sudo options are sudo's alone and don't matter when you don't use it. Because mount is primarily/originally intended for local filesystem, which almost always involves a hardware. Many of the driver updates and other Linux things happen here. I'll retroactively avoid a prologed and tangential discussion about potential technical issues related to this (see comments) but I do think it is fair that untrusted users not have an immutable right to mount hard drives. Educate a rookie on Where To Keep Her Files. however, i came across something in chapter 8 - "mounting file systems" that has me really confused. There is presumably some logic at the root of that which makes it impossible to solve, since it is a well known issue which has existed for a long time with no solution. I'm not sure how "the data on filesystem they intend to mount" would compromise security. You would then want to make sure whatever user or group that would need to use the directory has access using the chown command (as in sudo chown -R :writers /data) and then give the group write access with the chmod command (as in sudo chmod -R g+w /data). 2. Open the file for editing: sudo visudo. All rights reserved. Always pass password through stdin as it's more secure approach - thodnev If you use the sudo command without the -u option, you'll run the command as root. To unmount a mounted file system, use the umount command. Ultimately, I want to have this in a script. Central limit theorem replacing radical n with n. How does the Chameleon's Arcane/Divine focus interact with magic item crafting? Did neanderthals need vitamin C from the diet? The rubber protection cover does not pass through the hole in the rim. However, if you want, you can change this behavior. Of course if you have no root rights, it is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to mount a filesystem (if it is not explicit allowed in /etc/fstab), else it would a BIG security breach. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. For instance, on my computer /dev/sda1 is owned by user root and group disk with permissions brw-rw----. If I can read/write a mount point then I should be able to everything mount can with the exception of actually mounting it to a directory., oh yeah, sorry I am still new to habit of reading/checking the arch wiki :p. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The more I think of it, the more I feel it is likely this way. -P. The -P ( preserve group vector) option causes sudo to preserve the invoking user's group vector unaltered. That's simply because the underlying system call (see 'man 2 mount') requires CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability no matter what the mount options are. Replace /dev/sdc1 with your device name. What is the right way to mount and umount a usb driver? It may not be nice to be told, "You don't need to do this," but if it is trueque serayou don't need to do this. The sudo command runs the command that follows it as the root user. Save the changes and you are good to go. Thanks for contributing an answer to Unix & Linux Stack Exchange! From the policy: PHYSICAL SECURITY GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS The following guidelines should be followed in designing and enforcing access to IT assets. The system allows the super user to restrict your activities, either explicitly, or by omission ("We don't provide FUSE", etc). Why is that? What the ownerships, etc, are on the data in the partition is a) unknowable, b) irrelevent. kormoc's answer is illuminating, though I am curious why certain flags couldn't be forced on non-root users (like nosuid) to fix this. So some restrictions would have to be added to prevent suid from being a problem as well as potentially some other issues. Ordinary users can create a namespace, and within that namespace, become root and do fun stuff like mount file-systems. I'm confuse and want to be sure I use the cat Only the following storage drivers are supported: overlay2 (only if running with kernel 5.11 or later, or Ubuntu-flavored kernel); fuse-overlayfs (only if running with kernel 4.18 or later, and fuse-overlayfs is installed); btrfs (only if running with kernel 4.18 or later, or ~/.local/share/docker is mounted with user_subvol_rm_allowed mount option) How long does it take to fill up the tank? The programs mount and umount maintain a list of currently mounted filesystems in the file /etc/mtab. At what point in the prequels is it revealed that Palpatine is Darth Sidious? -V: The -V (version) option causes sudo to print the version number and exit. Use ftp, etc. %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/umount, %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mount Have your system administrator update the /etc/sudoers file to allow the user (or users) to use sudo when running the C program. Mounting an image still involves device nodes (eg, /dev/loop). Why is Singapore currently considered to be a dictatorial regime and a multi-party democracy by different publications? shell script problem , sudo mount command, How to mount/umount disk from a non-root account, solaris 8 admin I text ambiguities on mount and umount, Writing a script to mount and umount a drive in Linux. Why would Henry want to close the breach? permissions mount cifs Share Improve this question Follow asked Dec 11, 2018 at 17:26 Warning Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. In effect, the non-root users can only run mount operations that have been pre . So the question to ask is this: is the shell at hand being run by the root user already? I do not agree that users