For the disbelievers in the Hereafter, there is an evil description, or in other words, the most evil attribute (i.e., the most vile), which is their ignorance and ingratitude, and their burying alive of newborn girls, despite the fact that they are needed for the purposes of marriage and not allowing women to even inherit property, and their ascribing female gender to angels and claiming that the angels are the daughters of God while so preferring sons for themselves (this is also mentioned in the verses 37:149-155); whereas to God belong the highest attribute, namely, that there is no deity except him, immensely exalted beyond and above all comparison and likeness.[47][48]. To return to God. I took around 1hr to read this article "HOW TO CONVERT TO ISLAM & BECOME A MUSLIM". "[Quran57:4(Translated byAli nal)] He is everywhere by his knowledge and power, and nowhere, without being in a place, direction or location, because He existed eternally before all the creations (including time and space) and is clear from change. Im from a christian background, this page helped me so much :) may allah guide everyone to straight path. thank you for your immense help in my conversion to islam. Do you have Quran translation in urdu ? Your traditions are beautiful and we must discover the common points between our religions. I am a muslim and in-sha-allah i will show some of my friends this website or inform them about it.salam a lai kum, ISLAM IS THE TRUE RELIGION THE WAY TO PEACE AND COMPLETE SOOTHNESS AND CALMNESS OF THE MIND AND SOUL INSHA ALLAH ONE DAY EVERY1 CONVERTS TO ISLAM AMEEEEEEEEN, Really my heart filled with sheer happiness when i go through this site. Hope everyone is doing well in sha Allah!!! Islam claims to be the true way to God. believe and follow this final message from God. Reader Abdelelbasset Abdessamed will still as one of the best readers in Islamic world. alhamdullilah.finally ive went to the right site.never in my life i would bother reading knowledge about islam because my parents didnt educate me well in islam.i was lost and didnt care to learn as i had tried many times but it didnt work out due to bad companies i mix am born islam but ashame that i dont even know how to pray 5 times a day.after reading this site i feel like im near to god and that i will never go against him which is the one and only Allah ta' ala.will anyone help me for allah's sake?im desperate to refresh myself.thanks and assalamu'alaikum, Thanks God that we have such a site which leads people to the right path while there's a great war against islam and Muslims.It made people know Islam and search for it. thereafter, he/she can always repent to God who forgives the sins of those who Fi-amaanilllah, will I still get rewards for reading Quran in Arabic, even if my pronunciation is bad? Sub-hanallah, how nice a website on Islam. Its is generally better to have an Arabic name but its not necessary. alhamdulillah good work, i hv gone thru above commens from brothers and sisters who converted to islam very recently, once again excellent comments and jazakallah. I'm so glad to find this site. Surely, We have created each and every thing by (precise) measure. Muhammad is the last prophet of the religion Islam who was Allahs messenger in the spreading of His word. There are FED Boi Team PEDO shills right now in chats trying to push the patriot movement into some kind of violence. Now I had revert into Islam. May Allah reward profusely those who created this website and those who host and maintain it and, of course, the Qaris whose beautiful voices inspire hearts with the awe and fear of Allah. For the fun part, choose which reciter of Quran you wished to hear by clicking on the name. Insha allah all unbelievered shall get faith to Allah. Meaning of name is not understood. May Allah reward you people with Jannatul Firdaus, amin. I love the Islam religion&to what I have discovered it's the religion of truth which can make one enter heaven, Am ready to convert,i need peace of mind,love,help in any kind and full dedication islam.I testify La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah., Am happy to convert my self to be a muslim, its always been a pleasure and peace to be a muslum. so beautiful mashallah and before i didnt know what the quran meant now i do. However, instead of clicking the right age range I clicked your name as it said that you were 16 years old and that is close to my age (19). Name of the prophet of Allah (swt). [25][26] It is distinguished from ilh (Arabic: ), the Arabic word meaning deity, which could refer to any of the gods worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia or to any other deity. Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Alhamdullilah,the web site is great and the persons behind this web are doing a great job.May Allah bless us all to carry this job in words deeds and in each & every sphere of life.La Elaha Ellallahu Muhammadsur Rasool ullah.Aash hadu Allah Elaha Ellallahu wah dahu la sharika lahu wa aash hadu anna Muhammadan aabdahu wa Rasuluhu. Ameen ya Rabb, Ameen! I strongly beleived that this site will help to spread Islam wich is the one the command of our Almigthy Allah. This site is doing the same job.Only ALLAH can reward you for that.very good work. in this country, it is important to conclude by saying inshallah, god willing! He has touched many hearts by his sweet voice with qirah. In other words, one must accept the sacred texts that refer to God without positively ascribing corporeal features to him. If you would like to learn more about Islam and [90] Any anthropomorphic expressions of these names and attributes is negated using the admission that their meanings can never be known. How do I bookmark a page on my laptop so I can go back to where I left off? Very Nice and interesting information for all.. You have done a great job to convey Islam to people around the world so easy to understand I just wish you all the best and please carry on your mission, May Allah Bless You, Aamen. In addition to that, it gives a brief overview of Islam, the faith of 1.7 billion people, and sheds light on the benefits of converting. Nice article.carry on.Send more information and update your sites in daily basis. Keep up the good work and may Allah guide us all. I am highly appreciative of the choice of Qaris available along with photos and a brief biography of each one-really unique. From here i am practising to change my attitudes what i am doing right now. When I declared my faith, I felt happy, I don't know why, but perhaps it was the feeling of knowing I was going to be saved, or all my sins were forgiving. Neither is he like to anything that exists, nor is anything like to him; nor is he determinate in quantity, nor comprehended by bounds, nor circumscribed by differences of situation, nor contained in the heavens, and transcends spatial and temporal bounds, and remains beyond the bounds of human comprehension and perceptions. Praise be to Allah, as the Holy Qu'ran cleared up all of my confusion, answered all of my questions and clearly showed me the Truth. 73,000+ Muslims have joined our newsletter. i'll hope u all will continue this. Salam . I have been doing Alot of research ready the Kiran and such and have been considering converting to Islam but would like to speak with someone who's got more experience. your article will help me a lot to teach my students. A great thing described in a very simple manner.Congratulations for a nice work done. person says the Testimony of Faith (Shahada) with conviction and After a few years of considering becoming a Muslim, And to ^Lindsey^, if you want to become a muslim, speak to any good well knowing muslim about becoming one, pry for me ummaAlhamdullillahi . im a believer of God who has honor and respect of Islam. finds true happiness, tranquility, and inner peace. This glorifies God from any understanding or human comprehension. [99][100], Ibn Kathir (d. 774/1373) appears to offer a definition similar to that of al-Ash'ari (d. 324/936) when he discusses tafwid in his exegesis of the Qur'anic verse (7:54) pertaining to God's istiwa'. However, if it is going to happen somewhere else and under a different set of laws, visibility is possible, for whatever exists can be seen under proper conditions.[133]. Alhamdulillah! Without trouble, lenient, easy to interact with. Ma'assalam. All attributes of God named in rituals, scriptures or prayers refers not to qualities God possesses, but to qualities emanated from God, thus these are the attributes God gave as the source of all qualities, but God does not consist on one of these qualities. His voice is amazing and I would really appreciate it! [92] In maintaining that one is not permitted to interpret the meaning of the Qur'anic verses or the Prophetic traditions that mention various attributes of God, Ibn Qudama (d. 620/1223) in his work Lum'at al-I'tiqad[ar] (The Luminance of Creed) is endorsing the principle of bila kayfa ('without [asking or knowing] how') in Islamic theology. I was shocked and felt very bad. "[Quran42:11(Translated byAli nal)]. [78] The Sufis are in fact careful to say, no matter what degree of union is realized, "the slave remains the slave, and the Lord remains the Lord". Jazakumullah khaira for this wonderful site. [63], God's omniscience is the knowledge of all things,[64] whether they are actual or possible or whether they are past, present, or future. forms a personal and direct relationship with God by worshipping Him alone, In fact, in Paradise there are pleasures that no inshallah the numbers will grow. Masha Allah. A helper, a friend, someone who helps people become successful or victorious. Why register? The era of Islamic Dawah programme through internet & other electronic media has begun. (1)Christian (Left), (2) Muslim (Me in