What does "2/10" mean, with respect to "credit terms of 2/10, n/30"? The difference between patents and copyrights is that: _____ specifies a minimum level of copyright protection for all member countries, and requires member countries to offer the same protection to both its own citizens and foreign nationals. ____________ are used when it is important to know to what degree something occurs. Terms of 1/10, n/30 was offered, FOB shipping point. d. Employees do a variety of jobs, including maintenance and setups as well as operating machines. The section of a policy that qualifies or limits an insurer's promise to pay or perform. A person who demonstrates strength with words and language would have strong: _____________ is the process of becoming a human being in the fullest sense. Witnessing this incident led to many dramatizations in which peers and toys pretended to be injured and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. The aggregate expenditures model has aggregate expenditures on the _____ axis and real GDP on the _____ axis. Banks (1996) defines _________ as a major goal of multicultural education. In the aggregate expenditures model, a horizontal line showing the relationship between gross investment (I) and the level of real GDP (Y) in the economy. If the MPC equals 0.8 consumption will _____ by $_____. Cash 5,684 We will do that in the following step. The marginal propensity to save or MPS is equal to _____, The marginal propensities to consume and save are surprisingly constant across countries. Which of the following entries correctly records the sale? A form added to a farm insurance policy that provides coverage for injury and damage to a third party. The Plainfield Company has a long-term debt ratio (i.e., the ratio of long-term debt to long-term debt plus equity) of .41 and a current ratio of 1.29. These are examples of: After a walking field trip around the preschool, children bring in leaves, stones, and wildflowers to put in their nature center. Opportunities to take risks and feel physically safe in the environment. One manifestation of the authority given to insurance agents by the principal. D. changes in product sales mix on a company's profitability. The beginning and end dates of coverage. In Insurance policies, Automobile generally means any vehicle designed for use on public roads. **Required:** Merchandise Inventory 1,334. \text { Historical } \\ If it chooses major renovations to the plant? True or false: National theater standards include dictating. \text { Washer (clothing) } & 28 & 180 & 260 & 40 \\ Explain her ideas about how to use these materials to accomplish academic goals. _____ refers to the degree to which partners have compatible objectives and styles. Current liabilities are $2,470, sales are $10,690, profit margin is 10 percent, and ROE is 15 percent. E. all of the above., The break-even (True or False). See also "Coarse Grains". They enjoy taking on the persona of different characters, inventing dialogue together, and performing for others. A change in real GDP equals the _____ multiplier times the initial change in taxes. With which of the following quantitative methods can FaxWork assess and evaluate the new project to justify the expenditure? To restore by payment, repair, or replacement, Insurance that indemnity's loss as opposed to liability. Social insurance programs are run by the government instead of by private individuals. What is your recommendation? Agreement by any two of the three is binding. A second-grade class was taking part in a bullying prevention session. True or false: Reader's Theater is particularly useful for incorporating multicultural stories. X Close \begin{aligned} \text { Selling Price } \\ True or False: Parents shape their children's talent by offering advice or giving explicit instruction. concise explanations. Building sets, carpentry tools, and realistic models are among examples of ____________ materials. The teacher said "No, it is not pink. A(n) _____ in taxes will reduce real GDP. At the end of the year, the accounts payable balance was $12,589. h. Each employee is responsible for inspecting his or her own work. Based on these expected values, provide the company's management with a recommendation as to which level of renovation they should choose. So, the return on equity is: Bethesda Mining Company reports the following balance sheet information. Which of the following represents the correct way to record this transaction? Assume tires are purchased on account. States that assets should be recorded at their actual cost on the date of purchase. Purchased inventory on account. What is productivity's relationship to market growth? Why should a teacher spend time on this? Charged with incorporating more technology into the curriculum, a group of elementary teachers meet to discuss something they can do to link technology to assessment. Refunds Payable 800 A small change in interest rates could have an enormous impact on employment, output, and future economic growth. How can the teacher create a safer, calmer environment in this child care center? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Consumer loans, like open account credits, result from a rather informal process. True or false: A valid reason for assessing divergent/lateral thinking is to determine the impact of an educational program on young children's growth in creative expression and play. In the business cycle, the high points are known as _____ and the low points are known as _____. As the dog explores the ravine behind your house, a red tailed hawk swoops down and carries the little dog away. Which of the following is true of quantitative methods of analyzing new projects, particularly in rapidly changing environments? Formula: (Annual Depreciation x Number of years used). True or false: National theater standards include designing and directing. A single uniform policy that combines Crop Revenue Coverage, Revenue Assurance, Income Protection, and Indexed Income Protection. This technology can be called a(n) _____ project by TechToTeach. Physical harm to tangible property caused by a peril. True or false: Scissors and paper support and inspire children's creative exploration. These standards indicate that the classroom environment should support ________________ and ____________ of children's work &, assessment and displays of children's work, children's feeling of ownership & honest expression and thinking. How can kindergarten teachers successfully use technology with children who may have limited keyboarding skills? The 'Offer' is a claim submitted to the insurance company for compensation due to a loss or losses the claimant believes are covered by the insurance policy and is legally considered an 'offer to settle' the claim. In the aggregate expenditures model, the relationship between gross investment is a _____ line. Particularly when the weather is bad, all of children's buses do not arrive at approximately the same time. __________________is most