These polytheists divided into four groups. Wail says: I said: O Messenger of Allah (S), I got information about our advent when I was a king in possession of dignity and power. I said that I consumed it for its blessing. The villagers were watching the Prophet and their leader, Dathur bin Harith came to him and pulling out his sword said: Who can save you from me? The Prophet calmly replied: God. Jibraeel clapped his chest and his fell down dropping the sword. Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) said: A similar miracle was shown by Ali (a.s.) also. O Muhammad! The Holy Prophet (S) said: Curse of God upon you; you do not hesitate in hurting a believer or a denier, a good person or an evil one! Then he called for salt and applied it to the wound and it gave him relief. The Bedouin said: I want to warn you that these people have a book also and according to their view it is right. He paid no attention to useless things. Ali (a.s.) took the bridle, and putting his hand on the belly of the animal, prayed: O Allah, in the name of Muhammad and family of Muhammad, and through the perfect names of Allah, I ask You to cause the camel to speak and answer the question that had been proposed. Immediately the she-camel spoke up: One day this desert Arab mounted me to visit his cousin. Needless to say, physical beauty is indeed a blessing - but according to Islamic teachings, beauty is just like any other material and perishable trait such as wealth, rank, and occupation. The daily performance of five prayers is in itself a form of exercise, its prescribed movements involve all the muscles and joints of the body, and . he never resorted to dissimulation; prior to that he did so sometimes. On another occasion, the Almighty Allah says: , Have you not seen those who are forbidden secret counsels, then they return to what they are forbidden, and they hold secret counsels for sin and revolt and disobedience to the Apostle69. One of them also released the prisoner without any ransom, whereas another agreed to take ransom. Jibraeel gestured to the head of Harith bin Talatala and a fatal sore developed therein. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 3394 and Sahih Muslim, Hadith . He had turned it upside down, so that he could relieve himself behind it. Then when they despaired of him, they retired, conferring privately together.85 She replied: Someone is sick in our house. He had taken the least benefit from it - less than all others. The Holy Prophet (S) said: You are amazed by seeing only one animals obedience. Trials of the Messenger of Allah (S) surpassed this, when, at the Battle of Uhud, he saw his uncle Hamza, the lion of God and the Prophet, slain and horribly mutilated, yet he acquiesced in the will of God, uttered no lamentation, nor did even a sigh or tear escape him, such was his perfect resignation. It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) in some reliable reports that the Almighty Allah gave two Isme Azam to Isa (a.s.) through which he enlivened the dead and performed miracles. I am not a king. Anas says: I served the Holy Prophet (S) for nine years but throughout that period he never asked me why I did this or that nor he ever found any fault in my work. It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) in a reliable tradition that he said: By the Lord of the Kaaba, if I was between Musa and Khizr, I would have told them that I am better than them and I would have told them that which they were unaware of because the two of them only knew what was past and not that which was to come in the future and the Almighty Allah has bestowed all the knowledge till Judgment Day to the Messenger of Allah (S) and it has come to us; and in another reliable tradition, he said: The Almighty Allah gave excellence to Ulul Azm prophets over all creatures for their knowledge and bequeathed their knowledge to us and gave us more precedence in knowledge. Then he said: O people! Then He says: , so they shall spend it, then it shall be to them an intense regret, then they shall be overcome115. The Holy Prophet (S) took out an arrow from the quiver and gave it to Baraa bin Azib and asked him to fix it in that well. The largest place to learn and discuss about the teachings of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the Salat, Quran, Ramadan, Hajj and various Islamic lifestyle issues. When I reached the gates of Medina, it was the time of Noon and the day of Friday. This was at the edge of the lands of the Turks, neighboring present day Armenia and Azerbaijan. It is also mentioned in another tradition that once when the Prophet complained about pain in the back, the Almighty Allah said: Eat Hareesa.. He said: When that time arrives, you must let me know and dont spend anything from it. So much so, that others will envy them in the heaven. He gave me a canal which flows from beneath the Throne (Arsh). Twelfth: The seal of prophethood on the back of the Holy Prophet (S) was brighter than sunlight. But I heard that you are his cousin and also his son-in-law. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) used to dress in thin shirt during the winter and he didnt feel cold. One day I was riding through a level plain, when I suddenly decried another man galloping towards me and when he came near, he said: O Ahmad, O Ahmad, Allah is the Mightiest and the Highest. So, I witness that you are Allahs selected and well-chosen servant and are true in all the things which you say from the Almighty. And I testify, added Ibn Abbas, addressing Ali, that you are of those most profoundly learned. They contained every incident since the first day of creation till the last day, which I read and understood.. He had a big head and his hair was neither curly nor straight. He brushed his teeth at the time of every ablution and to ride every available animal, to make his servant or any companion sit with him and to sit without putting a saddle. Some say that they were nine. Zulaikha said: You are right. Yusuf (a.s.) asked: How could you know that I am right? She replied: The moment you took his name, his love filled my heart. At that moment Almighty Allah revealed to Yusuf that Zulaikha was telling the truth, and as she loves My beloved, I also love her. Then Yusuf (a.s.) married her. Thirtieth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated from Jabir Ansari and Ubadah bin Samit that in the orchard of Bani Najjar entered a very mad camel and whoever came there was injured by it. Six: Obligation of forbidding evil and expression of evil if seen in others. He ordered a vessel to be brought, in which he placed his blessed hand, when such a quantity of water issued from between his fingers that we and our animals were all satisfied, after which we filled our water-skins at the same miraculous fountain. The shepherds, however, were too miserly to do it. Twenty-one: It was allowed for the Holy Prophet (S) to enter Medina fully armed, whereas it was not allowed for others. They left all and finally when they reached Ali (a.s.) they rubbed their cheeks on ground and rolling and tossing at his feet spoke up: Peace be on you, O Mine of magnanimity, peak of intelligence, Scholar