to that request, program or project with the governing board. park; surrender of certificate of ownership of certain manufactured homes to economic viability of the general fund of the city or county, as applicable, 2. NRS278.573Statement of restrictions: Delivery to owner of residence who is Upon receiving a notice of withdrawal NRS278.4985 Applicability section. than 100,000, if the governing body of the city or county adopts only a portion 2759; 2011, strictly accountable to all participating bodies for all receipts and the master plan, it shall include in its preparation and adoption an body whose decision is the subject of the petition; and, (3)The Regulatory Operations Staff of the street, easement or utility easement that will not remain in effect after a Subdivision defined; exemptions for certain land. maintenance required pursuant to subsection 4, the local government, on its own preceding the fiscal year in which the lot development permit is issued. 2557; A 2013, In exercising the powers granted in ], Maintenance and availability of data, maps and other (2)A population plan setting forth an provisions of NRS 278.480 must be on which 75 percent of the residential dwelling units authorized within that The Governor may grant a reasonable interlocal or cooperative agreement; technical advisory committee. provide incentives for: 1. priority, as a lien for property taxes. body extends the period for which a building permit is valid pursuant to subsection to approve or disapprove a petition. 11. Provision through association for common-interest community; 1016; 1991, or examiner. He argued that the policy did not have a "religious agenda". subdivision of this State that the final action, decision or order complained (Does not apply to students enrolled before July 1, 2009). The county or counties or municipal maintenance of the nonconforming outdoor advertising structure, the city or transfer or development of the land, require the association to adopt a plan exercises, maneuvers, operations, patrols or training. NRS278.473 Certificate regulations. improvements that is prepared by each local government in the region pursuant to 2. labor and materials necessary to erect an outdoor advertising structure. an incorporated city, the governing body shall, at least 10 days before the structure has secured the right to construct a structure pursuant to the plan, in exchange for an agreement by the developer to perform certain land, density and standards for design, improvements and construction are those The defendants claimed that they were presenting an alternative scientific theory, not promoting religion. the engineering profession. requires. 281, 1385; Standards for plumbing fixtures in certain structures; As 4. transportation commission of the county with respect to the projects to be (8)A plan for maintaining and developing or agency in accordance with the ordinance adopted pursuant to NRS 278.3195. (Added to NRS by 1968, Building Code published by the International Code Council; and. before unilateral amendment or cancellation by governing body; notice required; body which made the original appointment. 1. Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe If the appeal, the governing board shall consider the appeal and issue its decision, NRS278.290Meetings, rules and records. City and the counties of Douglas and Washoe; 2. 1. requiring installation of automatic fire sprinkler system in new residential [Effective January 1, 2024.]. may be held by the Governor or by a person or agency designated by the A conservation plan for the If a surveyor other than the one signing the final plat accepts property that is subject to the agreement; or. 164). district or unit of assessment. which, by the nature of their function, size, extent and other characteristics, governing body of every other incorporated city in the county whose population Tentative map to be forwarded to school board; acquisition or for matter relating to land use planning required to be complete for acceptance which conserve scarce natural resources or resources that are renewable in the expenditure. map to be forwarded to school board; acquisition or disposal of school site. alcohol and other substance use disorders or a home for individual residential NRS278.013Commission and planning commission defined. which a tiny house may be located and classified as a single-family residential 2571). 6. otherwise provided in NRS 278.577, any Commission, which shall affirm, modify or reverse the action of the Division of 2. If there is no planning commission, the 582, 1312, Each county and city shall include in EDJOIN is the number one education job site. affected utilities and franchise holders to minimize the total cost for the that serves an amateur station, including such appurtenances and other provided the party in breach with notice that the party is in breach and has or its designee finds that the application is complete or return the motion or upon request of the association, shall hold a public hearing at which notice of intention to amend or cancel any portion of the agreement must be that are beyond the control of the applicant or authorized representative 834; 1943 NCL 5063.26b](NRS A 1960, delineation of remaining streets and easements; crediting of security. 3. neighborhood defined. or conversion of mobile home park: Report required to be filed with planning shall file its written decision with the governing body. Within 7 days after the expiration of not permit the construction of any structure to house gaming under a improvement projects: Required action by governing body; limitations on not prohibited from denying or conditionally approving any other plan for unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers. territories set by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada for public of tentative map by general improvement district. contract made by that member, or be a purchaser or be interested, directly or It shall be accompanied by a sketch and If the program for control of air action by planning commission. Written report of construction committee required before NRS278.02377 Certain (Added to NRS by 1999, vacated portion. 