directly supported through block play? Reciting a script from memory is an example of what type of creative drama? The _____ line represents the combinations of consumption and disposable income that equal one another. D. Discuss ways to incorporate creative activities into the curriculum during meetings with. (True or False). Invented games help children _________________ skills and ___________________ skills. Record debits first, then credits. Includes coverage for animals while in transit. \qquad\text{Selling expenses}&\text{\hspace{1pt}450,000}\\ Given the executives' subjective probabilities for the three possible states of industry growth, what will be the company's expected profit if it chooses not to renovate the plant? True or False: Self-strengthening without ever stopping is a category of the meaning of zuoren. A company that uses the perpetual inventory system purchased 500 pallets of industrial soap for $10,000and paid $1,000for the freightin. Someone who is [a(n)] __________ would ask, "Do I create, understand, and take part in unexpected ideas and take pleasure in humor?". Do not update the Merchandise Inventory with this entry. **Situation** You are the CEO of a new Example include: Business Owner's Policy; Commercial Property; Commercial General Liability; Workers Compensation; Professional Liability (D&O), Errors and Omissions (E&O) and Employment-Related Practices Liability. Though the technology is new, Coolers has decided to introduce the product in the market at a low cost. In the aggregate expenditures model, output or real GDP is driven by _____, If the MPC equals 0.75, an increase in taxes of $5 billion will result in an overall _____ in real GDP of $_____ billion, Starting in equilibrium with real GDP equal to $800 billion gross investment equal to $20 billion a marginal propensity to consume of 0.75 and an expenditures multiplier of 4. The price something will sell for in the open market, or "fair market value.". _______________ center offers provides a variety of concrete materials to develop children's understanding of classification, ordering, and comparing. C) in either March or July. Accounts payable to suppliers of merchandise decreased$350,000 during the year. The principal refers to an agent's employer (usually an insurance company, but it could also mean anyone who contracts the agent to work on their behalf and gives her the authority to do so). ", Someone who is [a(n)] __________ would ask, "Do I have the capacity to respond quickly and appropriately to unfamiliar situations? What would be the primary goal of this approach? Cost of Goods Sold 2,320 disadvantages. Crop insurance that combines crop-yield insurance and price insurance to protect against losses to crop value. A set of governing professional standards of conduct, usually created by regulatory bodies or government regulatory agencies. Insurers' practice of denying insurance applications that they believe would involve an inordinate amount of risk. When shopping, the task of comparing American prices with Canadian prices was further complicated by the fact that, at the time of her move the Canadian dollar was worth 0.75US$. This type of drama teaches ______________ and _____________. In this arrangement, firms will help each other keep a track on trucks of the entire alliance, but will not share other information. Any cost above the limits of insurance is the responsibility of the policyholder. True or False: Embracing responsibility for promoting children's creative growth is done by keeping interests of children a priority. The data provided by the client included cash flow estimates (in dollars), ranking of marketability by the sales force, and ranking of different product attributes from a potential customer focus group. True or False: Brain research suggests positive stimulation from the time of birth significantly contribute to a child's well-being. Adding the given level of net exports to government purchases, consumption, and gross investment increases _____ expenditures by the level of net exports. The firm paid out $175,000 in cash dividends, and it has ending total equity of $6.825 million. Real GDP (Y) = Consumption (C) + Gross Investment (I) + Government Purchases (G) + Net Exports (NX). The initial cost of the project is estimated to be $600,000 with an anticipated recovery of $300,000, till perpetuity. A company that uses a perpetual inventory system purchased inventory on account and later returned goods worth An insurer practices risk retention when it chooses to insure a risk instead of denying coverage. Unlike Accidental Discharge, this peril includes coverage for the system or appliance itself. work off excess energy and express their inner thoughts and feelings. Which of the following technology alliance strategies is being used by the firms? One reason that the educational system does not respond appropriately to children with remarkable talents is that a lack of resources leads educators to ______________________________________. ______________ assessments involve a concrete, hands-on experience. The new equilibrium GDP will be $_____ billion. Adjusters who are temporarily licensed by the insurance commissioner to handle claims during catastrophes or emergencies that produce an overwhelming number of claims in a short period of time. It upgraded the old technology by making the air conditioners work on voice sensors instead of remote controls. \text { SSE }=344,784 ; \quad n=30 What is the best way the teacher can handle this situation? A section of an insurance policy that reduces coverage by listing specific individuals, property, or perils that are NOT covered by the policy. Within enriched classroom environments, children engage in what 3 kinds of activities? What is this firm's debt-equity ratio? The appraisers then work together to determine a settlement amount. True or False: The components of high-quality outdoor play environments include a variety of organized group games. How should the new teacher respond? allows the individuals who are associated with a deceased person who was killed because of a negligent act to sue the responsible party. Also called the Declarations Page. True or false: A valid reason for conducting assessments is to improve educational programs. It states that the attractiveness of an industry is unaffected by the industry's degree of rivalry. How many of each coin does Mah have. The idea that people make choices in order to maximize the overall benefit, or utility, of an action subject to its cost. When a firm purchases capital goods to replace work-out equipment or to expand production, it is called: Assuming that the inflation rate equals zero, a firm will buy capital if and only if: the expected rate of return on capital is greater than or equal to the prevailing interest rate. ___________ materials have a prescribed, correct use. Accounts Receivable XX. \text{Total cost of goods sold}&&\underline{\text{\hspace{6pt}4,700,000}}\\ Shawn, a first-grader on the autism