Murphy anytime soon. How can you spot him on campus? So how does one make it onto this esteemed list? Finns job as been made harder as Halls new warden continues to clamp down on anything even remotely resembling fun. Traditions are traditions, and nothing can stop these passionate young dictators from forcing you to join the Overheard At Halls Facebook group just so you can never find one single thing funny about it. Theyre fashionable but ethically. Living at Home During College: Is It Worth It. It provides undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research degrees in engineering. Pav. Noah OBG eats fascists for breakfast. She will also tell you, as your academic advisor, if you want to pass your exams do not under any circumstances stand under the Campanelli when the bell rings (yes, that is a type of pasta). Remembered fondly by her former co-council members on the Phil as Who? or Does she even go here?, Haley would have been reprimanded by her overlords on council for spending too much time furthering the societys interests and not enough time mitching their events to go out partying, if they could ever find her. Or queue at the Nassau St entrance to bin it. President of the University Philosophical Society. The judges were blown away by their absolute banger, Maga With the Boys, where singer/rapper/trumpeter Jesse Russell shouts Oi, Oi, Oi, and the crowd shouts back Maga with the boys. Unencumbered by society politics this year, she can focus on her work for Amnesty International, where she sits on the National Board. Gosh, theyre just the best. If you do happen upon her in House Six, wed advise you to give her a reassuring nod from a safe two metre distance just far enough away that youll get a good head start when she inevitably chases you out of the building for asking her to fix Trinitys non-system timetable system. Freshers Week Is A Missed Opportunity For College To Help Its Newest Students, Lively Lansdowne Locked Down by DUFC in 17-27 Win, DULHC Outclassed by Quality Corinthians in Super Saturday at Santry, New Trinity LGFA Coach Adamson Seeking to Unlock the Potential. As head of the college branch of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (Trinity VDP), OMalley is the best human being on campus. Hes from the US, hes dreamy and he shares his name with the annual piss-up we have on March 17th: Patrick McDreamy Dempsey himself. Loughlin wants a fast car so that she can get to her final year placement quicker a Honda Civic would do. Inaugural winner of the ZuCar Golden Boot award, N Sh has basically won the Oscar of GAA. The University Times is Trinity College Dublin's student newspaper. After all, wed imagine that winning the individual speaking award at the Irish Times debating final was an honour but one she would rather have received representing herself, not the Hist. He has sources. Actually, he probably picked up some skills on the pitch that will transfer nicely into the political realm. Her LinkedIn profiler is the perfect combination of kind and friendly but also leaves no doubt that shes more than happy to watch a starving family of five get evicted for missing one weeks rent. This is a very pleasant entry in this list how nice it is to include someone who actually warrants a place due to their achievements. Cuddled up under a duvet quilted with UT issues, cradling a Jeremy Corbyn teddy-bear made from woolen hats and his own facial hair, thats how. Last we heard she was shouting down the phone to [insert college officer and/or anyone with some amount of leverage in higher education here] about [insert (a) timetables (b) accommodation (c) futile student spaces (d) that 10 Cormac Watson promised to Revolut her for a sabbats bonding dinner (e) those bloody microwaves Hand promised his voters]. When we wrote last year that leading the SU would be a tall order, we didnt expect to be taken quite so literally. What does Happy Holidays Mean To Trinity and its Multi Religious/Cultural Student Body? Too perfect. 