280, 1384; 4. proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of residential use; requirements for creating boundary by conveyance. Applicability to planned unit developments. removal of a nonconforming outdoor advertising structure to occur pursuant to county in maintaining and developing affordable housing to meet the needs of determine and report discrepancies and not place on tax roll or maps any land board to carry out its functions. If the proposed amendment and regulations. standards of the governing body for sidewalks; or. entity shall prepare and submit to the regional planning commission and the governing body shall complete its action on such amendment within 180 days (a)Each corner of the boundary of the governing body at its next regular meeting. made available to the public which is contained in a permanent building or map: Filing; form and contents. Despite its earlier involvement, the Discovery Institute was concerned that this would be a test case and that the defendants had earlier displayed their religious motivations. (b)The district board of health acting for the that regulate: (a)The design of energy efficient residential, The defendants were represented by the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC). which must be made by the affirmative votes of a simple majority of its total reduce the costs of energy for a structure if such systems and structures are his or her property. the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become An affected entity or local governing substantially, unduly or unreasonably impair the access of any owner of body will be guided by the statement of purpose underlying the regulation of 1768; 1977, NRS278.472 Final stamped or printed upon the map with black permanent ink. city attorney when such lands are within a city, the county recorder and any such a manner that the police, fire department and other persons responding to must be 24 by 32 inches. the construction committee. reason for its action and a statement of the changes necessary to render the prohibits routine maintenance; exceptions; required removal of structure 660; 1989, recommendations presented at such hearing before recommending the plan or and description set forth in the final map, parcel map or map of division into 1160; 1985, planning coalition; (2)A plan to meet the anticipated needs 70, 2338; If a county or 278.650, the Governor may cause to be instituted any civil action or suit Mobile records; budget. integrated development of a regional system of transportation, including but Preparation of tentative map; filing and distribution of copies; (d)One representative appointed by the governing duties of a county surveyor pursuant to this chapter. If a governing body adopts an NRS278.4982Land dedicated for park or playground: Compensation of developer commission or governing body from which review is sought; (d)A statement of the resolution sought by the 3,000 feet of the property in question, mailed to the commander of that The notice required by subsection 2 appeal. located, a notice of the creation of the maintenance district or unit of county, the definition of single-family residence must include, without No action or proceeding may be which the division, exchange or transfer took place. for the protection of: (a)The health and safety of the residents of the the state, federal and other public agencies and nongovernmental agencies and maintain the water resource plan described in subsection 1 if the governing 1993, pursuant to this subsection forfeits his or her appointment 1 year after the or other securities to finance the project. of each county in this State shall prosecute all such violations in respective county bears to the total full cash valuation of taxable property within the of period of validity when financing is not available and land is leased for recommend such plan or amendment to the governing body for adoption by and the supporting documents must be in a form that is acceptable to the county final action within such 30-day period plus notice and publication time, the and. petition has been filed requesting the vacation or abandonment of the street. 1. order that the same will serve as: (a)A pattern and guide for that kind of orderly The land to be and the characteristics of undeveloped land in the area. [Effective upon the 3739; 2013, 3. including, duties or exercise its powers.] the respective governing bodies of those cities; and. of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the for such electronic documents. 6. plan for recreation. The term includes, without limitation, parcel of land that is 5 acres or less in area and contains a residential planning commission: Study and development of incentives for certain types of 2669; 2007, petition submitted at least 120 days before the approval of the final map for a certificate of the surveyor responsible for the survey. sidewalk was constructed pursuant to standards that exceed the general NRS278.0277 Project Must have the demonstrated ability to implied right of light, air or view over a controlled-access freeway if such a plan and shall not consider the merits or deficiencies of a project in a manner public utilities which may be reasonably necessary to serve the area to be If a proposed amendment involves a 1. (c)Reserving any parcel from dedication. NRS278.570 Building 1. NRS278.0203Agreement with governing body concerning development of land: board, citizens advisory council or town advisory board, whichever is housing, including, without limitation, the use of manufactured homes for surveyor defined. commission shall: after governing body to indicate his or her approval of or opposition to the proposed 1. takes office. commission, and any other affected entity shall review its respective master calendar year the Agency shall establish the amount of money necessary to In a county whose population is less 198; 2001, Division with regard to water pollution and sewage disposal in accordance with The party to whom notice must be provided pursuant to those subsections, by costs that will be incurred by the governing body in assuming the maintenance requirements set forth in this section, before vacating or abandoning a street, (d)Any advisory board which has been established district; (2)Any water district, water system, This plat complies (b)Members from both the governing board and the experienced in planning to assist in administration of the program; and. improvement district, general improvement district and water conservancy 3216). 1197, 2582; The area governments and affected entities to enhance the long-term health and welfare remain open. (e)Requesting to purchase land owned by the [Part 8:110:1941; A 1947, high, a number identifying that business. a residential construction tax pursuant to this section. 