the middle),(3) Muslim with a beard (Right). "[Quran42:11(Translated byAli nal)] and "And comparable to Him there is none. The Beylik of Artukids was named after him, founded 11 years after his death by his sons. This article explains how to convert and become a Muslim in a simple way. Masha Allah, Indeed this is what Prophet Muhammad SAW was saying about Sadaqatuj Jariya. and the prophesies of his coming in previous scriptures, the foretold events We all should tell everyone we know about such site. Al-Ghazali in his al-Iqtisad fi al-I'tiqad (Moderation in Belief) explains the Ash'ari position that God will be seen in the afterlife despite the fact that he has no physical body, nor any location or direction. I was asha yadavbut i m ayisha now i got converted jus after going thrugh this siteGREAT WORK! From Sister Janell! But add the prefix Abdul and the meaning changes to servant of the glorious one and it is now permissible. Congratulations to all of you especially welcome to the new comers, Allah has guided you to the right path and you have received the hidayah. His knowledge of things before their coming into existence and afterwards is exactly the same. I have given Da'wah, I think its called, aswell to many non-muslims and some have become interested in becoming muslims themselves so they came to sites like these :D. We already have such features in place. Mass repition is the way I memorizeWell you can play around with the way that you study you should know how you study and there are ways each others lines to memorize things inshalla Allah will make it easy for you!!!! (Same meaning as Muhammad). Once upon a time, almost 13 years back, I was working for a call center. Hence, any person who is ready to submit to the will of God is eligible to This is one of the best sites I've seen. I must say that you have taken excellent efforts to promote ' ISLAM' through this site. Asalamualaikum! Very interesting to say the least. i think u will always update this site so that everybody can get help. dwellers of Paradise will have ten times the like of this world, and they will Allahummagfirlahu warhamhu, warhamna ba'adah. Mashaa Allah it was great articles mentioned in this page, May Allah help u all and support for the benefit of all Human Kind believers and disbelievers, and as we all know is that introducing Islam is the duty of each and every muslim. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. However, some modern followers of Ibn Taymiyya claim that bi l takyf would only mean tafwid of modality not of meaning (ma'na), but according to the Ash'ari/Maturidi position, modality (kayfiyya) is a part of meaning and without detailing which aspect of meaning remains after de-anthropomorphizing a term, one ends up with tafwid. The two positions disregard the literal meaning of the texts due to the definitive evidences denoting the transcendence of God above the attributes of his created beings as per his words: "There is nothing whatever like Him. I fel relieved to convert to islam Alaikum Salaam, A sweet smelling plant, good scent, fragrance, The gate of heaven which allows fasting people in Ramadan to enter. To those who do not believe in the Hereafter applies the most evil of attributes, and to God applies the most sublime attribute, and He is the All-Glorious with irresistible might, the All-Wise. Salams. In Arabic, yaani is the English word for the slang interjection like. Can anyone tell me how to bookmark an ayah or a page to come back to it later? Wow, the way I feel is indescribable.thank you Muhammed. aisha February 3, 2021 at 6:27 pm thanks i will. God bless you. why when I copy an ayah it turns like this: Would it be possible to have a setting to slow the reciters reading so as to hear the pronunciation correctly. May Allah give us wisdom to understand the true religion. I am proud to be a Muslim & insha Allah, I will die as a Muslim. Not doubt, He is a best Qari of the world. He graduated from the University of Charia with a religious studies Degree (Oussoul Din). The 10th-century Ismaili philosopher Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani suggested the method of double negation; for example: God is not existent followed by God is not non-existent. i never used to think much about religion but i have reached a stage in my life where i want to decide what is and is not for me and i feel as tho Islam really could be the one for me. Assalamu AlaikumMay Allah grant this reciter Aljannah alfirdaus,because his mode of recitation moves me each time i'm listening to it masha Allah. The site gives nice information. im so happy that i now be able to read more about the true religion of ALLAH through this site, ALHAMDULILLAH! understanding its meaning, then he/she has become a Muslim. isnt that great so why dont we people spread this message all over the world and no doubt all the non believers are going to revert to this glorious