should be able to mount a filesystem that they do not otherwise have access to without specific authorization since just the act of mounting it could potentially cause some sort of action (like filesystem checking) that root did not want. Anyway, these are some of the reasons the sysadmin has to explicitly opt-in to allowing unprivileged users to mount a filesystem defined in /etc/fstab. This is how the file managers mount an external drive without administrative rights. Kormac and others have indicated that this is not the dilemma you present it as; it seems to me this comes down to philosophy of explicitly granting users privileges vs. a system whereby all users would have the immutable right to mount a filesystem. sudo prividleges apply recursive.. eg if user run script as sudo ./ inside script it will have sudo priviledge. How do I change permissions without sudo? sudo mount -a Note: If a mount has the noauto option set, the sudo mount -a command will not mount it. AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS: usermod -aG sudo newuser. Yes, by default, sudo won't ask for password for 15 minutes after the user has entered it once. However, in Solaris 10 it does not seem to do the same. In turn this would likely setup a precedent where they would have to also do such for everyone else that asked for such, which I can understand would be untenable. Can I use the word Linux in my website name? For example: sudo mkdir /mapr. Mount options for coherent If so, there's no need to use sudo. Therefore, you would simply append the following to root's crontab. At this point, everything housed in your external drive will appear in /data. Share Improve this answer edited Dec 20, 2016 at 21:32 To find out more details on this helpful tool, make sure to read the man page with man mount. The difference is that root has access to all files, while a normal user will only see into directories where they have read and execute pe. Allowing creation of a virtual filesystem (like FUSE) does not allow you to do anything that is not already possible in more a roundabout way using IPC. A program can tell the difference if necessary. If youre working with a distribution of Linux that includes a desktop GUI, adding external drives is pretty simple. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. is not in the sudoers file. In GNOME, gvfs does not require root for mounting remote filesystem (ftp or ssh) and gnome-mount also does not need root for mounting external storage (usb drive, CD/DVD, etc). By writing your password as shell command, it becomes accessible through .bash_history file and by running history shell command. Do non-Segwit nodes reject Segwit transactions with invalid signature? UID is the User ID or in other words the owner of the file. Maybe the timeout resets if you rerun sudo within those 5 minutes? : Its also capable of handling some very basic tasks. I've got my external drive listed in my /etc/fstab, and the UUIDs match, but if I reboot my computer, or sometimes if I've so much as just put it to sleep and come back after a while, I have to remount it using sudo mount -a. If the invoking user is already root, the -V option will print out a list of the defaults sudo was compiled with. Here is what I did: Next year, cybercriminals will be as busy as ever. Unmounting the ISO Image. Connect to the instance through SSH or AWS Systems Manager Session Manager and run the command you copied in step 6: $ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/efs $ sudo mount -t efs -o tls fs-12345678:/ /mnt/efs $ sudo mount -t efs -o tls . A buggy filesystem driver could allow a user supplying a malformed filesystem to inject code into the kernel. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. If the administration of the system is not fair, that's politics. How to mount a host directory in a Docker container, SSH sudo inside script different behaviour, Received a 'behavior reminder' from manager. sudo is an efficient way to access the root privileges and execute the command as the root user. Save and exit the file. If you have a situation where this is not the case, it might be worth while asking: If the administration of the system is fair, then #2 explains why #1 is impossible for you. However, there are still other complications with this. Desktop linux distributions use udisks to grant non-root users limited mounting priviliges. I'm not really clear why there needs to be a loop-back device though, seems a bit redundant. What does sudo do under the hood? Sudo in general is necessary for security. alrsprd3:root-/etc>. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. suid binaries could be added to a device, mounted on your box and used to root a box, which is why by default. sudo du will do so with root privilege. 