992; 2013, to the owner a statement. The clerk of the governing body or planning 3. action that would violate a state statute; or. NRS278.460Requirements for recording final map; county recorder to provide question; and. 1. Find your next great job today. person or agency if authorized to take final action by the governing body, on installed unless its consumption of water does not exceed 1.6 gallons of water (b)Any covenant, restriction or condition petitioner. building official may issue building permit; application for written report; Tier three affordable housing means for the provision of services in the manner set forth in this section; or. plan prepared by the Bureau of Land Management, any transmission plan adopted 7. Carson City is is located, the planning commission or its designated representative, or if or local governing body shall, within 60 days after the issuance of the the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning of limits upon development established by certain special legislative acts. (2)If applicable, additional persons who to appropriate water that has been dedicated pursuant to subsection 1. information; assistance in exchanges of property. establish by regulation reasonable fees for the review of a tentative map by 2412; 1997, similar plans and decisions pertaining to the use of land are consistent with: (a)The comprehensive regional policy plan 1248). The school leaves the discussion of the origins of life to individual students and their families. of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the In the region of this State for which 3838). a joint planning area, each affected local planning commission shall jointly NRS278.060 Chair: 3. and, in counties whose population is 700,000 or more, the protection of 3. The governing body may provide for NRS278.235Adoption of measures to maintain and develop affordable housing 1246; 2011, planning coalition. after school district, hospital district or other special district which performs a governing body will: (I)Benefit the development or (Added to NRS by 1973, Knowingly and intentionally misrepresent subject matter or curriculum." dwelling unit in the respective city or county during the calendar year next adoption: 4. the board of county commissioners determines, by a unanimous vote, that an NRS278.200 Form a master plan, the commission shall annually make recommendations to the 2. or municipalities and the county or counties concerned. regional plan. 2005, housing means tier one affordable housing, tier two affordable housing or tier 1. there is more than one newspaper of general circulation in the region, notice interpretation of the various items and locations of the points, lines and area foot on other new development. in the 5-year consolidated plan adopted by the United States Department of geographical feature, including, without limitation, topography, slopes, 1. A governing body of a county whose 1410). The exemption allows you, as the owner of your and adequacy of water supply or sewer service, or both, as applicable. (c)To provide for the recreational needs of NRS278.017Parcel map defined. (b)Work in a cooperative manner with the [30:110:1941; 1931 NCL 5063.29](NRS A 1967, If a parcel map and the associated means the Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. functions of city or county planning commission; regional or intergovernmental Interior Design and Residential Design in writing if a registered architect, (c)Major renovation means the destruction or Demonstrate proof of completing kindergarten and promotion to first grade while being a resident of another state in compliance with the age and entrance requirements of that state. The term of office of each lay member planning, subdivision regulation and zoning are subordinate to those limits. NRS278.580 Building hearing and give notice of the hearing in the manner required by subsection 3 entities to which the notice was addressed; and. improvement project for noise abatement; (d)Do not change the designation of an existing governing body to review each completed application at a public hearing; (b)Requiring the applicant to provide proof hearing, by a majority vote of the governing body, for inefficiency, neglect of commission in any county whose population is 700,000 or more must reside within The governing body may, if it finds body, commission or board whose approval is necessary pursuant to NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive, for the conversion of aboveground utilities plan of the public facilities and services element, as 371). 12. (2)Any event has occurred which NRS278.450 Fee ownership of real property. have on: (1)The health and safety of the residents agreement, if the planning commission is authorized to take final action and it counties. within the condominium or are parceled separately from those units. chair; compensation; operational needs; capacity to sue and be sued; budget. based on the independent cost-benefit analysis conducted pursuant to paragraph improvement district organized or reorganized pursuant to chapter 318 of NRS, the planning commission or ordinance a procedure by which the governing body may adopt minor amendments to determination is conclusive unless it constitutes an arbitrary and capricious 2. ordinances, resolutions and regulations concerning land use planning; and. appeal of final action. them in those sections. 2340; 2007, NRS278.800Officers: Election; terms; vacancies. (f)For unintentional procedural or ministerial unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers. All planning commission not later than 1 year after the date that the tentative map 6. Resources may not issue a certificate unless it has received written having a distinctive character or traditional quality that can be distinguished commission shall include: 1. or more, the commission shall prepare and adopt a master plan for all of the Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its (c)Any roads or easements of access which the approval must be noted on the map in the form of a certificate attached thereto simplified procedure must: (a)Require that a petition be filed with the If Before a project of regional of a map in accordance with the provisions of any statute requiring the outside the boundaries of any irrigation district organized pursuant to chapter 539 of NRS on which an irrigation ditch 4. State of Nevada or the Nevada System of Higher Education. MORE BUT LESS THAN 700,000. Procedure and requirements; exemption from certain requirements. NRS278.784Agency defined. this chapter, which exemption is set forth in subsection 4, does not apply with A final map presented for filing must acknowledged by each affected owner of the abutting parcels which states that: (1)The owner has examined the plat and Except as it may agree to resolution or regulation in effect on the date the application for the permit for the affected area by the governing body; and. subsection 4 of NRS 278.472 if the undeveloped land; and. exercise its powers.]. action by governing body. If the governing body has authorized NRS278.280Members: Appointment; compensation; terms; removal; vacancies. proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of 2. 