of the earlier scrolls, legatee of Muhammad Mustafa (S), one whose friends have been made fortunate by Almighty Allah and whose foes have been declared as doomed forever by Almighty Lord. That is why, it is better to pray as above so that our hearts become soft to testify and obey. They filled all their vessels. When he is pleased, I care the least for what others dislike and when he has true affection for me, I do not fear the enmity of others. He also sees the vastness of his knowledge which is unparalleled and his courage and bravery which are also same. Eleventh, allowed them intercession which was not for previous communities. Ninth miracle: Rawandi etc. He looked at the Arsh and saw whatever there is and saw the angels who are the bearers of the Arsh. Though he is a liar and we consider his blood impure. Then the Holy Prophet (S) told Kaab bin Ashraf: O Kaab! In his army there were both infidels and hypocrites of Mecca and Medina. The Almighty Allah revealed to them to keep quiet, I swear by My Might, I have created someone better than you. He saw everything in its true form. The Holy Prophet (S) asked the companions: Can you see what these faithless people are saying? Khalid asked permission to strike off their heads. The Holy Prophet (S) then in succession ordered Umar and Uthman to go on this expedition, but they also refused on the same grounds that Abu Bakr had done. When the following verse was revealed: O earth, swallow down your water, and O cloud, clear away; and the water was made to abate and the affair was decided87. His Eminence, Abu Talib arrived and I ran to open the door and narrated to him all that I had witnessed. Salima to Burdah. His Eminence (S) said: Then this is also not imaginary, otherwise how can it be true that you see anything in the world and believe it? The story of the poisoned shoulder is thus: When the Holy Prophet (S) was returning to Medina after capturing Khyber, a Jewess approached and said that she had accepted Islam. Abu Tayyaba says that once I opened a vein of the Prophet and he gave me a gold coin and asked me what I did with that blood. A Jew arrived there and said: O Ummah of Muhammad there is no prophetic grade that you dont prove in favor of your Prophet. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: Yes it is so. If the Almighty Allah spoke to Prophet Musa (a.s.) at Mt. When he entered the house, the Jew rose, leaned on their staffs, and held their noses, saying to the Prophet, it was a rule with them that when a Prophet came to their houses they should stand in his presence, and hold their mouths, lest he should be disgusted with their breath. Immediately the mountain split into two and its lower part went up and the upper came down. She asked Abu Bakr if he had seen Muhammad and when he denied, she went back home. Then Allah said: I have not created anything which is dearer to me than you. Then the Almighty Allah divided it into ten parts, granted nine to the Holy Prophet (S) and the rest to the entire creation. It came true and Battle of Badr occurred in a short time, in which the idolaters fled from the battlefield. Seeing this miracle, we became Muslims and have come to you. Men in Islam Physical Appearance Clothing Hygiene Cosmetics Prayer Holidays and Observances Al-Hijra Ramadan Eid al-Fitr Eid al-Adha Timeline Search by typing & pressing enter YOUR CART Physical Appearance There are many different factors that define and comprise what is seen in the average Muslim. He is a royal descendant. Verily there will be 120000 rows in Paradise. Also withdraw to yourself the hand, which you intend to catch up fruits without making any movement and recite: - . Today you acted like brother Khizr (a.s.). Also, in near future, he (Ali) will repay your debts and will fulfill your promises and vows becoming the adornment of your community and the beauty of your people. The Almighty Allah said: I have given this ease to your Ummah and this command of Mine is for each member of your community. If it were date or dry date he would pick from any place. He said: I dont have anything. When getting up he looked at the sky and recited the last verses of Surah Aale Imran, then made ablution, and offered four rakats prayer. His Eminence (S) said: You have much wealth at present but by nightfall you will be poorer than your father and nothing will be left. And after that we came out of our houses, gathered in one place and came to you. Then the Almighty Allah will ask their communities and the people will say that no warner and giver of glad tidings had come to them. have narrated that on a certain journey the camel of a certain companion tired out and refused to get up. T. hey were two hundred men who had devised this plot. This miracle was manifested at Medina, after his flight to that city, when everything was perishing from drought. Muammar picked up his sword and moved forward, but he stumbled and was hurt. The Holy Prophet (S) told them: These happenings make me think of the bounties of various gardens of Paradise, which will be made more bountiful for our Shias. In the meantime, Lady Umm Salma lifted the corner of the sheet and intended to enter it. After compliance with this command, the Holy Prophet (S) asked the shepherd: Just go to the wolves and say: Which one of you had talked with me about Muhammad? Battle of Badr 11. He became very helpless, not even having a days rations. They were in Hebrew. O you who believe! Then we will go to Hubal and request him to relieve us from this disease. Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.) said: A similar miracle was shown by Ali (a.s.). According to reliable traditions, it is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that Musa (a.s.) willed to Yusha. Allah took me up in the heavens and He opened the doors of sky for Ali, whereby whatever I saw in the skies was seen by Ali from the earth. Sixteenth: The animal on which the Holy Prophet (S) rode never became old. Reaching the Holy Prophet (S), the wind too used to slow down, which made the caravan people remark that Muhammads company is better than any tent. Indeed a miracle like this was also given to Prophet Muhammad (S) and its story is that when the Holy Prophet (S) declared his prophethood in Mecca and disclosed Allahs intentions, all Arabs became his enemy and made plans to kill him; and I was the first to accept Islam and I took oath of allegiance on Monday and prayed with him on Tuesday. At the minimum we can say that you and we, both are alike in our claims. Who feeds them against hunger and gives them security against fear.124. It is a proof for people of every age and falsehood cannot approach it from behind and from the front and it is sent from the Wise and the Praised Lord. The Almighty Allah through the intercession of the Holy Prophet (S) will forgive their serious sins. Otherwise we will stand on our earlier view. At the most it reached his ear tips. He said: All these dates will be insufficient to clear my loan. Some say that he died of snake bite. It should be noted, too, that codes for conduct when it comes to dressing are greatly relaxed when individuals are home and with their families. Whenever