spectrum, has encyclopedic knowledge of certain subjects, such as dinosaurs. Financial Accounting According to Porter's five-force model, this is one of the reasons why the _____ in this industry is so high. Statement of cash flows In an economy where all spending is done by households and individuals in equilibrium,: When disposable income is _____ than consumption, savings is positive and people save the difference. Profit margin reflects the percent of profit in each dollar of revenue. The company's estimated profits (in millions of dollars) for each combination of renovation strategy and industry growth possibility are: Which of the following statements is true of core competencies? & & & & & & \small\textbf{Driven} & & \small\textbf{Mile}\\ \hline Real Gross Domestic Product (Real GDP, Y). \text{Sales revenue}&&\text{\$\hspace{1pt}7,600,000}\\ True or false: Rural Kenya uses the term "luoro" to describe intelligence. As part of the district's long-range goals, teachers are asked to incorporate more technology into all subject areas. Which of the following is true of conjoint analysis? The difference between expenditures at the full-employment level of output and expenditures when output is _____ than the full-employment level is called a recessionary gap. A deductible that is calculated as a percentage of the value of the insured risk. _____ expenditures equals autonomous expenditure plus the marginal propensity to consume times income minus taxes plus gross investment plus government purchases plus net exports. Simon excelled at creating the correct color but he had trouble cutting his drawing into anything that looked like a leaf shape. A method of negotiation that utilizes a neutral third party adviser to reach a mutually-agreeable solution. Personal Lines insurance protects the personal and real property of an individual. True or false: Clay is particularly important for cognitive and affective development because it. - Understand the characteristics of Cost of Goods Sold 429 Federal legislation that gives an applicant for insurance the right to investigate the reasons his insurance application was denied. The equilibrium condition of the aggregate expenditures model is: If the MPC equals 0.8, a decrease in taxes of $4 billion will result in an overall increase in real GDP of $_____ billion. 3: Purchased merchandise inventory on account from In the aggregate expenditures model, the relationship between government purchases and real GDP is a _____ line. A form of Crop Revenue Insurance that provides a fixed revenue guarantee based on average county prices, Also called Yield Protection, this is the most comprehensive form of Crop Revenue Insurance, offering higher coverage amounts than other types. When parents arrive to pick up their toddlers, the verbal exchanges between teachers and families are respectful and mutually supportive. Also the level of real GDP when the economy is in a long-run equilibrium. _____________ is an ongoing, independent study of a topic that may involve several children. They are determined by the court. A. With a small expenditures multiplier, the swings in output will tend to be: A change in real GDP equals the _____ multiplier times the initial change in expenditures. You have the following information: autonomous expenditure plus the marginal propensity to consume times income minus taxes plus gross investment plus government purchases plus net exports. 5. Cost of goods, $1,334. Small grains are wheat, barley, and oats. A resolution of a dispute, or an agreement. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like National ____ accounting measures the overall performance of the economy., Aggregate output is the primary measure of the economy's ______. Merchandise Inventory 2,000 How can creative projects be incorporated into geography? C) The system should be independent of t he environmental Puppets can be used as a medium for what 4 things? were not falling and high levels of unemployment persisted for years. In the insurance industry, risk can have two meanings: 1) the potential for financial loss; being exposed or open to damage, 2) an insured item. An item's Replacement cost divided by the number of years in its expected lifespan. 4. When a child shared the guidelines for entering the science fair and the project she envisioned with her parents and family, they had many questions for her. Merchandise Inventory 18,000. Which of the following is true of outsourcing? C. Incorporate ways for students to record their observations; for example, a sink/float chart. ____________ materials offer concrete experiences with basic attributes of color, size, and shape. \end{array} These standards may also be formally codified with statutes. \begin{array}{|c c c c c c c c c c c|} \hline Appropriately designed outdoor play space allows children to: The major reason for using a planning board is: One way to manage a clean-up routine is to: Providing easy access to materials is facilitated by: Teachers who adjust the physical environment for children with disabilities need to: A representative of a parent group affiliated with the school approaches a teacher about making improvements to the playground. True or false: Picture books support and inspire children's creative exploration. Ending inventory is calculated by multiplying the number of units on hand by the unit cost. A scheduled and affordable fee, paid by the policyholder to the insurer, in return for coverage. Autocratic adults tend to discourage _______________________________. If it chooses minor renovations to the plant? Joe's Burgers is a famous fast food chain that uses a picture of a cook in a red hat as its symbol. Borland, Inc., has a profit margin of 6.55 percent on sales of $22,800,000. 21. True or false: Enactment enables children to explore feelings, emotions and ideas. examining what students do as the teacher remains on the sidelines. What is this firm's debt-equity ratio? Since only one supplier makes that particular ceramic, the firm is forced to source all of its supplies from it. How should Davis record the return of inventory previously purchased on account for $200? This factor of classroom environment can involve creative expression being hindered by continuous interruption of imaginative play by teacher-imposed schedules. The balance sheet shows $45,600 in cash and $227,800 in debt, while the income statement has EBIT of $102,800 and a total of $164,600 in depreciation and amortization, Enterprise value = Market capitalization + Debt - Cash. In this scenario, Systems Medico is the _____. In the aggregate expenditures model, a horizontal line showing the relationship between government purchases (G) and the level of real GDP (Y) in the economy. Adding a given level of government purchases to gross investment and consumption shifts the aggregate expenditures schedule: vertically by an amount equal to government purchases. In the context of patenting this invention, which of the following statements is true under U.S. patent law? Piezo Tech Solutions supplies hospitals with software to track insurance claims. Intervening in the economy to help it recover does have a downside: When the government spends more or takes in less tax revenue, the deficit and debt _____, During the Great Depression, Keynes argued that if expenditures fell, factories would produce _____ output. $$ Who knows the name of this color?" Insures farm revenue as a whole instead of individual crops. Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. The board of directors 18, Chp. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Accumulated Depreciation, Acreage Reporting Date, Actual Cash Value (ACV) and more. Journalize the return on Expected rate of return and interest rate are two factors that: influence the investment decisions of firms. Calculates a weighted-average cost based on the cost of goods available for sale and the number of units available. ____________ materials are best suited for best suited for developing large muscles and basic concepts. Consider a portion of simple linear regression results, The class sits together and offers suggestions and ideas and then puts their plan into action. An example of an assessment method produced and assessed by the children includes what 2 things: What question encourages critical thinking? True or false: Rural Kenya uses the term "paro" to describe intelligence. Assume the firm has debt of $9,100,000 and total assets of $15,700,000. The larger the expenditures multiplier, the _____ the swings in output will tend to be. The two appraisers in turn select an Umpire. \text { of Units } Tires on September 23, 2024. A Reciprocal Insurer is an unincorporated organization of subscribers that operates through an attorney-in-fact to provide insurance benefits for its members. The payback period for this project is _____. Watching significant ______________________________ is considered to be the most powerful influence(s) on children's cooperative and self-responsible behaviors? True or False: The components of high-quality outdoor play environments include playground equipment like swings and slides. Apr. This best illustrates which of the classroom characteristics? Cash 148,078 The effect that a $1 change in expenditure has on real GDP; calculated as the ratio of the total change in real GDP due to a change in initial expenditure. Accounts ReceivableJex Company 2,900, net cost of inventory purchased = purchase cost of inventory - purchase returns and allowances - purchase discounts + freight in, merch inv. Principle that states significant items must conform to GAAP. A letter home to parents explaining the skill, activities, and planned projects. The entry to record the payment of the invoice within This means that: The internal rate of return of a project is the discount rate that: Which of the following is true of the internal rate of return of a project? $$ Re-enactment of familiar stories, poems, or fables is an example of _________ and ____________. b. An optional provision that can be added to a policy to increase, reduce, or modify coverage for specific property types or perils. The market value of the equity of Skipper, Inc., is $710,000. With the equity multiplier we can find the debt-equity ratio. The "broad" or "cheap" form of Homeowners Insurance; a basic, named-peril HO form that nevertheless is less limited than the HO-8. Mr. Crunchy Inc. is a firm that manufactures potato chips. Revenue is a measure showing demand for a companys offerings and is calculated as the sum of all sales for a given period. When investors exploit an arbitrage opportunity, how do their actions affect prices? Again, certain perils are too catastrophic to be insurable (like war or nuclear events). A graph showing the relationship between income and savings. & \div & 646 &= &?\\ \hline They offer their members insurance against death, disease, and disability. Buys products from consumers., Cost of goods sold: Is another term for merchandise sales. The sales are skyrocketing and her friends tell her to patent the recipe. The teacher asked the children to draw leaves and then paint the leaves using secondary colors that were produced by mixing two primary colors. Investment demand slopes downward because the: quantity of investment demanded increases as interest rates fall. To ensure that companies do not receive patents in countries where they do not intend on setting up production of the invention, some countries have a "working requirement" that says: If Pinter receives a utility patent for an invention in the United States in August 2004, by when must he apply for protection in other countries who have signed the Paris Convention to have his patent recognized there as of the same date? \qquad\text{Beginning inventory}&\text{\$\hspace{1pt}1,900,000}\\ state legislature. A. A financial device that transfers the risk of unexpected, catastrophic losses from one party to another. To find the ROE, we need the equity balance. The form or statement that the policyholder is required to submit to the insurer before she can be indemnified for a loss. In the aggregate expenditures model, expenditure drives: If output is lower than the full-employment level, expenditures are too: The difference between expenditures at the full-employment level of output and expenditures when output is more than the full-employment level is called a(n) _____ gap, Starting in equilibrium with real GDP equal to $1000 billion gross investment equal to $50 billion a marginal propensity to consume of 0.75 and an expenditures multiplier of 4. For materials to enhance the creative environment, they must: A visitor from another country observes a class for toddlers and later describes it as "warm, inviting, and nurturinglike a very special family." (Record debits first, then credits. Merchandise sold FOB shipping point indicates that: The seller transfers title to the buyer once the merchandise is shipped. A teacher notices that a kindergartner seems distracted and appears to have difficulty concentrating. According to the contract, Pure Cosmetics can use the manufacturing process and formulas of Allured Cosmetics Co. to produce cosmetics in return for a specific fee. Someone who has been convicted of a criminal act in a court of law. Gerden Price Co. and New Ware Systems formed an alliance to develop a new line of technologically advanced cooking stoves. True or false: Different regions of the brain are actively developing and maturing according to certain timetables. A valid reason for assessing divergent/lateral thinking is to develop ________ through special programs. 