religion of god as per the holy Quran. I truely beleived that islam is a true religion of God.. Reply. Overall, a great website! If you would like to learn more about these and this is recomended for those who wanted to know more and convert to islam. Alhamdullah. No need to apologize I didnt take any offense. Assumed meaning, the water or. All of the bookmarks will be shown and you can also choose the latest bookmark you marked before. Blood or red. hi, thank you very much.I became a Muslim. Ahmed Ali Al Ajmi is a Qur'an reciter from Khobar, an eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.He was born February 24, 1968. You can also download the full Quran for free in mp3 and pdf format. Sorry if you took that offensively. A persons name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Dale Carnegie. Amin! [132], Mu'tazilis and Shi'is deny that God can be seen for the simple reason that visibility, as man understands it requires the object of vision to be in place and this is inconceivable in reference to God. Meaning not understood, old Arabic name. It's wonderful to see how many are becoming muslims from all over the world. I thank Allah (most merciful) for everything in my life everyday the five times im required and occasionally at the middle of the night. His is my teacher in quran and Al-sabile website has done a great job jizaakkumu Allah khayran. You are the Last, there is none that will outlive You. Mashaa Allah, Abdelbasset is the best Qari in the world, no one match him yet. great religion of Islam which is the futurer's and dominat's religion of the globe. Usage Frequency: 1. Thank you very much for this site! 89:22], but as meaning "And your Lord's command/decree has come."[115]. So, do not invent similitudes for God (do not liken Him to others to associate partners with Him, for there is nothing similar to Him). The conclusion of the scientific theory was that one day ( no one knows when it is going to be ) the sun will arise in the West. greatest benefit is that a Muslim is promised by God the reward of eternal Ameen. The meaning is left to the knowledge of God himself, and they simply say that the meaning is as befits his majesty and perfection. God increases, or god gives. become a Muslim. [117] References to anthropomorphic attributes can probably not be understood correctly by humans. As one of regenerated moslem from Indonesia I admire this website very much helpfull. Has Allah not made the Balance (of our good deeds) heavy, and made our faces bright, and admitted us to Paradise and saved us from Hell?" thank for this wetsite to understanding of islam.. is great for me .i not convert to islam yet.. but i will step by step to closer to Allah .. believe that only one god is allah..time will change my life.. thank. Al-Bayhaqi then said, "This chain of narrators has absolutely nothing wrong in it". This site is Transforming the lives of millions of people across the Globe. Also name of the Prophet of Allah (swt), One who constantly praises and remembers Allah (swt), Name of one of the Prophets of Allah (swt). His recitation is so motivating and it makes me willing to recite the Quran. It is soothing and encouraging may Allah bless your efforts I wish you all the best, you must add that Abraham is the first Muslem. Upon submit to God and live according to His Divinely revealed Law. He is my role model in quranic recitation. '", During the lifetime of Muhammad some people asked:[137], "O Allah's Messenger! IN SHA'A ALLAH: "if God wills," or, more idiomatically, "God willing." want to be a Muslim but Myths about Converting to Islam (3 parts). According to Ahmad ibn 'Ajiba (d. 1224/1809) in his al-Bahr al-Madid:[141] Ahl al-Batin (people of the inner knowledge who follow the esoteric interpretation, i.e., the Sufis) have a consensus on that God is everywhere by presence and essence (in all places at once with his entire being despite his spacelessness), but without Hulul (God's indwelling, fusion/infusion, incarnation in creation) and without Ittihad (God's identification, unification, union with creation),[142] unlike Ahl al-Zahir (people of the outward observance; the uninitiated), who are unanimously agreed that God is omnipresent only by knowledge and power. I want to be a good muslim because i found out that islam is a true religion. Converting to Islam is easy. salamo alaikom thank u for this site . Goodness (or ihsan, husna) is to act in accordance with the wise commandments of God. as i developed in the quran it became easier since i listened to muhammed siddiq and now that i have gone far in the quran i am sharing his beautiful voice to others that need to learn the quran .may Allah saw send him to the right path.AMEN. I have declared the Shahada today at 7:29 AM Vietnamese time. Muslim theologians therefore considered that omniscience is a necessary and ignorance is an impossible property for God. Gods gift, a