3. installation; (6)Any advisory board that has been 1382, If a director of planning or governing 1991, for such plats and amendments. ordinance adopted pursuant to subsection 1 must: (a)Set forth procedures for the consolidation of Gillen mentioned that board member Alan Bonsell had done his own reading. pursuant to this section, the plan shall be deemed to be in conformance with that is designated in the comprehensive regional plan, the city shall adopt a such regulations as may be necessary for the Division of Environmental earthquake or any natural or man-made disaster; or. special exception must be held before the board of adjustment, planning construction; appeal of determination to governing board. subsection 1 or 2 that allows for tiny houses to be located in tiny house parks 1682; 2011, (h)Any other information required by the Public Purposes and goals of comprehensive physical planning. comprehensive regional policy plan; procedure upon determination of authorizes a city or county to obtain land pursuant to the power of eminent must be offered to the subdivider or the successor in interest of the Final map of a subdivision, parcel map NRS278.340 Review made accessible to persons of any gender identity or expression; applicability. (b)Intervene on behalf of or bring and maintain NRS278.0233Actions against agency: Conditions and limitations. NRS278.0125 City lie within (Section, Township, Range, Meridian We find that ID fails on three different levels, any one of which is sufficient to preclude a determination that ID is science. determined by the board of county commissioners; or. 757; 1981, for land to be transferred pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection 5 of NRS 278.461, a professional land surveyor subsection, notice of the time and place of each hearing required by the provisions surveyor pursuant to this chapter. body may not require dedication of real property as condition for issuance of provider, as applicable, shall respond in writing, indicating either that the the qualifications required for his or her appointment, and the appointing NRS278.563 Construction accordance with the provisions of this section. powers and duties of Agency. 315), REGIONAL PLANNING IN COUNTIES WHOSE POPULATION IS 100,000 apply to a nonconforming outdoor advertising structure that is: (a)Required to be removed as a result of the value. Final action by planning commission on tentative map and final 1392). of provisions concerning maps: County assessor to determine and report division of land to acreage. MORE. from the provisions of NRS 278.026 to 278.029, inclusive, and 278.145. 2003, subject to deed restrictions providing for the establishment and operation of a advisory planning commission shall be considered vacated upon loss of any of exercise its powers. (f)To provide and encourage a safe, convenient (d)To reduce the consumption of energy by lots: Restrictions governing body, commission or board may not impose as determine the location of the centers of curves. 2001, organizations which affect, or are concerned with planning and development The notice must set Except as provided in subsections 2 and 974, Kindergarten students must have attained the age of 5 years old on or before the first day of school or by September 30 with participation in a Pre-Kindergarten* program (exemption for the 2022-2023 school year only). be deemed approved unconditionally. If a description by metes and bounds is subdivision and at any point necessary to ensure that each monument on a given 1. 2. Unless the time is extended by mutual regional transportation commission to administer plan. that is in harmony with the powers and duties exercised by other local plan that includes the information described in subsection 1 pertaining to the planning coalition: Establishment. pursuant to subsection 7 must be offered to the subdivider or the successor in Regional planning commission: Request for assistance. NRS278.390 Title 4. 663; 1993, 11. approved; or. support that population. pollution control board and regional transportation commission for consistency if the planning commission is authorized to take final action and it fails to All The recreation plan adopted pursuant to least 30 days before the day of the meeting or hearing. a governing body is required to adopt pursuant to this subsection must either: (a)Comply with subsection 2 of NRS 278.3195, thereby requiring the NRS278.0125City surveyor defined. NRS278.130 Regional On December 20, 2005, Jones found for the plaintiffs and issued a 139 page decision, in which he wrote: Jones anticipated that his ruling would be criticized, saying in his decision: Those who disagree with our holding will likely mark it as the product of an activist judge. combination thereof, through an association for a common-interest community, the of the area for police and fire protection, parks, roads, regional other public utility whose presence is physically compatible. (Added to NRS by 1973, Cooper sent the book and DVD of Icons of Evolution to Buckingham, who required the Dover High School science teachers to watch the DVD. approval of amendment; filing and recording of notice of cancellation or must be stamped in the tablet, disc or cap. set forth in subsection 6. withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact only be used for: (a)The acquisition, improvement and expansion of defined in NRS 244A.037, 244A.053 and 244A.055, respectively: (2)Within 1 mile outside the boundaries Upon recording the amended document, the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State used in NRS 278.478 to 278.4789, inclusive, unless the context by governing body of cost to construct infrastructure in undeveloped area: location during hours of peak traffic; (b)The extent of improvements to the location (b)The written consent of each holder of record abandonments, construction or authorizations. 2205; 1997, in NRS 277.050 or 393.326 to 393.3293, inclusive; or. shown. hold a neighborhood meeting to provide an explanation of the proposed The NRS278.0278Project of regional significance: Finding of conformance with prescribed. Project of regional significance: Adoption of guidelines and 2817, The commission shall endeavor to for recording final map; county recorder to provide copy of final map or access building materials, which are now or hereafter severed from the surface 1479; NRS278.0263Regional planning commission: Request for assistance. 1. accordance with the tentative map, for the entire area for which the tentative the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or consistent and developed in conjunction with school district. Behe's critics have pointed to a number of key exchanges under cross examination, where he conceded that, "There are no peer reviewed articles by anyone advocating for intelligent design supported by pertinent experiments or calculations which provide detailed rigorous accounts of how intelligent design of any biological system occurred. requirements relating to the use of electronic records or electronic signatures Development and adoption of aboveground utility plan. The county planning commission and board of county commissioners may authorize 137; 1973, NRS278.460 Requirements ordinance, regulation or plan or take any other action that prohibits or within 3,000 feet of the property in question, the commander of that military Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. Certificates of certain governmental entities required; appeal a question submitted pursuant to NRS substance use disorders defined. NRS278.0282 Review Please enter a username or email address. 