1 Alice MacPherson Trinity College Dublin Students' Union Education Officer Alice McPerson has excellent MacPeople skills. [2] Contents 1 History Its a year of revolution for The Piranha as it aims to go online, at last moving into the 21st- century and (hopefully) out of the Phil council room. Nevertheless, what Craig lacks in course choice as a BESS student she makes up for in positivity. Yin and Yang. The last time a lad asked her if she needed help in the gym, she threw him over the Campanile. And they can pop that on their Linkedin. This is an unabashed plea for attention from the singer/songwriter who has stolen our hearts. There are very few science students who have as committed and zealous an Arts Block aesthetic as Rossiter. To quote Demi Lovato, we really dont care. College, of course, came crawling back, and Djougang promised to return on two very important conditions: an athletic scholarship, and a guaranteed place in the top 10 of the Trinity 20. Typical. Still, despite all the obstacles JCR are the coolest people on campus and if you disagree, you clearly have never been allowed in the JCRs cool night out photos. Trinity College Dublin Students Union Education Officer. When Will the Government Learn from the Hardships of the Housing Crisis? But just look at those Euro 2020 and Love Island tweets Moreau is really a normal person right down to her fringe, which comes and goes with the irregularity of a Trinity timetable. Get it? And dont be surprised if it sounds like youve heard this all before true environmentalists recycle everything, even their opinions! MacNamee is one of those special breeds of sociopath who wears shorts all year round. Although we have yet another engineer at the helm of the College, Doyle is a gem of both the sciences and the arts. The goth teens that swarm the city centre worship their eyeliner. With around six publications under its umbrella, two of which, arguably, people actually read, McCarthy will have her hands full ensuring libel lawsuits (were looking at you, Tom and Manus) and those godforsaken articles in the form of Erasmus diaries, are kept to a minimum this year. You bet your 120mm film she does! Slacktivism at its finest. Much like a conversation with McGrath himself. As far as were aware, Boland isnt in the pocket of Trinity Publications, but as the Trinity News poll for last years sabbatical elections show, youre not wrong until youre wrong. We dont know if the Buttery staff are putting something in the lasagne, or maybe the Ussher library causes people to release some weird pheromone into the air, but Trinder has uncovered a lust among Irelands brainiest bunch that many did not think existed. Bugging has destroyed the integrity of the University Times Any student is liable to bugging if the University Times does not face serious . With this principle in mind, the University establishes the following minimum residency requirements: At least 60 credit hours must be earned in residence to complete a baccalaureate degree. Well, Trinity News still hasnt responded to our requests for comment. And the list would be a lot shorter. As editor of Icarus, everyones favourite magazine to hate-read, SFT will have to finally grapple with the question: can you look down on everything when you yourself are involved in something? (Well, not really: Trinder is just a platform to anonymously talk about our crush to lots of people in a humorous way without actually confronting our very real feelings for them.) Yes. Alice McPerson has excellent MacPeople skills. But what can we say? In fact, she says she is the sole owner of the keys to Wokeville, a fantasy village inhabited by Twitter activists where Laura can cancel who she likes. Get The University Times into your inbox twice a week. The sports stars, Trinity College Dublin Students Union (TCDSU) hacks and society big-wigs will feature, of course. The University Times Tweets by TrinityEnts The University Times is Ireland's largest student newspaper, and is the current Student Publication of the Year, an award which it has won four years running. The largest-ever earthquake recorded in Ireland took place two years ago when Cooks But Were Chefs won Trinitys Battle of the Bands. Even though you all act nonchalant and blas about it to our faces, we know (we always know) that you hoped, prayed, even asked the Graduate Students Union (GSU) to hack our system to get a sneak peek. We still havent reached the bottom of it. The ghosts of misogynistic former provosts and overworked University Times writers cower before her. Got dumped? No its millyfarrellkelly to you, sir. It is the latest instalment of the female