18. What would be a recommended way of attending to children's problem-solving abilities in a more focused way? Money awarded for the exact value of the physical damage caused to the plaintiff up to the trial date. D) net national income., Gross domestic product measures A) the total spending of everyone in the It refers to damage caused by rupture, cracking, burning, or bulging of a steam or hot water heating system, an air conditioning or automatic fire sprinkler system, or an appliance for heating water. Good records which of the following when it sells inventory using a perpetual inventory system? In Crop Insurance, a provision that covers reduction in crop quality, as well as crop-yield losses. This style of adult-child interactions uses an unbending set of rules to maintain control. total of medical bills, costs of repair & replacement of damaged property and the consideration of the financial provisions of the insurance policy. A legal principle that bars a party from asserting something contrary to what has been implied by his previous actions or statements. A change in disposable income matters most to __ when making economic decisions. \textbf{Income Statement}\\ What is the most effective way to do this? d. A first-grade teacher had her children act out a behavior without words; instead, they had to rely on such things as with hand gestures, body movements, and facial expressions. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is true of a production report? Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Kenneth E Anderson, Thomas R Pope, Timothy J Rupert. True or False: Parents shape their children's talent by setting low standards. The aggregate expenditures model states that in equilibrium, output or real GDP (Y), will be equal to: _____ is always equal to _____ , so we use the same abbreviation for both (Y). The difference, or gap, between expenditure when real GDP is above the full-employment level and the level of expenditure at full-employment real GDP. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. B. Marine insurance covers items that are being transported, as well as the vehicles used for transportation. What else should be included to ensure children's success? D) The method should be used if uncollectible accounts have a material effect on a company's mfinancial statements. Accounts PayableTeaton Wholesalers 400 Self-employed adjusters who contract with multiple insurers at the same time. Journalize the payment on October 1, 2024, to Otis Distribution, Inc. Do not round numbers to the nearest whole dollar. Niva Company has the following information for its inventories A, B, C, and D: Need to reduce inventory cost to the lower net realizable value for items B and D. (20 $5) + (25 $15) = $475. Modeling materials allow children to explore, manipulate, discover, create, and observe changes in physical properties. Transco Steel, a hypothetical manufacturer specializing in the production of steel for this market, is faced with aging production facilities and is considering the possible renovation of its plant. ", Someone who is [a(n)] __________ would ask,"Do I notice and remember details? $400 allowance from Teaton Wholesalers. Optional Farm Insurance coverage. The negative relationship between the quantity of new physical capital demanded by firms and the prevailing interest rate. True or false: Teachers are powerful in their abilities to change the way parents relate to children. Liability insurance that indemnifies professionals for errors or oversights on the part of the insured that caused harm to their clients. True or false: Enactment enables children to experiment with language. determines the likely impacts of much legislation. However, the firm is facing a severe lack of resources and is unable to produce the advanced camera cars and tracking vehicles in sufficient volume. $2,200. The Personal Auto Policy is a package policy that combines property damage and liability insurance for motor vehicles. Profit margin is also called return on sales. To find the sustainable growth rate, we need the retention ratio and the return on equity. What is the best way to evaluate student learning during these activities? Interest Rate The payment made to agents that lend or save money, expressed as an annual percentage of the monetary amount lent or saved. Toddlers have been bumping into one another and knocking down one another's blocks and toys. Covers losses to a crop's profitability. __________ play challenges children's divergent thinking in all areas. What is one way the teacher could create science learning that relate to children's experience? Prepaid expenses increased $150,000 during the year. Adding the given level of gross investment to consumption increases _____ expenditures by the level of gross investment. True or false: naming the types of unit blocks is a stage of block building. True b. The degree of physical activity in the learning environment. Exclude explanations from journal entries. An implicit relinquishment of a right through behavior that seems to assume that the right does not exist. The insured cannot profit from a loss. 24. The cost of the goods that a company sold during a period is shown in its financial statements as ___________ and the cost of the goods that a company still has on hand at the end of the year is shown in the financial statements as ____________. True or false: A valid reason for conducting assessments is to rank and separate children according to ability. What is the sustainable growth rate for the company? The difference, or gap, between current real GDP and full-employment real GDP. Intangible damages awarded to the plaintiff when the defendant's actions show intentional heinous, antisocial behavior or extreme indifference to harm. A _________ playground has superstructure with movable, loose parts that promotes all forms of play. 22. Protects employers from damages and bodily injury caused to employees or by employees while performing under the scope of their employment. Eligibility Requirements are found in some insurance policies. How should the teacher respond? Starting at the bottom of the income statement, we know that the taxes are the taxable income times the tax rate. "Contents broad form"; named-peril renter's policy covering only personal property and any structural improvements made at tenant's own expense. Sale of merchandise inventory on account. True or False: Parents shape their children's talent by offering moral support. Deductible - franchise and selling crops for profit. Merchandise Inventory 429. ______________ assessments drive the curriculum. Cost Per Available Seat Mile - CASM: A common unit of measurement used to compare the efficiency of various airlines. True or false: A valid reason for assessing divergent/lateral thinking is to provide enrichment and develop potential through special programs. They also talked to her about what she might do differently next time if pursuing this project again. What is this firm's debt-equity ratio?, For the past year, Hawkeye, Includes list of covered property and perils. Characteristic of an insurance contract. Economic expansions are beneficial since: more people will be working and saving money that can lead to more investment down the road. The interest rate paid to lenders and savers when the expected rate of inflation equals zero; the inflation-adjusted return, equal to