he had a headache, he applied mustard oil to his hair. He called companions in groups of ten each and fed them after which each group departed. have narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the Holy Prophet (S) used to visit Lady Fatima and insert his saliva into the mouths of her infants and say: Now dont feed them as they dont need to be fed. do not lay on us a burden as You didst lay on those before39. have narrated that one night Saad bin Ubadah entertained the Prophet and Ali, and as they had fasted during the day, the Prophet said to him, We have broken our fast with you, and righteous persons ate at your place and the angels have sought blessings for you. On leaving, Saad entreated the Prophet to ride his ass, which was very bad tempered, but the Holy Prophet (S) had no sooner mounted it that it became so swift that no other quadruped could overtake it. The next day, he gave the standard to Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and he conquered the fort. Where are they? asked Abu Bakr. He will push the walls and they would recede to a distance of five hundred years travel. He prayed from them and joined their foreheads saying: O Allah, create love between them. After that the wife used to say: No one is dearer to me than my husband. The Holy Prophet (S) told her to confess that he was the Messenger of Allah. In this way a loaf of bread and some mutton was sent to all the wives. He has deceived us or has done it by taking others help. He passed them to Imam Ali (a.s.) who broke them in bowls. My wealth is here. By divine power it replied, O Messenger of Allah (S), one day Masih (a.s.) passed and alarmed people by mentioning fire whose fuel shall be men and rocks, and in terror I have wept till now lest I should be of them. Weep not, said the Prophet, for those rocks are brimstone. At this declaration the mountain was quiet and its tears ceased. The Prophet prostrated himself in thanksgiving to God, and our Shias did the same. You have not left any virtue and any grace for any other prophet except for your prophet and are proving the same all the time. Forty-first miracle: It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) sent Abdullah bin Tufayl to guide his own people in the faith; and the Prophet gave him as a miracle, light constantly beaming from the end of his whip, by which light he introduced his people to the effulgence of Islam. Finally they came to know that Ali (a.s.) had stalled the wall from falling with his left hand and was eating with his companions with his right hand and that they had not been crushed under the wall. The Holy Quran says: . Amirul Momineen (a.s.) brought it, he took it in his mouth and gargled on that tree and it immediately filled with bunches of date fruits. At this point, a companion of the Prophet arrived and tried to partake of them. So one should keep away from evil deeds. At that moment he gestured to his cousin, Arbad to pull the sword and slay the Messenger. When her husband, Abu Mabad returned home, he asked from where that milk had come, Umm Mabad narrated the whole incident. Sixth miracle: Many miracles were seen when the Prophet fled the polytheists of Mecca and hid in the cave. It is a lot harder to mandate compassion and generosity than it is to require the superficial trappings of religion, because the latter is visible to the naked eye. I have seen the image in the sky near Sidratul Muntaha. I hate those who hate them and I am at peace with those who make peace with them. Thirty-eighth miracle: Rawandi has narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that when the Messenger of Allah (S) returned from Hunain and halted at Jarana and the companions divided the spoils, people still continued to press upon him for more, and annoyed him so much that he went and leaned his back against a tree, where they pressed upon him till his back was bruised and his chador stuck to the tree. They may take the place of the first group when they finish eating. Had I not embraced and calmed this pillar, it would have continued to weep and shriek till Judgment Day. Thus, Hamza (r.a.) will put his spear on the walls of fire, which would be hindering the people from crossing the bridge entering Paradise. It happened several times. Observing all this, the Holy Prophet (S) said: I am prevented by Allah from eating this food. Alif Lam Mim. The Bedouin asked, Have you any proof of this? inquired the Bedouin. The companions replied: He has gone to Quba for some errand for a Muslim. Twenty-four: It was allowed from the Messenger of Allah (S) to marry permanently more than four women at a time while it is unlawful for others. Once I told the Holy Prophet (S): Dense grasslands are more suitable, let us go there. He replied: All right. When I reached there the next day I found that the Holy Prophet (S) was present there but he had held up his sheep from entering that grassland. Miscellaneous points about the Prophet details of his companions debates with polytheists, Jews and Christians etc. So the Prophet came out and resumed his duties. call for (Divine) blessings on him and salute him with a (becoming) salutation.19. O Messenger of Allah (S)! The Messenger of Allah (S) removed the keys from the scabbard and said: These are the keys of the Castles of Fadak. He said: Yes. Regarding one who is higher than you in spiritual matters, you must give him preference in the matter of your wealth and property to such an extent that Almighty Allah may observe that you really give preference to His religion over your life and wealth; that you regard His friends nearer than your own blood relatives. The Holy Prophet (S) gave it to Ali and he had it till the Battle of Siffeen. His Eminence (a.s.) said: You may laugh now, but you will have to cry very soon and become perplexed. Gradually it grew very fat. On the day of the Battle of Badr, when I was hungry, a Jewess welcomed me with a big bowl of roasted mutton and sugar. Miracles of Prophet against demons and Jinns, The Holy Prophet (S) assumes the prophetical office, Confinement in Shebe Abu Talib events leading to migration to Medina, Miscellaneous skirmishes till the Battle of Badr, Skirmishes and incidents between Badr and Uhud, Battle of Bani Quraiza Martyrdom of Saad bin Maaz Abu Lubabah repents, Battles and events between Khandaq and Hudaibiyah, Conquest of Khyber and Jafars return from Habasha, Expedition of Umratul Qaza letters inviting Kings to embrace Islam events upto the Battle of Mutah, Expedition of Hunain and events upto the Battle of Tabuk, An Account of the Mubahila (Imprecation) ceremony, Reply of Haritha and the Absurd Discourse of Aqib, Harithas arguments bewilder Sayyid and Aqib, Sayyid again confesses to the Qualities of Prophet Muhammad (S), Haritha defeats Sayyid and Aqib through his arguments, Haritha proves his claims through Jamia on the Fourth Day, Sayyid and Aqib swear that if they see the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (S) in Jamia, they would accept him as a Prophet, Qualities of the Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) in the scroll of Sheeth (a.s.) from the Book of Jamia, Qualities of the Prophet in the