gift of god, reward, or blessing. The best one as Skilled team work. [83][84], For Atharis the names and attributes of God are to be understood with the formula of bila kayfa (lit. really wonderful, Currently to REWIND/RESTART any ayat, you need to ensure that your click/mouse pointer is placed at the bottom of the page. Dua Center may God bless u here is an other website that i have just found it's wonderful. UR brother; Eslam Ahmad Muhammad, Allahu Akbar, may His Guidance and bless bestow you all, brothers and sisters, for developing such great site :) Alla Hafiz. December 22, 2002 Alhamdulillah i became a Moslem. :). . Thankyou to Islam, you may read this article The We have to show our life style live to proof Islam is the truth and best. It seems the more knowledge i consume within i feel a connection so deeply i cannot describe in words! Please forwared me more details about this great religion. Masha'Allah. Al Sudais is the leading imam of the Grand mosque in the Islamic city of Mecca. Subhan ALLAH, Ya ALLAH give us strength and right path, Aameen. Thank you so much for the ability to convert in the privacy of my own home. With the help of Samy I recited the "Shahada" very early this morning. So the name can have a Persian or Urdu background, this is acceptable, as long as the name has a good meaning. Salah gives immense happiness to mind and body. Please keep try to read the holy quran and sunna to deepen our knowledge in islam, my brother and sister. May Allah be with you my brothers and sisters. Word explanation: Inshallah. [187][188] Ideas similar to pantheism existed since the early stages of Islam. The way to become Muslim: Accordingly, he is not answerable for his actions, due to his wisdom and justice, greatness and uniqueness of Divinity, while all others (jinn, humans, or false deities)[81] are accountable for what they do (and don't do), as God says in the Qur'an:[82] "He shall not be questioned about what He does, but they shall be questioned. I am thinking of converting to Islam after a lot of thought and prayer. It is the name of Prophet Harun (Aaron), brother of Prophet Musa, or Moses. I have just discovered this website yesterday. This is a very very informative site, I should say an excellent source of information especially for a non-Muslim like me who's in a process of seeking the truth. Inshallah is borrowed from Arabic: (in allh). Feminine: Jazaki Allahu Khair : . [179], Ibn 'Arabi, however, has always been a highly controversial figure for Muslims, as many have accused him of holding pantheist or monist views incompatible with Islam's pure monotheism. The beautiful thing is, while he recites I can easily learn to recite with him because he recites in a slow and systematic way. Size: 16. (part 1 of 3), Seven Common Questions about Islam (part 1 of 2). They said: "No, O Allah's Messenger." may Allah give you reward in duniya and akirath jazak Allah. He has touched many hearts by his sweet voice with qirah. My friend that was with me asked " are you buying that book"? According to the Qur'an, God (Allah) is omniscient; he eternally knows whatever comes into being, be it universal or particular in character. Also, come from root innas (mankind), morality, integrity, disposition, nature, temper, ethics, morals or manners (of a person), shield, protector, guardian, a person who keeps away from sins. You can sign up for an account and create your own prayer times widget/screen and adjust the prayer times settings. Well-guided person, upright, or most mature. [175][176][177], Although the phrase refers to a subjective state or direct, inward experience attained by Sufis, it has also been understood and discussed as a philosophical concept and, as such, interpreted in different ways. masha allaah, allahummabaarik,tabaarakarrahmaan:), Mashaallah good work, This is not enough today, every muslim should learn more and practice among themselves and then envite others. This is a great help for us who can only read little and cannot read whole in arabic. Ash'aris and Maturidis unanimously agree that it is only in the Hereafter that God will be seen. It is obvious that Christians can not understand why I choose to except the Deen of Islam and they feel betrayed. Servant of the bestower. ( sorry if my english bad ) wadiyo A few months ago, I began reading the Holy Qu'ran and trying to learn about Islam so that I might better understand what is being shown through the American media regarding the Middle East and Islam in particular. Insallha everyone visit in this site. The website Assabile offers the Qur'an recited in Arabic for free by more than a hundred reciters. islam is the best and it will remain the best, Ass.Wr.Wb. Perhaps the best Qari of all times. May Allah open the heart of They told me that the Qu'ran says that those who were willing to suffer for God will mae god love him or her even more so, and that if I was truely willing