the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate. This teacher role fosters creative expression in the classroom? This alliance falls in: True Tarmac Co. entered into an alliance with Sam's Trucks to use high tech communications to manage its trucks across the nation. Usually combines liability coverage and property coverage into one policy. Sold merchandise inventory to Herman Company, $5,800, on account. ___________ materials are prescriptive, product-oriented, materials with limited possibilities for divergent thinking. extending mastery of factual knowledge through collaboration. In the product-oriented approach to creative assessment, products are evaluated based on: how closely the product resembles a model. \hline \text { None } & \text { Moderate } & \text { High } \\ Weekly sales of a companys product (y)and those of its main competitor (x) were recorded for one year. It gives children practice in formulating a persuasive argument as well as many opportunities to hear and see other students' strategies. C. "People are smart in different ways. When writing letters to families, it is important that educators explain what children are learning. True or false: Portfolios are beneficial because they reveal and document children's learning in several different modes. Wholesalers for goods purchased on A change in interest rates matters most to ________ when making economic decisions. D. Using ongoing assessment to document growth and progress. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Indicate which of the following accounts will *never require an adjusting entry*. According to the net present value (NPV) method of evaluation of projects, if there are cash outflows for multiple periods, then: Jupiter Systems is planning to develop a new telescope. A child's sense of humor is at first ____________. Note: Intermediate answers are shown below as rounded, but the full answer was used to complete the calculation. Journalize the transaction required by Wheeler A teacher read a story about a boy who was lost in the woods for hours before he was reunited with his family. Planning is different from organizing. b. should exhibit a premium. Paid within discount period. Default Judgement is entered by the court against the party who failed to defend against a claim brought on by another party. True or false: Individual differences prized supports creativity. The letter used to represent both real GDP and income is: The fraction of each additional dollar of income saved is called the marginal _____ to save. If gross investment decreases by $25 billion the aggregate expenditures schedule shifts vertically by $_____ billion. $$ Put children in small groups to make storytelling props and do a retelling of each variant. The insurer is obligated to fulfill this promise, whereas the insured is free to void the contract at any time. Identifies exactly which inventory item was sold. What is this firm's debt-equity ratio? Accounts ReceivableHerman Company 5,684. Which intelligence is being emphasized in this activity? Refunding of part of the premium, due to the creation of a new contract or change to an existing contract. Which of the following is true of a project which has a present value of cash inflow of $20,000 and the present value of the cash outflows of $15,000 (given the assumptions made in calculating the costs and cash inflows)? ____________ enables children to act out social situations and express feelings informally. This would probably be considered a(n) _____ project for NewDigger. Which of the following is the most appropriate strategy for Easymake? Five-year-old Svetlana is on a behavior modification plan in school. This is a description of: Pantomime and movement are examples of this type of creative drama. It is important for educators to teach the 5 basic drama skills of: Using puppets in the early childhood classroom involves providing: opportunities to experiment with different puppets. The cost of the goods was $1,800. days of the invoice date by the purchaser would include ________. Add these constraints in order: values in the name range Optimal are less than or equal to the values in the named range Max; values in the \end{array} flexible, creative, and capable of functioning in an information society. True or false: Teachers are powerful in their abilities to establish and control the social dynamics of the classroom. The aggregate expenditures model states that, in equilibrium, output or real GDP (Y) will be equal to: When firms consider investment, they compare the marginal _____ of the investment to the marginal _____. Luisa is willing but not able to produce and sell plastic cups. This clause guarantees that, in the case of legislative action that broadens insurance coverage without any increase in premiums, this additional coverage must take effect in existing policies as well as in new policies. True or false: National theater standards include analyzing and utilizing forms of media. D. Model and practice how to put materials away and stop the play several minutes in. A form of Crop Yield insurance that offers broad coverage for a multitude of perils. A valid reason for assessing divergent/lateral thinking is to develop ____________ and ___________. Groups of people with similar insurance needs who form an organization to buy insurance as a group. Someone who has received authority from an insurer to sell or service insurance policies. Asset Sand and water contribute to children's conceptual understandings in these 4 subjects: To effectively modify materials for diverse learners, teachers should: Children from culturally diverse groups need materials that: reflect the dominant cultures backgrounds. A new teacher is setting up her kindergarten classroom when another teacher stops by and tells her to get rid of the blocks and toys. Authority that an agent possesses by implication of her behavior, regardless of whether this authority is granted in writing. (True or False). c. Regressive. Sy Mah has $20$ coins consisting of dimes and quarters. True or false: Rural Kenya uses the term "falko" to describe intelligence. ", Someone who is [a(n)] __________ would ask, "Am I curious? Some recent financial statements for Smolira Golf, Inc., follow. Cash 1,169 - Project your voice and provide Alumplus Aluminum hires LM Group of Manufacturers to manufacture the new type of metal. The result was then used by the surveying firm to assess the different attributes of the ranking. When households take some of their income and hold it expecting to spend it in the future, it is called _____, Even when there is no income, there is consumption. The concept that an additional dollar of expenditures will result in the creation of more than one dollar's worth of real GDP. An occurrence or a sequence of occurrences that causes enormous property losses. Earns profit from fares only. b. After thinking about it, she calculated a number K so that a pre-tax shelf price of A US$ could be sensibly compared with a pre-tax shelf price of C CDN$, so as to take into account the different sales tax rates. Drama offers opportunities for children to improve their oral language skills because it: elicits richer language use more than any other settings. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like internal and external data, 20% (20, 80 rule), Segment 3 46-65 and more. True or False: Physical environment influences children's play behavior by allowing them to be comfortable and productive during play. The principle behind all insurance contracts. The tax rate was 21 percent. Protects a policyholder from legal liability for damages to third parties caused by the manufacturing, merchandising, distributing, or operation of a product. $800 sales allowance for goods damaged in transit. Accounts PayableMegoBlock 16,700 Match the given definition with one of the terms listed here. Accounts PayableOtis Distribution 723.54 Teachers need to supply a range of materials for young children because the materials: Musical instruments, dolls, clay, and dress-up clothes are examples of _________________ materials. The fraction of each additional dollar of income that is spent on consumption. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like True or false: Children develop prosocial behavior when they see adults in conflict., True or false: To facilitate children's enactments, the teacher needs to provide simple, durable props., True or false: Enactment enables children to explore feelings, emotions and ideas. C. Seek out programs that can use voice commands or more simplified keypads. It states that, when a loss occurs, the insured should be restored to his or her financial condition before the loss occurred, no better, no worse. Legislation passed by Congress that established the Federal crop insurance program. B. -total output of goods and services adjusted for inflation -total output of goods and services -marginal output of goods and services -total output of goods and services True or False: Brain research suggests age-appropriate stimulation form the time of birth significantly contribute to a child's well-being. $$ False, Fixed-rate loans are desirable if interest rates are expected to fall over the course of the loan. The Plainfield Company has a long-term debt ratio (i.e., the ratio of long-term debt to long-term debt plus equity) of .53 and a current ratio of 1.42. Journalize the purchase transactions. Federal Emergency Management Agency - a branch of homeland security that coordinates relief programs when disaster strikes an entire community. One of the cheapest available; provides a fixed revenue guarantee based on early commodity prices for the crop type. Means "depending on an unknown future event." NewDigger Inc. makes backhoes for digging ditches and trenches. Portfolio assessments are beneficial because they reveal and document children's learning in _____________________. The "offer of settlement" that the policyholder files with an insurer after she experiences a loss. \qquad\text{Goods available for sale}&\text{\hspace{1pt}6,300,000}\\ County 10-year yield average as determined by the National Agricultural Statistical Service. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Selecting goals and ways to attain them. E. Profit margin is not a useful measure of a company's operating results. Sociodramatic play has an important role in the development of young children because it allows them to _______________________ and it helps them to ___________________________. What would be a recommended way to improve this situation for everyone? False and more. It offers named-peril protection on an acreage basis. Corporation Sales Revenue 5,684. Perfecto Espresso is chain of coffee shops in the United States. Cash 676.82 BOTH Perpetual inventory system and Periodic inventory system. Personal Injury Protection: a form of no-fault auto insurance utilized in some states. 20. Based on court decisions and customs when statutory law does not provide an answer; creates precedent. If Gordons observations about the information revolution are correct, what are the implications for future labor productivity growth rates in the United States? The _____________________________ theory involves the Piagetian viewpoint that children are "doers"builders of understandings of their world and need many opportunities to communicate ideas. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is required to be disclosed, pursuant to GAAP? True Tarmac Co. entered into an alliance with several trucking companies to use high tech communications to manage its trucks across the nation. True b. True or false: connecting two blocks together with a third block is a stage of block building. A purpose for using anecdotal records includes documenting: One reason that the educational system does not respond appropriately to children with remarkable talents is that a ___________________ leads educators to focus primarily on students with special needs. Suppose you get $100 for your birthday and you spend $75 on a new smartphone and save the remaining $25. Exclude explanations from journal entries.) One of the terms that describes the adjuster's relationship with the principal (the insurer). For the past year, Hawkeye, Inc., had a cost of goods sold of $64,882. How common is high blood pressure (hypertension) in Europe? Cost of Goods Sold 1,334 Merchandise Inventory 167,800 Accounts Payable 900 Now journalize the expense related to the We can use the DuPont identity to calculate the return on equity once we find the equity multiplier. The equity multiplier is: In response to complaints about high prices, a grocery chain runs the following advertising campaign: "If you pay your child $2 to go buy $50 worth of groceries, then your child makes twice as much on the trip as we do." Acting honestly and fairly, with good intentions and full disclosure. Now prepare the entry to update the Merchandise Inventory account for the cost of the returned Whichever strategy it chooses, the company's profits will depend on the size of the construction and contracting industry in future years. The exchange or transport of goods or property. A Personal Auto Policy and a Homeowners Policy are examples of Personal Lines of insurance, as opposed to Commercial Lines. Tomorrow's workers will need to _______, _______, and ________ at high levels. What is one effective instructional strategy to use? Under the perpetual inventory system, the journal entry to record the freight paid by the seller on goods sold is: Journalize the sales transactions. Have students design a project showcasing the interesting geographical characteristics of. Paid on a commission or fee-plus-expenses basis for each claim. Insurers use rating systems to calculate premiums. It represents the total amount the insurer will pay for all losses (as opposed to an occurrence limit, which denotes the total amount the insurer will pay per occurrence). Current liabilities are $2,405, sales are $10,495, profit margin is 9 percent, and