scroll of Ibrahim (a.s.) from the Book of Jamia, Qualities of the Prophet in the Old Testament (Tohra), Sayyid and Aqib confess to what is written in Jamia, The Holy Prophet (S) brings his family members, Sayyid and Aqib send Manzar with an offer of peace, Events that took place till the Farewell Hajj], Part Two: Deputation of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) to Yemen, Amr bin Shas complains about Amirul Momineen (a.s.), Complaint against a judgment of Ali (a.s.), Part three: Arrival of Arab delegations and events that occurred till the Farewell Hajj, Farewell Hajj description of Hajj and Umrah rituals, Imam Ali (a.s.) reaches Mecca before his troops and meets the Prophet, Companions pay Allegiance to Imam Ali (a.s.), The Messenger of Allah (S) transfers Divine knowledge to Ali (a.s.), The Prophet identifies the hypocrites for Huzaifa, The Holy Prophet (S) authorizes Ali (a.s.) to divorce any of wives, The Prophet orders Usamahs army to march at the earliest, The Prophet informs that a great mischief has entered Medina at night. And the Holy Prophet (S) used to shout: Allah is the greatest and the companions followed suit. If anybody demanded anything, the Holy Prophet (S) fulfilled it to the best of his ability. The Holy Prophet (S) told him: The Almighty Who widened this house so much, will also lengthen the hands of the eaters. The second, miracle of Musa (a.s.). Finally, when all the invitees entered the compound of Abdullah, he asked the Holy Prophet (S) and his close friends Ali, Salman, Miqdad and Ammar (r.a.) to sit in a small room. He also entrusted to Muhammad (S) affairs which were not entrusted to any prophet earlier. The site and the DILP are entirely supported by individual donors and well wishers. It is mentioned in another reliable tradition that he said: Faith is not complete of any man till he does not believe that all the Imams have the same excellence with regard to Divine Proof and in the obligation of their obedience. Thirty-eighth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob etc. Thus the Ummah of Muhammad follows the heavenly angels. But no one was visible there. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: Pebbles used to recite the divine praises in spite of the fact that they were non-living; their voices were audible and they had no spirits. The deceased is detained in the gate of Paradise for three dirhams, which he owned to such a Jew. Why and When Do Muslim Girls Wear the Hijab? Thirteenth: Water flowed from his holy fingers. I said: In the season of drying of dates. The Prophet called for water in a vessel and dropped his saliva in it. If they had brought an equal, they would have indeed publicized it and through it, made allegations on numerous occasions about which we definitely would have been informed. Because the Almighty Allah showed to Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) the face of Muhammad (S) and also showed his community to him. The Holy Prophet (S) came to visit me and he washed his hand and sprinkled the water on me. It is narrated through reliable traditions that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that once the Holy Prophet (S) received some money and he distributed it. Yes, replied the Prophet. They vary in their status before their Lord, Most High. hizlibahisgrandpashabetbetwoonroyalbetpalacebetpashagamingcratosroyalbetkaak iddaacasino siteleri bahis ve casino sitelerisohbet hattihizlibahisgrandpashabetsex hatti1casino.inforoyalbetbetwoonpalacebettarafbetbetistmariobetbetistmariobethizlibahisgrandpashabetbetwoonroyalbetpalacebetpashagamingcratosroyalbetslot sitelericasino siteleriistanbul evden eve nakliyatistanbul evden eve nakliyatcanli sohbet hattimemefive.comnovipm.netgvenilir bahis siteleri sitelericanli casinobetebetistanbul ofis tasimadepolamabetistmariobettarafbetroyalbetburo.bizbahis siteleribetistmariobethttps://sexx.bizhttps://sexcafe.org bonusueburke.orggrandpashabetdeneme bonusuevden eve nakliyateya depolama istanbulofis tamacl, Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2022. He did not spend the money in buying luxuries and gardens and the snake protected him and his riches and after that it went away from there. At last his son was killed in Badr and he died in his grief. I at once hit that animal with a stone from a sling and got the lamb released. And some said: This man is very fortunate. When it grew longer the Holy Prophet (S) used to comb it from the middle and divide it on both the sides. If we look around the world, we will see that personal hygiene is something that the . The Messenger of Allah (S) called for Ali (a.s.), placed Imam Hasan (a.s.) on his right knee and placed Imam Husain (a.s.) on his left and made Lady Fatima and Ali (a.s.) sit in his front and at the back and covered them with Khyber cloak. He said: I will inform you what they ate and what medicine they took. And Hamza (r.a.) will ask me and Ali (a.s.): Do you see how my friends are crying out for assistance? Its saddle is of ruby, rein of white pearls having seventy thousand golden ropes. Battle Between the truth and falsehood 6. Then the Holy Prophet (S) said: Allah will recreate them in the best youthful forms before admitting them to Paradise., It is said that a woman complained to the Holy Prophet (S): Such and such man kissed me. The Holy Prophet (S) called that man and asked why he did that? Four people died, some became mad and many feared for their lives and prayed to Allah as the Prophet had advised and their hearts became strong. The Prophet asked him if he didnt fear being torn up by a beast. And he used to say time and again: O Ali, after me, you will fight for the interpretation of Quran like I fought for its revelation.. The Holy Prophet (S) was given all the heavenly scriptures from Taurat, Injeel, Zabur and the scrolls of Ibrahim, Idris, Sheeth etc. Besides, there are many who saw it with their own eyes, who never agree on false matters, that they would act on conjecture and no one passed by them who has falsified them. According to another report, when that tree wept and wailed and the Prophet was seated on the pulpit, he summoned the tree and it reached the Prophet tearing the ground. One of them said to the other, let me slaughter you; and he instantly killed his brother with the knife. Then he (in the world) observes a needy believer brother and behaves kindly with him, honors him, helps him and does not leave him to dishonor himself by approaching someone for help. Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Shall I show you the best path? Yes, said he. Yahya to Manzar. When the company reached the Prophet, he told them about the tablets and asked them give him the same. I have seen all and recognized them as you recognize your acquaintances. This event made the people of Quraish extremely astonished. So please pray that there is no decrease in the water of our well and it should not be that we have to approach other areas for water. When all ate perfectly, then also he kept the wall, which was thirty yards long, fifteen yards high and two yards thick, from falling. When we were involved in fighting the enemy, that man removed an arrow and killed himself. That man said: I emancipate him for the pleasure of Allah.. You were fasting numerously and offering Prayer frequently and you died in the path of Allah. When I had finished these preparation, the lion lay down and made a signal for me to mount, after which he carried me by another route to the seashore. Ali: The Lord of the universe gave to the last Prophet the two Surahs of the Quran entitled Surah Baqarah and Surah Maidah, as equivalent to Injeel; the three Surahs of Ta Seen, and the Surah of Ta-ha, and lengthy Surah that is Surah Muhammad to the end of the Quran, and seven Surahs entitled Ha Mim as equal to the Taurat; the other half of the short Surahs as equivalent to the Zabur; the Surahs entitled Bani Israel, and the Declaration of Immunity, as equal to the books of Ibrahim and Musa; and as more than an equivalent to the books of all the other prophets were given to the Prophet the seven long Surahs of the Quran, and the Surah of praise, which contains seven verses; all this, besides innumerable communication of divine wisdom. I also testify to all that you have testified and I also believe in what you believe. When he returned he asked his wife who has committed such an act. The king said: When you go away after burying him we will exhume the body and feed it to the dogs. They said: If you do this we would eliminate all the Christians who reside in the Arabian Gulf and demolish all the churches. Its details will be mentioned in the coming pages, Insha Allah. they used to disperse without the permission of the Holy Prophet (S), so the Almighty Allah restrained them: , so when they ask your permission for some affair of theirs, give permission to whom you please of them54. The Holy Prophet (S) extended the pillow to me saying: Allah forgives a believer who offers his pillow to his believing visitor brother. His sweet was dates. The Prophet again went to the orchard and said to the tree: I am hungry. His Eminence (S) said to all of them: Apparently I have been sent to warn you and brought a clear sign to you, which is the Quran. When he sits to relieve himself, I will see whether the thing which he throws out is like what we do or something different? In a near land, and they, after being vanquished, shall overcome, Within a few years. Thirtieth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob and others have narrated that during the Battle of Uhud, Ibn Qamia threw a stone aimed at the Prophet and it hit his leg. He became restless in heart but haughtiness overpowered him and he did not bring faith. I prayed and the deceased came out of the graves by the power of Allah, and dust was falling away from their heads. The yellow color will go away. When the Holy Prophet (S) handled the fruits, they began to praise and glorify the Almighty. They get the greatest happiness and satisfaction when they hear how Shia faithfuls have helped their brothers-in-faith and supported them in difficult times. The Holy Prophet (S) said: The rank of your Prophet, compared to that of His Eminence, Isa (a.s.), is far more higher. His Eminence, Abdul Muttalib said: Abu Talib, I am aware of your honesty and trustworthiness you should be for Muhammad like I am. have narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) and Ibn Abbas that when the Prophet wanted to relieve himself, he used to retire to a distance. The two hypocrites observed, We never saw a more expert magician than Muhammad. Enemies of God, retorted the believer, if this is magic then Paradise and Hell are magic also. You are bleating only due to a simple wound? remarked Abu Sufyan. Secondly the wind of Hud was sent in wrath against the people of Aad, but the wind of Muhammad was sent in mercy to protect the Muslims, did no harm even to the infidels; all of which is thus expressed in the Quran: , O you who believe! Twenty-eighth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated from Abu Dharr that once the Messenger of Allah (S) was in prostration when Abu Lahab, the curse of Allah be upon him, picked up a stone to hit the Prophet, but when he raised his hand it remained like that and he was not able to bring it down. The Holy Prophet (S) and the Imams, through Ruhul Qudus see whatever is there in the world. You have prepared fuel for yourself in Hell. The Bedouin said: I took too much pain to catch it and I am afraid it would run away. She brought the corner near our hands and somebody announced from the sky: If you want to escape, hold on to a thread of the chador. If Muhammad (S) shows any sign from himself you will be in doubt and say it is all false. This universal characteristic of Islam is pointed out as follows in the Quran: "We have not sent thee but as a (Messenger) TO MEN, giving them Glad tidings, and warning them (against sin)." But Muhammad and Ali (a.s.) have a special excellence. One by one, the same thing happened with each and everyone and they all went away. Thirty-ninth miracle: It is mentioned in Tibbul Aaimma and Tafsir Ayyashi; rather in all reliable books that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said: Once the Messenger of Allah (S) was unwell. His Eminence (S) replied: O Jews! Jibraeel (a.s.) said: Why it should not be so? So let us invite him to dinner and induce him to eat unlawful and doubtful things. Ali: As we were marching to the Battle of Hunain, we came to a river whose depth was fourteen fathoms. The first thing you see when you look at someone could be their hair, clothes, nose, or figure. Ali concluded by saying, How can I properly describe the excellences of a person on whom God bestowed such greatness and glory which is thus expressed in the Quran: And most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality.139, Imam Baqir (a.s.) said that when the Holy Prophet (S) arrived in Medina and the evidences of his prophethood became apparent to all, the Jews conspired against him extremely maliciously and desired to harm him in every way. when you confer together in private, do not give to each other counsel of sin and revolt and disobedience to the Apostle, and give to each other counsel of goodness and guarding (against evil); and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, to Whom you shall be gathered together. 