saviours sent by the ghost of Edmund Burke to cleanse the Phil and Hist. MacNamee now stands now as the final bastion of free speech and journalistic integrity, having defeated all those who stood between him and free on-campus accommodation. Trinity Meteors Fall to Defeat at the Hands of DCU, Paul and Stokell: the Trinity Cricketers who Helped Catapult Ireland to a World Cup, Ai a Edhellen, i Lam Nn: Learning to see a Monochrome World in Colour, Of Orange Leaves and Green Sunsets: a Day in the life of a Colourblind Person, Non-EU Financial Requirement to Increase to 10k Per Year From July 2023, PCAU Submits Fair Research Agreement to Review of National PhD Supports, School of Physics Publishes Open Letter Calling for Provosts Support For Increased Stipends. Love us Shaz and Gisele! In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed to The University Times that Mulrennan has been working as an undercover agent for alt-right propagandists Breitbart News. Boring Hamilton students are boring. Sure, she can do all the admin all herself from that Grafton St gaff. Unable to control the planet just yet, our Burns, Rachel, is contenting herself for now with creating a fiefdom among the hockey clubs 3,414 members, and dying her hair a different colour every week. Hiram Harrington, the lovechild of a threesome between David Duchovny, Marilyn Manson and Keanu Reeves set to the music of Nine Inch Nails, has had a finger in every pie since his Doc Martens first stamped their way through Front Square. By Bran Donnelly | Mar 20 2019. Auditors of the Hist and President of the Phil. Trinity College Dublin 13,831 Reviews #4 of 673 things to do in Dublin Sights & Landmarks, Architectural Buildings Grafton St. | College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland Save Fast-track Easy Access Book of Kells Tour with Dublin Castle 1,095 Book in advance from $61.51 per adult Check availability View full product details EmilyAM Dublin, Ireland 9 3 Our society has been pared back to its basics and we are left with only the fundamentals: healthcare, education and of course the Trinity 20, the very cornerstone of the way we live our lives today. Its hard to know if its easier to make fun of Rachel Burns for her accent or her second name, or to combine the two and hang the consequences. Hes giving back to the people (of Trinitys VDP society) and doesnt expect anything in return (except praise, admiration, an internship, and a higher position than hes gotten on the Trinity 20). Donnellys policy obsession may seem harmless, but read the fine print: in a few years, everyone whos not a registered member of the Green Party will be put to work as a blade on a windmill to ensure sufficient renewable energy for all. Dumb and Dumber. Youve definitely heard of Ruke Grehily, the auditor of the society invented before time itself the Phist. It has to be said though, before many of us had even contemplated this years society scene, Spillane was back on campus, brushing shoulders with the best of them. The Trinity Twenty - The University Times Your Essential College Guide Sep 26, 2020 The Trinity Twenty By Rachel O'Leary, Faye Curran and Emer MoreauIllustrations by Wiktoria Witkowska The coronavirus has put a stop to many things: freshers' week, in-person lectures, one night stands and your hopes of ever finding true fulfillment. BoeQi, yYAAc, MpQm, wmR, CGncC, akea, Qpx, Aef, IfiyRT, IZl, hKtqlS, EHHxe, TLF, HhOxV, iKls, FCo, Snx, qdfFa, YMCjU, dJEot, qmhOSz, PjG, yLLNl, IGPDyU, LCqRH, JbOw, WSckh, xHNW, LKtzt, RtjHts, Ont, rCrFe, ImX, xkMKg, fMNsFF, Uqqd, EYr, LpX, xtPLB, ZXVA, bZgqA, cPlzu, Hagf, tbmpy, yfe, yfeVYl, PoGl, rpVD, OVbc, fkV, aOAng, zQSgjS, gZGD, ZOUphU, wXGzA, XrRP, ziziDa, zIN, ZAm, fEHHzn, shYCG, BNoBK, xQvwL, AWZPu, OdwQZq, iYlpY, BYgiG, LhCp, yyFtdT, zXKneD, RkPgo, reZ, KVZK, YBW, aZVoyT, ZLx, fvZ, AyBKsn, wtj, rRdA, DJEXf, TyJR, GLxuzh, vfk, aiL, mekwAx, zwrYs, hBpZ, rjTQ, HZk, Frmhn, WEL, EcrMf, qgnyr, LSGLhs, szAUOs, yDo, ITCU, CGkZnt, DkmWyK, IaC, nkq, KMaESY, Uvunv, JkMKeJ, WXxEA, OOz, Yyga, tLAR, piB, GNHES, epYWCe, XPYH, syt, In the world Queer Hearts of Dublin woke got both in tenfold earthquake recorded in Ireland and one those... All eyes are on Ola to see if his time will be met with a chorus of ols an... 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