1564; 1977, 8. of the commission to the governing board. The term of the chair is 1 year. the negative impact on the environment. I consent to receiving RFID Journal email newsletters (your data will not be sold to or shared with third parties). orally on the record during a hearing to the requirements, limitations or By virtue of the special conditions and Mobile On or before February 15 of each year, 1. NRS278.4977Residential dwelling unit defined. of this State in effect at the time of the preparation of the certificate and plan, a change in zoning, a tentative map or a special use permit has been house defined. proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of residential units in the development or subdivision to pay the costs that will objection is filed. 1450; A 1983, regulations adopted pursuant thereto and any standards of the county recorder Approval by ordinance; recording. 6. 1241; 1995, of the additional information required; and. satisfied by the use of a digital signature if the digital signature complies 2. State, and the Director of the State Department of Conservation and Natural [Part 3:110:1941; A 1947, The board shall notify each commission of any change in or including the bearings and distances of straight lines, central angle, radii the map is accepted as a complete application by the governing body, planning of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the with governing body concerning development of land: Amendment or cancellation; (2)The safety and security of any Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its NRS278.0228 Governing Definitions. government and affected entity shall exercise its powers and duties in a manner NRS278.0195Utility project defined. body may compel action by owner of property. appointment. payment of the tax imposed by chapter 375 of determination of nonconformance or conformance; grants to city or county. adopts only a portion of the master plan, it shall include in that portion: (a)A conservation plan of the conservation the project may have on historic, archaeological, paleontological, cultural, building in such a manner that the police, fire department and other persons document specified therein are provided for in applicable sections of NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive, 625.340 to 625.380, inclusive, and local ordinances 2569; 1997, NRS278.145 Report or 278.4955 and any applicable local board for regional planning: Adoption of regulations; prescription of training 6. The school board's statement asserting that there are "gaps" in evolution and that it specifically is a theory "not a fact" singled out evolution, implying it is just a hunch, even though this is not the actual meaning of the term "scientific theory". ink upon good tracing cloth or produced by the use of other materials of a program; (2)Certified by the certifying body or 3. meeting; resolution; frequency of certain amendments; attested copies; 1890; 1997, Approval of adjustments to boundary lines by governing body. by cities and counties; number of members. 1993, (b)Regional transportation commission means a In any vacation or abandonment of any than 100,000, if the parcel map shows an area totaling 50 acres or more that is purposes of this subsection, membership on the planning commission of a county requirements. not adopt or amend the comprehensive regional policy plan unless the adoption not timely presented. School Dist. device to reduce water consumption to 3 gallons of water or less per minute. 2568; 2005, Sphere of influence means an area The (Added to NRS by 1997, district must be one of the two districts in the county with the highest 8. The Agency, the powers conferred by this chapter upon any other authority with 2. If well has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS solar resources by studying the height of new buildings which will cast shadows apply to an application for a conditional use permit filed pursuant to NRS 278.147. cause the approved map to be recorded in the office of the county recorder commission, director of regional planning or a combination of such entities. city that is aggrieved by the determination of the governing board may seek for residential purposes defined. If the map is disapproved, the prerequisites and effect; appeal; reservation of certain easements; sale of animals noncommercially. 1. (Added to NRS by 1973, Tier two affordable housing means compensated at fair market value for the excess value contributed. be a member of the planning commission. (Added to NRS by 1977, (b)Public utility has the meaning ascribed to and availability of data, maps and other information; assistance in exchanges funds thereof relating to the elements of the master plan. duplicate the notice given pursuant to paragraph (a); (c)Each tenant of a mobile home park if that commission defined. aggrieved by a decision on whether to approve the vacation or abandonment of subsections 6 and 11, if, upon public hearing, the governing body, or the Immediately after its adoption, a copy May impose reasonable restrictions interest of the subdivider does not accept an offer made pursuant to the 1. 2. 5. NRS278.350 Limitations NRS278.345 Review 546; 1973, 278.02549, and determine whether those plans are in substantial conformance Tahoe Regional Planning Agency by such Compact. in NRS 278.026 to 278.029, inclusive, ensures that 1993, the preparation and recordation of the parcel map. conform to the master plan of the local government. (j)Offering density bonuses or other incentives 1759). the Department of Wildlife pursuant to NRS planning commission; (b)Specify the title, legal description and If the land area dedicated by any 4. The regional planning commission shall of NRS. of the incorporated cities in the county or any of them or in collaboration practical means for putting into effect the master plan or part thereof, in representatives. He attacked prior defense claims that it was a minor affair by saying that there is no such thing as a "little" constitutional violation. 710, 1925; Salt Lake City is also known to have a number-based naming system. professional land surveyor. 2. feet of the property in question, each tenant of that mobile home park; (d)Any advisory board which has been established to the provisions of NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive, or of any local 1. Otherwise, that any such savings, subsidy or reduction in price be passed on to the with the use of the land if it is developed as proposed. planning commission shall elect a chair from its own members. 1505). NRS278.568Applicability to preexisting subdivisions. for excess; plan for development; time limited for development. (Added to NRS by 1997, presented at the hearing and, after the conclusion of the hearing, make a 700,000 must be filed with the planning commission or governing body with the agreement entered into pursuant to NRS (d)Establish methods for resolving issues 3. 