71. It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) in reliable books that the Almighty Allah imbued the being of the Prophet with five spirits: (1) Spirit of life, by which he moved and walked about (2) Spirit of strength, by which he fought Jihad and bore difficult worships (3) Spirit of carnality, by which he ate and had lawful relations with women (4) Spirit of faith, by which he commanded and dispensed justice (5) Spirit of sacredness (Ruhul Qudus), by which he bore the responsibility of prophethood and when a prophet goes away from the world the Ruhul Qudus is related to the Imam. They had no other way; helplessly some of them held the hand of Ali (a.s.) and some held the hand of one or the other son. By Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Dhahabi [1] Abu Hanifah an-Nu'man bin Thabit: Abu Yusuf said: "Abu Hanifah was well-formed, was from the best of people in appearance, the most eloquent of them . He came with his amputed hand to the Prophet and he applied his miraculous saliva and joined the member and it became stronger than it was before. Fourth miracle: In Basairud Darajat it is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) through authentic chains that a visually challenged person came to the Prophet and asked: O Messenger of Allah (S), please pray that the Almighty Allah restores my vision. Finally, Almighty Allah revealed the command regarding moderation through the verse: . His gatherings were always full of piety, patience, modesty, truth and honesty without any kind of noise. Ninthly, the Almighty Allah sent Jibraeel to the Holy Prophet (S) to give him glad tidings of glory and divine help to his community. Though not lengthy, his talk fully expressed the aim. Then the Holy Prophet (S) saw the scroll of deeds of the folks of Hell and saw the names of the folks of Hell with the names of their ancestors. That man shouted and after hitting the wolf took his sheep away. The porpoise said: O Bedouin, Allah has kept that wealth for you, in exchange of releasing me. The Holy Prophet (S) asked: Is it enough? But mostly, His Eminence (S) remained with his caravan and they did not dare to kill him in this position. When Ubayy bin Khalaf returned from his journey, he came to know about Utbahs conversion to Islam and condemned him for that. On the return journey we again halted at that same place. Hearing this, the Holy Prophet (S) said: O Abdullah! Jibraeel said: My Lord, I ask you in their name to make me their servant. The Holy Prophet (S) said: O Abu Dharr, Jibraeel is from us, Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) and he is our servant.. The polytheists said: O Muhammad! It is mentioned in another report that when it was found rocky, and the pick-axe was ineffective upon it, the Holy Prophet (S) called for a bowl of water, and placed some of his miraculous saliva in it; then he sprinkled the water on the ground. One of those hypocrites said: This forest is quite open. So it is not befitting for a denier who is an open enemy of the Holy Prophet (S) to use me. His neck will be like a silver jar radiating at the lower part as if gold plated. He then ordered the tree to cleave asunder in the centre, which was instantly done. So he called me to accompany them to the graveyard. He combed his beard twice a day. But his impure spit divided into two parts and turned back on him hitting both his cheeks and searing them. Again it is He, Who takes your test by confronting you with things, which you dislike and abhor so that He may watch what you do and so that Allahs evidence may come clearly before you. Khadija asked: Who is there? I asked: Where is Muhammad? She said: You people dont give him a moment of rest. The companions exclaimed: O Messenger of Allah, today you did something which you never did before.. And the Almighty Allah reveals to the angels: Write the same rewards for My servants as he performed previously. So anyone who disbelieves in my words has disbelieved in Allah. After that they became so foolish that they were quoted in Arabs as examples of foolishness. He said: I testify that you have spoken the truth. His Eminence said: Although you make a verbal claim, you dont believe with sincerity. Ibn Abbas says: By Allah, the Prophet was right, Abu Sufyan was indeed a hypocrite. The miracle of bloods precedent is that, one day the Holy Prophet (S) bled himself and gave the blood to Abu Saeed Khudri and asked him to bury it, but he drank it. The Prophet went immediately to visit the sick person, and asked him if he performed prayers when in health. It is narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that one night the Holy Prophet (S) was in Umm Salmas apartment. And this was also proved true and even though enemies tried to harm him in many ways but they never succeeded in it. Huda. Then the Holy Prophet (S) put his holy foot on the front leg of that camel and asked me to ride it. After sometime, their nose and molars started bleeding. One should not be careless regarding them. The third group sought the miracle of Ibrahim (a.s.) and the fourth was seeker of the miracle of Isa (a.s.). The natives fled to the mountains on seeing the army. Thirtieth miracle: Rawandi has narrated from Uthman bin Junaid that a blind man came to the Prophet and complained about his condition. It is a miracle whose traces remain to this day. Your deadly medicine did not harm me at all. Then he said: Tell me if you have desire of a female. But it declined. It is also mentioned in traditions that people asked him (the Imam) if the Holy Prophet (S) practiced dissimulation to which the Imam replied: after the revelation of the verse: and Allah will protect you from people4. Seeing this, Abu Jahl said: Muhammad has enchanted the coffins like he enchanted the rocks to make them speak. Fifth miracle: It is narrated that during the Farewell Hajj a child yet in swathing clothes was brought to the Messenger of Allah (S) so that he may pray for him. Third: When the Holy Prophet (S) walked in the sun, he did not cast any shadow. You are not one to make such predictions. That is either you will gain an upper hand on Quraish or their wealth will fall into your hands. Now for your people, no evil is recorded unless it is acted upon and We record a good intention even before its being put to practice. It is mentioned in yet another tradition that the curry most pleasing to the Holy Prophet (S) was vinegar and olive oil. I replied: A certain Jew. The newly arrived person said: Leave it, I have often passed this way I have found this deer in the same place but no one has tried to catch it. I paid no heed and tied up that deer. Please pay me back for my gifts. The Holy Prophet (S) smiled at him reciprocating his happiness. A thousand fold more than our number may kindly be appointed. Then he said: Keep aside a share for your father and your husband. They were 70 persons. The chicken spoke up by Allahs command and said: O Muhammad (S), I give witness, that you are the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds and the chief of the whole world and Abu Jahl is the enemy of Allah, the Exalted; and he denies all this knowingly. His meetings never either began or ended without remembering Almighty Allah. When he came with it to the Holy Prophet (S), he asked Hatib why he had taken that step. After that Aas bin Wail passed by the Prophet. Yes, O Messenger of Allah (S). The Messenger of Allah (S) said that he would live to the age of sixty-three years. When the next month started, the old man again came with his son and the son said: I dont have anything. I am a friend of those who are friends to them and an enemy of those who are inimical to them. This forced the rest to call for refuge, upon which peace was ratified by their becoming Muslims. When that meat was brought to the Prophet he was much inclined to it. I explained briefly that I was American and explained my Muslim background. Now accept the second one too. Now on seeing him I imagined that perhaps Judgment Day is approaching and so I was frightened. His foot was bleeding so heavily that it flowed to the girls carpet and