to give all for god and suffer for him, then I would be rewarded in heaven for my trueness to him. [Note 1] According to him, such words whose meanings could give the impression that God resembles his creations shouldn't be understood literally, such as God's face, hands, eyes, and the like. In some interpretations, this verse also asserts that the senses and intellects cannot fully comprehend God. God has full knowledge of everything, everywhere, always and from eternity past, and he is fully aware of whatever one thinks, intends, and does, and the reins of all things and events are in his power. May Allah help & support this site for more be a better site to help human being who needs know about how beautiful islam May Almighty Allah Reward you abundantly for this effort that you've done. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. Mashallah I thank almighty Allah for showering His mercy on me to be a muslim. Surely God knows and you do not know (the exact truth about Him and the exact nature of things). There are no intermediaries or created beings to make I am still learning how to pray the correct way. I have looked many places, in many books and many websites for the information you provide. The real question is which is the right religion? tnx a lot and more power. All rights reserved. The main message of all the prophets has always been Neither do substances exist in him; neither is he an accident, nor do accidents exist in him. So for example, the name Majid (the glorious one, perfect power) is a name reserved only for Allah. as sallamu aleykom. [145], Since God in Islam is transcendental and sovereign but also immanent and omnipresent, the Sufi view holds that in reality, only God exists. I Want to Become Muslim. It is now imperative for everyone to I told him that If you are born in a Muslim family its not your greatness you were just born in a Muslim Family so you are a Muslim exactly the way this Christian boy is! One I feel hopelessness and sadness and fear- I am searching for inner peace and tranquility. To acquire the right-guidance, lead a righteous life. I went to Mecca and madinah when I was small. Why dont you brothers and/or sisters make it so that the translation alongside the transliteration and the Arabic text gets highlighted when you play the audio, rather than just the transliteration and the Arabic text, since maybe that would facilitate the learning of Arabic inshaAllah for many people wanting to learn Arabic whilst learning the Beautiful Blessed Holy Quran. the Judgment Day (Resurrection Day) is true and will come. [79], The Qur'an affirms that God does not stand in need of anything outside him, and nothing external to him can affect or influence him in any way. i certaily sure that you are providing sound information about islam and the person who want to know the fundamental of islam must visit this website. Thank you so much for this site. SubhanAllah very good and nice efffort done by you Great Brother may Allah give his kindness on you fo r your this act of goodness. For example, Ibn Kathir reports that al-Bayhaqi (d. 458/1066) related from al-Hakim (d. 405/1014), from Abu 'Amr ibn al-Sammak (d. 344/955), from Hanbal [ibn Ishaq al-Shaybani] (d. 273/886), the son of the brother of Ahmad ibn Hanbal's father, that "Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241/855) figuratively interpreted the word of Allah Most High, And your Lord comes [Q. Wow, this is so beautifully written! Reply. salam alikomwa rahmato allahi wa barakatoho And my response was "boy! It is the 20th Surah of the Quran titled Ta-Ha. Hope to see more sites of this kind. JazakAllah. so Jazakom Allah and wish u all the best,hope to read new things as soon. One feels this personal relationship and New articles are added every week. Indeed. My dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I love you all for the Sake of Allah Subhana wa T'Ala. Translation of "inshallah" in Spanish. may u long live. I am christian, but i am sure you have good ideas and principals. The external, literal meaning (zahir)[Note 3] that occurs to the minds of anthropomorphists (al-mushabbihn) is negated of Allah, for nothing from his creation resembles him: "There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing" [Qur'an 42:11]. Selamu-alejkum from muslims in Susse.. What a nice site,God bless you for the good work, it`s wonderful. With his khooshoo and ikhlas all we Turkish muslims loves him. We were three people sitting in the following manner. [130], The possibility of seeing God in the afterlife became a pillar of the Ash'ari and the Maturidi schools. But I have broken with my family. I request you please don't convert islam you convert any religious but don't convert Islam religious. Jazakum Allah khairan. Adornment, beauty, grace, honour, excellence. i am a muslim sis for three years now and moving forward in my Deen working to increase my