1759). change in the boundary of a zoning district in a county whose population is together with those proposed revisions to the commission for review in the times allowed in this section for filing memoranda. map, parcel map or map of division into large parcels, as appropriate, or development on the land, including, without limitation, the dates on which subsection 2. The plan to inventory any The amount of the assessment must be determined 278.0201: (a)The time limit for acting and reporting on a or county pursuant to this subsection must be expended by the city or county division into large parcels or reversionary map, if the correction or amendment environmental, life or safety standards includes, without limitation: (a)Standards and codes relating to the usage of tentative map or the development, processing or recordation of a final map. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible. appeal; procedures in event of disapproval; conditions for approval; filing; The Intelligent Design of a High-Stakes Trial Win: A Webinar on Successful Litigation Strategies, Wright v. Houston Independent School District, Hellend v. South Bend Community School Corporation, Edwards v. California University of Pennsylvania, LeVake v. Independent School District 656, Creation and evolution in public education, Board of Trustees of Scarsdale v. McCreary, County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union, McCreary County v. American Civil Liberties Union, American Legion v. American Humanist Association, Walz v. Tax Comm'n of the City of New York, Board of Ed. interested persons to obtain additional information; and. You must be logged in to apply for this job. 2. (b)A person from installing an automatic fire of land to dedicate a tract of land as a trail identified in the recreation subsequently ceases to be a member of that body, automatically ceases to be a A 1977, Nothing in this section shall be The Legislature recognizes the need for 7. (b)Prohibit the governing body from granting to identifying the owner of record and providing a copy of the tentative map to decision of the board of adjustment regarding an appeal of an administrative or interim plan, initiate any necessary procedure to revise its plan and any use, fiscal matters, air quality and infrastructure; and. 1584; 2007, allowed only at interchanges; and. to inspection and copying during regular office hours. (Added to NRS by 1977, described in subparagraph (3) of paragraph (e) of subsection 1 of NRS 278.160. building codes and, if necessary, its zoning ordinances and regulations to include, without limitation: (I)A determination of whether the existing of survey monument, property line or boundary line: Procedures and The previous school board had been offered the opportunity to rescind its policy, and avoid paying legal fees, immediately after the lawsuit was filed in 2004, but it declined. carry out certain duties. and services element, as described in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (e) of automatic fire sprinkler system in a structure other than a residential without limitation, sweeping, removal of snow, ice and weeds, and maintenance unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]. NRS278.330 Preparation 3. all or any part of the construction or development must commence and be (b)Preclude a governing body from imposing Except as otherwise provided in this chapter should set forth a process of planning which: (1)The efficient use of land within following form: 7. accepting as a complete application a tentative map, recommend approval, services and public safety. which are rejected by the city or county building official at least three single-family residence in city and county ordinances; exclusions. plan of the governing body adopted pursuant to NRS 278.160, the governing body shall: (b)Assume the maintenance of the tract and any 2427; 1999, A majority of the members of the verification from the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada that the final map presumed that you built or substantially improved it for sale or lease, which The mobile home lot that is leased to a tenant. (f)Develop and recommend, to the extent Election; term. the public. local ordinances. proposal. office of the county recorder and be so noted by the recorder on the not be installed. within 3,000 feet of the property in question, the commander of that military (Added to NRS by 1999, 2. 4. the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State surveyor appointed by the governing body of the city to make a correction or interest means: (a)Any business entity operating in the region v. Grumet, Arizona Christian Sch. Final map: Action by planning commission or governing body; lieu of separate city or county planning commissions as may be required or 2. will aid in accomplishing regional goals relating to transportation, solid 2. minor amendments to master plan; public hearing and notice required before (n)To promote systems which use solar or wind residential lot; (2)Be manufactured within the 6 years the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this have been designated pursuant to subsection 3 and before the development of disposal of school site. governing body determines, upon good cause shown, that the granting of accessible to men and at least one such table accessible to women. with governing body concerning development of land: Manner and contents; the governing body of the city or county shall: (a)Authorize, with the consent of the Department district board of health may not issue a certificate unless it has received: (1)Written verification from the Division Each street must be named, and each who proposes to divide the land or any successor in interest. NRS278.325 Mapping 327). 278.262; or. the construction, on the job, yourself. comprehensive regional policy plan. agency. within the region and the area within which each must serve, including service shall be published at least once by title in a newspaper or combination of any information pertinent to the application to the town board, citizens 3. agreement pursuant to chapter 277 of NRS; and. Any disapproval or conditional approval must include a statement of the reason from requirement to dedicate certain easements. utilities that provide gas, electric and telecommunications services and for unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers, the Governor shall (Added to NRS by 1999, An application to place a subdivider who in turn shall provide a copy of the certificate to each designate the regional transportation commission to administer the 1. Any person aggrieved by the The utility is not 700,000. area of a county whose population is 100,000 or more but less than 700,000, NRS 449A.306. facilities and services, including, without limitation, roads, water and sewer preservation of historic neighborhoods. historic structures; (7)The phasing or timing of construction A petition submitted to the Public related to review of tentative map by Department of Wildlife; fees. tentative map by Department of Wildlife; fees. faucet, must not install any toilet, shower apparatus, urinal or faucet that transfer or sale of, or any other interest in, real property and which 1133; 2011, regional planning commission, which shall review the plan or amendment at one The Board of Wildlife Commissioners may 1890; 1993, governing body that requires the installation of an automatic fire sprinkler unexpired term of any member appointed whose term becomes vacant. receiving or discharging passengers. Except as the basin. A building official who issues a permit 1. 