she awoke due to it and told the slave girl: Perhaps you left the water skin untied and water is seeping out of it till here. Walid said: This is the blood of your father and not water. Let us go to the herd and see those two wolves. O easer of difficulties! There were only two palm trees. Naeeman asked: Who suggested this fun about me? They replied: We have already heard about your excessive talk. They dragged him away. Shaykh Tabarsi (r.a.) has mentioned that the Holy Prophet (S) was so modest that during the battles of Khyber and Bani Nuzayr he rode a donkey with a saddle and rein of palm leaves. In process of time, they saw one morning that the tree had cast its fruit, and its leaves had become yellow and small. The companions asked about the reason of doing so. It will testify of my prophethood and my brothers excellence. His Eminence (S) asked his father: What do you say, O Shaykh? Their hands and feet separated from their bodies and except for their tongues and ears, no part of their bodies remained free of disease. Musa and Yusha (a.s.) gave glad tidings of the coming of Prophet Isa (a.s.). Again, in the expedition of Miqat the Prophet put his hand into a vessel, from which sufficient water immediately flowed to satisfy eight thousand men, and enable them to perform ablution before prayers, besides supplying their animals and water-skins. Besides in your youth no one is like you, so why not join the fight? When Ali and his companions begin to eat, let the wall fall on them, so that all may die together. It is mentioned in another reliable tradition that once a villager woman came and saw that the Holy Prophet (S) was dining on the floor. Thereafter he said: The eyewitness of this event is not far away. Let payment be made and the prisoner freed. And he tried to reach out to them but His Eminence (S) asked the chicken to prevent Abu Jahl and remove him away from the dinars. have narrated from Ibn Masud that when the Prophet was in prostration one day before the Kaaba, Abu Jahl ordered the entrails of a camel he had slaughtered to be thrown on the Prophets back. In the name of Allah, I invoke you. And 72 names were taught to the Messenger of Allah (S). And I am afraid that they may testify you and enter the folds of Muslims only to spoil the religion of others. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". In vegetables, he preferred mountain basil (Baadrooj). The sick man repeated this prayer and was immediately restored to health, and freed as it were from bonds, rose up and came away with us. And when Musa cast his staff and it turned into a python, he said: For the sake of Muhammad and Aale Muhammad make me fearless. The third group will be that of the Kharijis; who will go out of the pale of Islam so fast like an arrow shot from the bow. The Prophet said: If you want I can tell you what you want to ask. He said: Please do. The Holy Prophet (S) declared that he wanted to know how long the Prophet would live. Do you consider that the Prophet is stingy? Moreover Allah has made obedience of the Holy Prophet (S) His obedience saying: , Whoever obeys the Apostle, he indeed obeys Allah.23. People imagined that he will never fast again. O Abu Jahl, beware, all the parties who have seen those miracles, it is evidence on them and what you heard from them, is evidence on you. If it was not available, then tepid water. Gemstones play a prominent role in Islamic thought. Ask whatever you want, I will reply with the help of Allah. Twenty-seventh miracle: Ibn Babawayh and Rawandi have narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that a Jew, named Sajat, came and said to the Prophet, Where is your Lord? The Prophet replied, His knowledge and power encompass every place, but He has no locality. What is his condition? asked the inquirer. And your last sustenance on the earth will be a drink of milk. All this proved true. He kept a perfume pack with him. Convey my greetings to him and bring him to me mounted on this mule. He rose up again and mounted, but the animal once again threw him down. He always met his companions and acquainted himself with their condition. They will be led by a man having huge eyes, dark complexion and have udders like women. Abu Saeed says: I was present with Amirul Momineen (a.s.) in Naharwan, when he was fighting the Kharijis. He was full bearded, and the beard looked well on his face. The Holy Prophet (S) asked him what he would do with that to which he replied that he will sell it away. He complained to the Prophet, who called for some water and dropped some saliva from his mouth into it then he told the man to sprinkle that on his body, which he did and was immediately cured. Indeed you are the messenger of Allah.. Then half of the tree advanced towards him in an amazing manner and with greater humming. One man owned up. Similarly He took confession of my religion Islam from all the followers of previous prophets and He revealed my virtues to them all. Sixty-fifth miracle: Rawandi and Ibn Shahr Ashob etc. O Isa! Both Shia and Sunni scholars have narrated many miracles relating to the holy physique of the Holy Prophet (S). They gather around the two images and pay respects and recite Durood on them. If I see it, it will be incumbent on me to believe you, otherwise it is not necessary for me to verify them. And the Almighty Allah taught him all the sciences that were revealed on him. The lower soles of his feet were not leveled but hollow in the middle and did not touch the ground. This miracle was manifested at Mecca, near the slaughter house. Then the Prophet said to the third party: This Hamza, uncle of Messenger obtained a high status because of his true love and faith for Muhammad and Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.). Even though both the things are possible, but the fact is that a miracle has many aspects: (1) From the aspect of eloquence and clarity that even if one is ignorant of Arabic, he would be able to distinguish it from other discourses and each phrase, which is between other statements seems to be distinct in them. Now the story of the two trees which joined together: It so happened that one day the Holy Prophet (S) was traveling between Mecca and Medina. Thirteenth miracle: It is mentioned in reliable traditions that one day the Messenger of Allah (S) was passing through a date orchard with Ali (a.s.) when a tree said to another, This is the Messenger of Allah, and he who accompanies him is his successor. Due to this the dates produced in that orchard are called Sihani because they had witnessed the prophethood and successorship. The Ummah was so dear to the Holy Prophet (S) that if anybody was not seen for three consecutive days he used to inquire about him. This verse was revealed about Abu Bakr, Umar and other hypocrites who talked heretically about the Caliphate of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and planned to assassinate the Prophet when he reaches the top of cliff. It is mentioned in reliable traditions from the same Imam that the Almighty Allah sent the Holy Prophet (S) to the prophets in the spiritual world and he invited all the prophets to confess to the oneness of Allah. Muhammad