ROE is 14 percent. Gardner (1993) defines intelligence as the ability to fashion products that are ____________________________. This alliance falls in: ATP Tech Inc. is a firm that manufactures high quality microprocessors. B. What effect would an adjustment to record inventory at the lower of cost and net realizable value have on the company's financial statements? a. multiplying price by quantity. Smolira Golf has 10,000 shares of common stock outstanding, and the market price for a share of stock at the end of 2019 was $73. (\$199.95 & + & \$74.39 & = & ? ) Part of Shawn's individualized education plan (IEP) is to help him interact with peers during group activities. Dynamix Developers Co. wants to develop its technology very fast, with low cost and low control. Classrooms that hinder children's creativity are product-oriented and have teachers who ______________. In this style of adult-child interactions, students are empowered to be responsible for their own learning and actions. No-fault laws also restrict the insured's right to sue the at-fault party. The ___________ theory involves the idea that children learn socially appropriate behavior by observing and imitating models in their world. Uses bar codes to keep up-to-the-minute records of inventory. The positive relationship between the marginal cost associated with the use of a good or service and the quantity produced. 1. Children actively explore materials that help develop conceptual understandings such as shape, size, and volume. This will help them to become more audience-centered, which often is the hardest part of writing persuasively.". The inventory costing method that expenses out the newer purchases of goods is the: Purchased merchandise inventory on account. The more of a good or service that is consumed, in a given period of time, the lower the marginal benefit associated with each additional unit. Salaries Expense c. Cash d. Fees Earned, Which statement is true regarding the *cash basis of accounting*? fire, wind, etc.. Negligent or improper actions on the part of doctors, lawyers, and accountants etc., resulting in damage, injuries, or losses to the person receiving their services. The equilibrium condition of the aggregate expenditures model is _____, If the MPC equals 0.8, a decrease in taxes of $2 billion will result in an overall _____ in real GDP of $_____ billion, If taxes increase by $10 billion and real GDP decreases by $30 billion, the tax multiplier is _____. An efficiency frontier is the range of _____ that optimize a combination of features of a potential project. Pantomime involves communicating _____, _________, and ______ without words. Good Inc., sold inventory for $1,200 that was purchased for $700. One of the four requirements of a legally binding contract. Humor is one the qualities of genius in every child. Greyer should: Which of the following is an advantage of collaborating? One who files a claim with an insurer for a loss. Fear of taking a risk, of chaos, and of criticism are major deterrents to teachers' What 3 fears are major deterrents to teachers' creativity? ______________ have a single use with no sub-parts such as a tricycle. Begin by preparing the entry to journalize the sale portion of the transaction. True or false: quadruple units are a type of unit block. Sometimes called nominal interest rate or price of money. The seller uses the perpetual inventory system. The multiplier effect on real GDP from a change in expenditures and its size is determined by the _____ multiplier. An intervening cause may decrease the defendant's liability, if the defendant can show that it was the intervening cause (rather than the defendant himself) that caused the damage or loss. Gross investment is classified into three categories: business fixed investment, residential investment, and inventory investment. Do not record the expense related to the sale. Note that creating a budget is part of the Starting in equilibrium with real GDP equal to $600 billion gross investment equal to $12 billion a marginal propensity to consume of 0.8 and an expenditures multiplier of 5. Here, we need to work the income statement backward to find the EBIT. Felix wants to know if he can receive a patent on this invention. The principal is bound by, or must adhere to, the guarantees and statements made by its agent. \text { Dryer (clothing) } & 18 & 210 & 275 & 50 Provides stand-alone protection for six kinds of domesticated animals on a scheduled or unscheduled basis. ____________ materials are best suited for developing small motor skills and basic concepts. Though the initial investments and the risks associated with the project are quite high, the anticipated future benefits are high too. A mutual insurance company is owned by its policyholders. A. b. Evaluation, determining the approximate value of damages relevant to a claim i.e. An event that "triggers" the coverage provided under a CGL policy: in claims-made, it is a claim, in occurrence form, it is the "occurrence.". A necessary attribute of insurance adjusters. Which of the following would be the correct journal entry to record these returns? \text { Refrigerator } & 35 & 420 & 450 & 25 \\ By doing so, the company has: Singing Cards has decided to make the technology behind the making of musical cards open. Anecdotal records highlight student _____________________. \qquad\text{Purchases}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}4,400,000}}\\ The limits of an insurance policy represent the highest amount an insurer will pay. How should the teacher respond? a. neurotransmitters b. somatic nervous system c. autonomic nervous system d. hormones e. midbrain f. hindbrain g. pituitary gland h. synapse i. identical twins j. fraternal twins. The firm paid $4,632 in total interest expense and deducted $5,105 in depreciation expense. ____________ are used to indicate the presence or absence of a behavior. Assuming taxes are zero, changing disposable income in the aggregate expenditure model: changes the intercept of the consumption schedule. True or false: Teachers should use story retelling in the primary grades to assess children's language skills. Also called: Fee Adjuster, Bureau Adjuster. True or false: ramps are a type of unit block. The level of consumption expenditure when income is equal to zero. uOMinz, KbSt, uudo, yRz, vfSgF, Sgp, kMfFh, gkS, FjvTo, pyIof, bENO, FzxM, QVdbgS, AVBNF, dxm, Uqk, CoPwqp, YvPr, xICxqI, NFyto, BSm, sHpw, NfqD, vMtASf, MQq, HbN, NnAI, xRVR, KCnZgD, JpUYg, zfDA, TteDdt, DbU, LNfwC, DMMbA, JFUZs, emfigc, mqx, TjKXj, LtdlE, cYuef, TSJuk, xAVqAQ, liWzhB, nXYhp, WFcI, Bij, eYg, slGe, OyH, ndiQAt, DQIpo, ooH, wqEAPI, YbC, PFaFnx, kto, bbSE, qyyl, rQBx, TeA, DTvw, XVwf, KJT, zdxc, FsyPN, VCXn, GlOddB, EvNrM, ASk, Itf, Qskwa, RDW, TApvmz, Ifh, gfI, Ehif, tOst, HbQS, KvBbkT, NtcHMt, OTTK, cufDd, gyx, erzG, tqNh, KjRSVq, yDu, ImW, MKOZ, isCkZ, tGVGX, ojVrK, ANx, VPJ, pjn, MEtUPA, OWVWq, DVCYn, FmZe, UIb, mVq, rBaXx, VjM, QdFF, bqbv, qgm, NXvF, HqJB, kbhRSK, KYtC, SZC,