10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting, Hi Folks, How could my characters be tricked into thinking they are on Mars? Installed Fedora 37 and steam wont launch. Now root can allow normal users to mount with specific restrictions, but he needs to make sure that if the user has write access to the block device, that the mount disallows suid, and also devnodes, which have a similar problem ( the user can craft a devnode that gives them write access to an important device they shouldn't have write access to ). Method 2: Open terminal on your android phone (download here): Type this in the terminal : su. sudo yum install nfs-utils (Red Hat or CentOS) List the NFS shares exported on the server. Volume "/home/woodnt/.vol/i5yq" has been dismounted. Hence the query as to why Linux doesn't allow you to mount arbitrary things that would be safe (in some restricted fashion). Why is apparent power not measured in watts? Organize a number of different applicants using an ATS to cut down on the amount of unnecessary time spent finding the right candidate. As for the proper syntax, I have this line in my sudoers: Code: %wheel ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/powertop It lets anyone in the wheel group run powertop as root with no password. %wheel ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/powertop. Browse other questions tagged. As far as not using sudo, I'm confused then. The sudo command allows non root users to run other Linux commands that would normally require super user privileges, while the sudoers file instructs the system how to handle the sudo command. It is easy to create malformed filesystems, and there have been and almost certainly still are ways to crash the kernel just by giving it a bad filesystem. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 5 Answers. The solution to the problem, "My sys admin isn't fair" is not to redesign the OS so that sys admins everywhere cannot restrict users. and how can I make it not require it? How are setuid, suid, sudo, and su all related? If you are seeing Invalid argument on a ls after a successful mount, that usually indicates a problem/limitation (from WSL's narrow standpoint) with the filesystem driver on the Windows side.. Is it safe to unplug it? For example, if you want the apt update and apt upgrade to be run without entering the password for sudo in Ubuntu, here's what you need to do. Now you could possibly envisage some ways in which this change was a "safe" change. It is possible there was a regress. I'm wondering why a user can't mount something that they otherwise have access to. Runtime.exec ("sudo mount /path/to/mount/point /dir\\ with/spaces\\ in\\ name"); As for the password, sudo may not ask for password if recently you entered it on the same shell. It is possible to disable the need for a password when running sudo commands. Post these 15 minutes, you'll be prompted for password again. So tl;dr I switched from Ubuntu to Arch and it's been going great, but the odd thing is when I mount my Windows Hard drives it asks for sudo permission before allowing me to mount them. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Again, the principle is that a secure system is restricted, and people are granted privilegesif you haven't been granted privileges, you are out of luck, unfortunately. The fstab entries allow administrators to delegate mounting to other users for removable drives. The -l ( list) option will list out the allowed (and forbidden) commands for the invoking user on the current host. How do I schedule an app to open every day at 8am. It's not your syntax. E.g., how do desktop systems allow unprivleged users to mount usb drives, etc? Does balls to the wall mean full speed ahead or full speed ahead and nosedive? @CrazyCasta WRT "making the system crash", it is certainly possible to mount defective hardware which exploits vulnerabilities in the hardware interface. Use root's crontab. Or if i double click file and select run then nothing happens. In the previous version of windows I didn't have the problem. Because the data on filesystem they intend to mount might compromise security of the server, or even crash it (if it was intentionally constructed that way). The general working of sudo is as simple as setuid. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. If not, then you need sudo so the process becomes root before running the command. SAP developers are currently in high demand. For example: mount /dev/ foo / dir. If no arguments are given to mount, this list is printed. Why would Henry want to close the breach? On a system without an automounting solution, which I don't usually like because they involve daemons and message subsystems and whatnot, mounting an external drive, such as a USB key, can be a nuisance.Mounting requires sudo, but sudo inflicts root ownership on the target, which makes it inaccessible to a non-root user, short of using sudo over and . Answer (1 of 5): du recursively summarises the disk usage of directories and files, by default the current directory. This is tiny and very very annoying. Copy the command under using the EFS mount helper. 7. "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" updates Linux distributions, which is how I'm assuming the StellarMate OS upgrades are packaged. However, because Linux does not allow such things I'm stuck with scp'ing files back and forth to stay under the 8GB limit. So, I know I've said this a bunch of times, but the philosophy is that "mounting arbitrary things". This had been bothering me for some time. It's both a historical and security restriction. I've mounted a share using standard nomenclature for the NFS mount command with the following command line: From a security point of view, there are three major problems with allowing arbitrary users to mount arbitrary block devices or filesystem images at arbitrary locations. Some issue "chromeos_pstore" is shown (and slow down) while booting Press J to jump to the feed. First off, you have to have a directory on the internal file system to serve as the mount point. In normal use, it is setup so that people in the wheel group can run commands as root if they give it their password. Mount options for cifs Just like nfs or smbfs implementation expects a binary argument to the mount system call. I need help on removing sudo access on one id but first of all, can i confirm that the user below is having sudo access ? That's true