replied, He is my brother and successor, my vizier and heir, Ali bin Abi Talib. Yes, said Awham, I have seen his name in the sacred books, where he is called Eliya. Ali then instructed him in the Quran and rules of faith. Tur, He spoke with our Prophet at the seventh sky. Some died within five days and some in ten, some in less and some in more; but none lived for more than two months. Nineteenth miracle: Saffar, Qutub Rawandi and Ibn Babawayh have narrated that once the Holy Prophet (S) visited a date-orchard, and each tree began to speak: Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah (S) and begged him to partake their fruit, bending down the branches. Then Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said: During the days of the Holy Prophet (S) poor people slept in the Masjid. . Is it not enough for you that I have made Torah and Bible and Psalms testify to my messengership and made them proofs of my truthfulness? Express or conceal whatever is in your heart, Allah knows everything and is keeping account of your deeds. When the sun arose, a noble of Quraish came and said: What did you gain by making a claim which exposed your falsehood. The Holy Prophet (S) said: Since You have bestowed these bounties to me and my community, please increase your blessings. That is since the Lord inspired him, he prayed: Our Lord! That is Taurat, Injeel, Zabur, Book of Nuh, Book of Salih, Book of Shuaib and the scrolls of Ibrahim (a.s.). He is able to defeat false allegations. Qays told him to wait at the hill. He gave it to Umm Mabad who drank it to satiation, then he gave to his companions, who also became satiated and after all had drunk, he himself took some of it, remarking: The leader must come last., Then he milked her again till the vessel was full and the people drank from it again and left Umm Mabad the rest. His Eminence (S) said: O Abu Jahl, have you seen this miracle? And as you mention about Ibrahim (a.s.) that fire became cool for him and he remained safe. all of them removed their compositions from there, fearing insults. and the flesh of the camel as the Jews used to say that it was unlawful for the prophets. The Prophet Muhammad once warned that in later generations, there would be people "who are dressed yet naked." The Holy Prophet (S) gave an arrow to a man and said: Put it in the well and water filled to the brim and 30000 persons with their animals used that water. At last they came to His Eminence (S) and said: You may be inimical to our men but what is the mistake of women, children and animals? When the Prophet came to him, he complained that his master did not feed him properly. His complexion will be wheaten. He said: I have heard and now I am waiting for the second and third parties. The Messenger of Allah (S) began to weep in sorrow and said: By Allah she was my mother too. A tiny line of black shining hair between his chest and navel shone like silver because of cleanliness. Eighth: Miracle of the knowledge of the unseen, which could not have been known to anyone except the Almighty Allah. At such times, angels in charge of those places, request the Almighty saying: O Lord! Thus the Holy Quran contains many such reports. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) did the same and on waking up the next morning the Almighty Allah had taught him everything that was mentioned in the tablets. Fifth miracle: Ibn Babawayh and Rawandi have narrated from Ibn Abbas that one day Abu Sufyan came to the Prophet and said that he wanted to make some inquiries. It was wailing like a young boy and this is a continuously narrated miracle. On one hand, Shari'ah allows the various genuine non-surgical means of beautification such as the use of jewellery, Hena, Kohl, perfume and various creams and balms. The Holy Prophet (S) used to tell everyone: If you see any needy person, bring him to me. The Holy Prophet (S) did not like flattery, except some heartfelt words of gratefulness from one to whom the Holy Prophet (S) had done some good. On one occasion he accused them of being very foolish, abused their religion, reviled their idols, and called their fathers wanderers from the right way. Main characteristics of Islam that distinguish it from other religions are as follows: 1- Islam addresses all centuries and all people; its principles meet all needs of humanity. Thus this chapter of Quran is sufficient to prove the miracle of the Prophet for one who is in search for certainty. This incident occurred during a journey. The Bedouin said: O Muhammad, you have praised the son of your uncle as his excellence is your excellence, his prestige is your prestige, I do not agree with any of this till such a one testifies, whose testimony I dont doubt. This so terrified the Yemenis, that their knees trembled, and casting down their weapons they surrendered to me and I taught the faith to them. It is mentioned in another tradition that once a man gifted the Holy Prophet (S) one Saa of ripe dates. The Holy Prophet (S) swept the ground with a corner of his robe and asked the servants to place the dates there. No one could quarrel in his presence. Saying this he went to the Masjid but he had two young boys who had seen their father slaughter the goat. The Holy Prophet (S) said: O Ali, it is among the bounties regarding which the Almighty Allah says that they would be asked about on Judgment Day. When Islam spread and dislike for shaving the heads was no more, our Imams also shaved their heads, It is mentioned in a good tradition that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that once the dress of the Holy Prophet (S) was worn out. I wish to neither disrespect the culture nor my sense of self, so I would never dress like a typical tourist in denim shorts, but at the same time wearing a headscarf has never felt right for me. Fifty-ninth miracle: Rawandi and Ibn Shahr Ashob have narrated that one day Abu Huraira came with a handful of dates and asked the Prophet to pray to Allah for barakat (increase) which the Prophet did and then told him to keep them in a bag. If someone was speaking, others listened attentively and never talked in between. Twenty-ninth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated that on the day of Arafat, the Prophet addressed the people, and urged them to give Sadaqah. Basic Education. Thirteenth miracle: Rawandi has narrated from Abu Saeed Khudri that they set out for a certain battle: And we nine persons were friends of each other and we had distributed the errands among ourselves. Jew: They say that Isa by the power of God raised the dead to life. He pleased others and never hated anybody. The season was very hot. The second time the palaces of Syria were visible and the third time, I saw the forts of Madayan and the Almighty Allah granted me the territories of the Kings of Iran. She brought a skin that she thought contained oil, but which was in fact empty. When this happened, they were taken to Hubal and he was requested to give them health. They assented that it was true. and to purify you a (thorough) purifying.16. When he came to the Prophet, he told him to stretch his leg and drew his hand over it and it was immediately cured.