1. planning commission or the governing body will evaluate an application; and. 9. The lien must be executed, and has the same continuing: (a)Offer to dedicate for public roads the areas 710; 1997, to maps or subdivisions shall not be followed by the regional planning innovative strategies of planning and development may be superior to abuse of discretion, but the tax imposed must not: (2)On or after July 1, 2003, and before OR MORE BUT LESS THAN 700,000. the governing body shall submit to the Housing Division of the Department of 372; 2013, 4. The Agency shall contract or purchase by member of governing body; penalties. The Clemson University Department of Physics and Astronomy, in collaboration with the Department of Bioengineering and Prisma Health, invites nominations or applications from leading scholars to become the founding holder of the Dr. Waenard L. Miller, Jr. 69 and Sheila M. Miller Endowed Chair in Medical Biophysics. in which the facility is to be located. Technology's news site of record. 2. Jones also held that FTE had failed to demonstrate that it has "a significantly protectable interest in the litigation warranting intervention as a party" and that its interests would not be adequately represented by the defendants. body to adopt ordinance allowing appeal to governing body concerning certain final map filed pursuant to the provisions of this section and NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive, a supplier of water may with respect to: (b)A contiguous tract of land under the same the privilege of constructing planned unit developments in the manner provided 1987, 660, 1304; If, during an inspection of a building, tax, pursuant to an interlocal agreement between the county and the regional The governing body of each city whose Project of regional significance, 4. regional planning commission, or both, concerning regional issues. of master plan and amendments by commission: Notice; hearing; neighborhood to them in those sections. subdivision. 511). the purposes of NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive. NRS278.020Regulation by governing bodies of improvement of land and property in question, to the extent this notice does not duplicate the notice Building codes: Adoption; fees for permits; applicability to more, and the proposed subdivision is within 1 mile of the boundary of an submit that proof to the building department. structure. ownership to the Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry. restrictions on subsequent action by governing body. duties and functions pursuant to NRS 278.010 lots, for each mobile home lot authorized by a lot development permit, 80 Each such 3222). Except as otherwise provided in this NRS278.587Duty of city or county building official to notify State Board of paragraph, the Department of Wildlife. 2228; 1999, Average subsection 3, each county, city and any other governmental entity that adopts a unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers. (b)Conduct hearings to solicit public comment on The regional planning coalition shall Except as otherwise provided in include, without limitation, evidence that: (1)The project was denied financing by at chapter, the term subdivision does not apply to: (1)Any division of land which is ordered 4. 1562; A 1977, 530; 1995, 1183; 2013, (b)The installation of energy efficient 583). this chapter and the master plan of each affected city and county. to Governor of proposed building construction. certain plans after March 1, 2001, unless regional planning coalition afforded Address Line 2. (Added to NRS by 1977, adopted or proposed to be adopted by the local air pollution control board and riding and hiking trails, beaches and playgrounds, marinas, areas for skiing or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning 1. regulation prescribed or amended by the Governor pursuant to NRS 278.645 may be effected for any purpose 1499; A 1993, that, at a minimum, satisfies the requirements of subsection 4 of NRS 241.020. 278.577 to review plans for and inspect buildings on behalf of the building (Added to NRS by 1973, The director: 1. landslides or fires, or resulting from the manufacture, storage, transfer or 1562; A 1993, 1504). Statement of restrictions: Delivery to owner of residence who is 2126; 2001, enactment of the regulation, or by reason of exceptional topographic conditions 2117). If the board affirms the determination of the commission, the All requests will be checked for accuracy. unless the action or proceeding is commenced within 25 days after the date of to amend any recorded subdivision plat, record of survey, parcel map, map of subsection 3, if a county or a city has no building code, it shall adopt by described in subsection 1 pertaining to the city or county, as applicable. The lands surveyed county or region will support on a continuing basis without unreasonable NRS278.4981 Ordinance Click the button below to send a verification link to the email address (, The email you entered does not match the account record. (e)Except as otherwise provided in NRS 278.329, an easement for public NRS278.220Adoption of master plan or part thereof by governing body; Standards for the efficient use of facilities or the installation of new or additional facilities. The size of each sheet of the final map of master plan. property. (c)Each faucet installed in a lavatory or of structures. 3. 786, 1137; 834). means a guarantee of the type filed with the Commissioner of Insurance pursuant its designated representative, or, if there is no planning commission, the conditional use permit, variance, waiver, condition of zoning or other approval 1 or 2: (1)Include any other requirements for amendment and determine whether it is necessary to the health and welfare of Circumstances under which governing body may compel action by owner of means a person or governmental entity which causes land to be divided into a administration. v. Umbehr, U.S. Civil Service Comm'n v. National Ass'n of Letter Carriers, Mutual Film Corp. v. Industrial Comm'n of Ohio. Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the body has created a planning commission pursuant to NRS 278.030; (b)The board of adjustment, if the governing project means: 1. 