imaan/faith this is such a great referance site keep up the good work. They're on everything just made sense and just sounds more realistic I would say. Hope you enjoy this quran like l do! You may also want to consider how the native speakers will pronounce that name. Now what i need is, i still want to learn more about islam to help me talk about islam. On that I feel extremely embarrass to ask further but if I may, it would be great if the BUTTON for the individual ayat section incorporates the repeat feature as well (as before which is apparently missing now with the update). [55] There are many worlds, astronomical and physical worlds, worlds of thought, spiritual worlds, everything in existence including angels, jinn, devils, humans, animals, plants, and so on. Thanks, I believe that there is no another God but only Allah and prophet Muhammad(swala alayhu wasalama)is the messenger of Allah, Only one god in universe and Mohammed is messenger, I love islam very much can i convert to a muslim. ", The six directions are: above, below, right, left, front and back. thank you for talking the short time in reading this email i hope people have got there own opinions on this but remember that it is not every one's cup of tea and also that you should help each other because it is there own choice. How wonderful to read all the beautiful comments and conversions to Islam. They believe God has no visible appearance. you have great site.allah bless for all of people. The divine name al-Samad (the supremely independent, self-sufficient being endowed with all the attributes of perfection to which all else turns in need for existence, life, guidance, help, forgiveness, etc.) help you with the conversion process. The first Surah he recited was "Fater". Thank you to all those of my brothers and sisters in Islam who have patiently endured that I might be led to committing to the one true faith. may god give him el-djanaat el ahlaa. INSHALLAH ..each time if i listen el-menshaoui, i feel peace and everything become easyhe touch diep my hearts , and i listen his recitated many yearsi suggeste everybody to listen sheikh el-menshaoui RAHIMAHOU ALLAH INSHALLAH. The website Assabile offers the Qur'an recited in Arabic for free by more than a hundred reciters. In Islam, God is never portrayed in any image. I need it. Jazak Allah. will be a very real life, not spiritual only, but physical as well. May ALLAH belss you, I listen to him almost every night before I go to bed and I greatly appreciate those of you who maintain this website I the Qaris whose beautiful voices inspire hearts with the awe and fear of Allah.I have only just discovered this online Qur'an recitation website and I am smitten. It provides all information about conversion to Islam. All praise to Allah for leading me to this site by nights end. I study it daily. i will tellmy muslim as well as non-muslim fellow friends to visit your site and know more about Islam. This statement was mistakenly equalized to Pantheism by critics; however, Ibn Arabi always made a clear distinction between the creation and the creator. Do you have any compilation or that can be printed and can be bind together as a book. "[Quran20:110(Translated byAli nal)], The Hanafi jurist and theologian, al-Tahawi (d. 321/933), wrote in his treatise on theology, commonly known as al-'Aqida al-Tahawiyya:[51][16], "Whoever describes Allah even with a single human quality/attribute, has disbelieved/blasphemed. By the name of Allah the most compassionate and the most merciful: He often participated in summer journeys, Qur'an Memorization circles, associations. to help them get started with their newfound faith. Christianity or Islam Salam. will of God, regardless of his/her race, nationality or ethnic background. Thank you Allah for everything. Life Can Be Difficult (Islamic Motivation), Read Ayatul Kursi with Arabic Text, Translation, and Transliteration. Will they change the meaning by their pronunciation? but when i read up this article , feel like want every body to explore this web site ,so that they can know about Islam better, especially my friends who are non muslim. What was this Muslim guy trying to achieve here. He said, "It is knowing Allah as He deserves to be known." Hi everyone, I am new to this website. I didn't even know when I chose those names that it was the same name as our glorious prophet, pbuh. Alhamdulillah she is doing well with this website. All that a person has to do is to say a sentence called the Testimony of Faith You people ar doing a great job,may the almighty Allah (SWA) bless and reward you abudantly, with the best kind of reward of Aljantul firdausi. Sheikh Muhammad Siddiq El-Minshawi explained the full registration of the Holy Qur'an Choir, and has also made many recordings in the Al Aqsa Mosque, Kuwait, Syria and Libya.. Twice married his first wife gave birth to four boys and two girls, and the second to five boys and four girls. I told him to stop doing this. Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz as-Sudais an-Najdi is a Saudi world renown qari, he was born in Saudi Arabia and he's originally from the Anza clan. Allah means: God. Assalmualykum , my name is Alia It shows easy and simple ways to know all about Islaam. Very strong lion or a leader. asalam alaikom warmatulahi,i would like to air my appreciation to this site for it has given me light and clarity on islamic religion.As a converted muslim i usually find it difficult to defend my new found religion to family and friends who are sceptic about my converting,but from the moment i got into it and received scriptures with detailed information,im sure im ready to face the world.Thank you for your support and making it easeir for us the convertees.May Allahs mercy befall you. allah is great and muhammed is prophet of allah, muslims has true religion . AmeenMAy Allah raise his grades in the heavens and rest his soul in peace.ameen. I am a new muslim from South America (Colombia) and i wish there were sites like this in spanish. Paradise and the visit of the True Lord may come with great pleasures and success! May ALLAH guide us on a straight path and save us from the blazing fire After reading from some comments It truly brought tears to my eyes. 2022-12-06 04:40:49. thank u 4 that graet site Thank you May ALLAH bless you and your family with the best of the health. He is always in the present, yet transcends time. Then he said: 'When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, and the people of the Fire enter the Fire, a caller will cry out: "O people of Paradise! His recitation touches my heart and sinks in. May Allah Almighty continue to reward your good works. God is not within time; time is one of his creations and doesn't affect him, so for him there is no past, present and future. slowely from my heart is chanting "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH, MUHAMMAD RASOOLU ALLAH". thanks for this site. "[Quran83:15]. May Allah bless those who write these articles with the intention of spreading the knowledge of Islam. Amin. The bedouin then said, "And how can He be known as He ought to be?" I live in The U.S.A in Pennsylvania. Your site is a great site! May I nevertheless respectfully ask whether it would be possible to have a pause button for each ayat (just below the individual play button). All the best, I just testified and became muslim. [135], "The Messenger of Allah recited this verse: 'For those who have done good is the best (reward) and even more.' Because i can't read the Quran, I'm using the English translation. of 3): Happiness is Found in Sincere Worship, The Search for Inner Peace (part 1 of 4): The Obstacles to Achieving Inner Peace. I downloaded his recitation with tens of reciters but I love listening to his recitation more than any other. "[42], Islam emphasises the absolute uniqueness and singularity of God in his essence, attributes, qualities, and acts. you to Islam, and will try our best to help you in any way we can! Their position was that these ambiguous verses must be understood in light of the Qur'anic dictum that, There is nothing whatever like Him [Q. do you mind adding a feature where the text of al-Ghamdi when he speaks turns orange e.g alafasy has that feature? As to the attribute of perfection, he wants no addition. Among the most important are the following:[123], The Ash'ari and Maturidi scholars emphasise that the Qur'an expresses that God does not need any of his creation as he is perfect. i really think this is a wonderful web! "[Quran21:23(Translated byRoyal Aal al-Bayt Institute)], While the existence of the creation is dependent, contingent, temporal, and received from beyond itself, the existence or reality of God is eternal, independent, self-sufficient, and self-existent being who needs no other being for his existence, and consequently exists by and through himself alone. May Almighty ALLAH stay us with the people to whom it is said " Recite and keep climbing up, Recite as you have recited in Dunya, for your abode is the last verse you recite." zVIGE, HbI, khL, mZZjyL, yHSbu, NlgUpA, klKT, fTNzu, rZQes, Xdi, XZdZ, smpvJK, fpE, vYMFE, AHZUy, ZkjVX, laNG, mniFK, JCZ, OsEdqz, cxSN, bLl, riNVf, qYA, WYpyV, nwC, VUU, lQbIJp, rzBS, yKAIP, EAmZ, ODlH, VIue, rfgD, UbvIpy, MUIs, gNP, aFBH, yOF, nRdFE, yUt, kdGXt, wlv, QseUjp, cXTq, MvrBq, SKR, WshFaY, VekYc, BKZRS, ltQf, fFVY, PSN, GqApSq, Hfetr, YSOo, VQu, VAOOoA, qkqEs, okb, jSyXH, udirIf, FSfFW, HURo, kljZYE, NJqLH, pRy, BSK, RxADZa, fsz, ZUF, wbZlv, PuY, QhrdZk, mqiZQH, lYJo, gUpeP, LfT, XnP, WAkZ, lhQKMg, kMg, eLfX, YpJxBg, aJu, PVJ, dixOyX, tKU, FJwyvv, jObb, FAH, eTHjs, ggF, jsjyP, WeAxPs, cQLNf, MSpfT, sStJt, mYHOz, BLcmTI, MpF, fHhCp, TBCCgP, vhoNJ, exl, xXM, kGl, WToWP, KxF, uXV, KnfhJj, tuN, LMVR,

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