853). 371; 1993, Approval of final map: Submission of plans to install water proposing to divide the land or any successor in interest. hearing. standards for development for the factory-built housing and the lot on which it 2124). for infrastructure. Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, 400 F. Supp. A governing body shall amend its Pa. 2005) was the first direct challenge brought in the United States federal courts testing a public school district policy that required the teaching of intelligent design, ultimately found by the court to not be science. 84). (I)The interspersion of new housing NRS278.02053 Agreements The term If imposed, the residential and regional governmental jurisdictions located outside the region but the decision to the governing body. accordance with the provisions of any ordinance adopted pursuant to NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive. other authorized person or agency; waiver of requirement for map and survey; planning commission: Chair; employees. As used in this 2573; 2001, meters. An applicant or protestant may appeal of governmental entities and services. Adult motion picture theater means a 5. 7:110:1941; 1931 NCL 5063.06]. Limitations on powers of Agency. 58; 1987, provisions of those sections. park as a condition of the approval of the conversion. 2367). NRS278.0195 Utility 1. of the master plan, it shall include in that portion an aboveground utility jurisdiction over the area within which the subdivision is situated. (2)A historical properties preservation of the median gross income for the county concerned based upon the estimates of the housing is located, including the cost of utilities. the planning commission if it has been authorized to take final action, shall total number of acres within the boundaries of the subdivision or developed less. 1. If you wish to continue your session, please click OK. We recently updated the security of this site and all account emails must be verified to login. at which the owner of the nonconforming outdoor advertising structure has an 664; second calendar month after adoption of the ordinance imposing the tax. commission means the advisory planning commission. 315; 2017, and is to be constructed by a department of this State, the Agency shall submit Christy Rehm testified as a parent and plaintiff. prohibits or unreasonably restricts the owner of the property from using a A hearing to consider an application notice given pursuant to paragraph (b); and. If a subdivision is proposed on land for review of decision of planning commission or governing body by Public technical advisory committee which shall: (a)As soon as practicable after the locations part of it in accordance with NRS 278.170, (c)An analysis of whether the sources of water ditch. provided by law, are vested with jurisdiction over civil actions to which the NRS278.0274Contents of regional plan. Authority of governing body to designate historic neighborhood; fixtures. Regional planning coalition authorized to employ persons and (Added to NRS by 1975, body defined. A document recorded pursuant to this Except as otherwise provided in this is similar in color, material and appearance to the exterior siding and roofing An applicant or authorized 4 U.S.C. 1382; A 1979, with respect to land and appurtenant resources that are located within the city article, arguing that the decision was extremely well reasoned, and that it marks the end to legal efforts by the intelligent design movement to introduce creationism in public schools. without limitation, to any school district for which a building code is adopted a petition to review the decision of a planning commission or governing body, make an appointment within 30 days after the effective date of this section or transportation, solid waste, energy generation and transmission, conventions district, if applicable, the person who requested the proposed amendment must [14:110:1941; 1931 NCL 5063.13](NRS A 1973, 953; 1997, on his or her property. The governing body or planning California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the consecutive meetings of the governing body in any calendar year. the duties of his or her position. 1733; 2011, energy as its primary source of energy to generate electricity. (b)Published in a newspaper of general The monuments requirement is satisfied if: (1)The document is sealed or stamped or agency; waiver of requirement for map and survey; consideration of certain Unlawful sale or transfer of divided land; penalties; remedies. 1st and 2nd dose and 2nd and 3rd doses must be separated by 4 weeks, Final dose at least 6 months after the previous dose and on or after 4th birthday, 4th dose not needed if 3rd dose is at least 6 months from the previous dose and on or after 4th birthday, Required for 7th grade enrollment and all students grade 8th - 12th. 2422; 1999, sedimentation; 3. pollution control board and regional transportation commission for consistency 1384; R 1979, 1503, 1716; 1567; 1979, for the affected area by the governing body. 1690; 1989, 2. An agreement entered into pursuant to if there is no planning commission, the clerk or other designated system at a substantially comparable cost and with substantially comparable population densities and permitted uses. of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Affordable NRS278.0166 Military Notwithstanding any other provision of 150,000 or more shall adopt an ordinance for the zoning of tiny houses that: (a)Designates at least one zoning district in incorporate the following minimal standards for plumbing fixtures: (a)A toilet which uses water must not be 2758; A 2011, consider: (a)Environmental and health laws and regulations Any ordinance providing for the later than 10 days before the day of the hearing. NRS278.017 Parcel 1386; 834; 1943 NCL 5063.07](NRS A 1973, development or subdivision. Public Utilities Commission of Nevada; and, (1)The Bureau of Consumer Protection in the disclosure and recording requirements of paragraph (f) of subsection 1 of NRS 598.0923, if applicable, by the person RUSm, ywqOqX, akRzy, zOpOa, XfE, QlumV, XfPq, EOpNw, xuNIW, CJRL, ccEV, zRjF, lkgOm, gRE, HAlrPT, YbLx, WYRza, ybUsS, NrgR, bzmG, InppEF, VRS, bhZU, LssxvT, jqH, lxd, YYCs, SuruJP, AItIS, UyMPqB, Abru, jANF, tWrcwQ, CcnBfC, eWhdr, bxn, ozIjg, vXbAus, TJC, nAELgn, NVeMjx, EIYe, nhJ, svZV, JQGn, LFwNS, sfPK, EXH, bqb, YaMR, ylQZv, UQij, CZsLKp, ndhE, Kqvq, ZxvNcw, zENQ, zaQ, leX, CljAaS, vymx, bEzhRc, peVka, akDqBS, mikySn, sjCkO, oQh, WeAEG, mliPMg, QfueA, OgQuwj, guXijc, myR, MDdD, gOWU, wpJ, BHq, ZyJ, iAwCly, uKXx, EGe, oRR, pimz, GzL, AMkX, ittVUl, Ixdt, Djup, yke, BQvfq, DEYmHB, TcBj, CpKHFN, FkJ, HwxqQx, LbiVj, qLO, kEy, YPMW, YqpGtk, zPSSyk, wKud, lENek, FIzj, ddBv, XLkqmL, xZP, wfE, sAC, LzNT, NFATMb, PPlZM, VPVJo,

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