whether the system is native or running inside a VM. Could you elaborate? Access Denied by Server. Privileges are one mechanism by way of which this is accomplished. With sudo, you can access the root privileges without knowing the root password or logging as the root user. The sudo command provides an efficient way to grant users the special rights to execute commands at the system (root) level. How to reload .bashrc settings without logging out and back in again? Installing them would require root access (once). You are introducing new, untrusted data to the kernel, and it has to deal with whatever is thrown at it. I would like to mount an nfs volume from my personal server to essentially increase the amount of room that I have. I found a solution which I find somewhat unsound : I created a /home/pi/Scripts directory. To run docker command without sudo, you need to add your user (who has root privileges) to docker group. The jazz disk is used daily, both at home and at work on my Win 98 Server. However if the user owns /home/my_user/my_imagefile.img and mount point /home/my_user/my_image/ why shouldn't they be able to mount that image file on that mount point with: As kormac pointed out there is a suid problem. But it's not exactly that simple. Due to how npm is . Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, It sounds like the problem is not so much that "linux does not allow such things" as. For practical purposes, it is possible nowadays to mount a filesystem without being root, through FUSE. This solution is well explained here with proper installation process. The sudo command allows trusted users to run programs as another user, by default the root user. Perhaps one way to do this would be to make the OS treat all files as belonging to the user that did the mounting. Get current directory or folder name (without the full path). Connecting three parallel LED strips to the same power supply., How do I run a command as a different user from a root cronjob? Mount does exactly what you think it does, it mounts an external drive to your internal filesystem. For more news about Jack Wallen, visit his website For instance, the filesystem being mounted might have a root directory owned by a different user, which would mean the user who mounted the filesystem would not be able to unmount it again. If you are working with system-level files, you will need higher permissions, and the sudo command will provide all permissions to you. Mathematica cannot find square roots of some matrices? cd / cd /home/pi/Scripts/ sudo python3 ./ & sleep 15; sudo mount -a cd /. woodnt adm disk dialout cdrom audio video plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare vboxusers. /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, etc.) Part 1: Demystifying root. Looking for the best payroll software for your small business? When employees install random or questionable software on their workstations or devices it can lead to clutter, malware infestations and lengthy support remediation. Why does my stock Samsung Galaxy phone/tablet lack some features compared to other Samsung Galaxy models? Or you may prefer to write expect script which will have password written and password will be entered when it prompts for it. Imagine you made a script that called 'sudo umount'. Yes, truecrypt is calling sudo. thanks for the help in advance , Edit: Solved! For example: mount a filesystem of your choice on. Now you could possibly envisage some ways in which this change was a "safe" change. Your answer is confusing, are not the volumes themselves (e.g. 2022 TechnologyAdvice. Of course, if we are talking about a server VM, then these tools might not be installed. If you can't read/write it, or can't view the directory it's in to see if it exists then mount would just fail in the same way a ls or cat type command would. 0. Is it possible to mount a disk from a non-root account? The beauty of sudo is that you can grant root access to certain users without giving them the root password. This is the Cmnd_Alias statement: Cmnd_Alias NFS_MOUNT /usr/sbin/mount -F nfs -o rw hpservername:/backups /backups This command works for me as ro. Is it possible to mount a file with different ownership/permissions? Use the visudo command to edit the configuration file: sudo visudo. Penrose diagram of hypothetical astrophysical white hole. Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? I want to write a script that would do: ssh user@server "mount -t nfs xx.xx.xx.xx:/ /nfs -o rsize=4096,wsize=4096 ; cp pqr rst ; umount /nfs ;" and some other non-sudo commands. Otherwise, anyone who can run any Docker commands at all, can run this one: docker run -v /etc:/host-etc busybox \ sh -c 'echo ALL ALL (ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL >> /host-etc/sudoers' That is, anyone who can run Docker commands is all but root already. Filesystem drivers have often not been tested as thoroughly with malformed filesystem. You must tell umount which file system you are unmounting. You can appear. It would seem like the administrator would have to add an explicit line to the fstab for my nfs mount in order allow it. Like: su geniusgeeks. Can a prospective pilot be negated their certification because of too big/small hands? 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Should teachers encourage good students to help weaker ones? For that, youll need to make use of the mount command. If you updated your users' groups recently, try logging out then back in. i am scurrying to finish reading the final chapter before i get down into the review. We should reference storage volumes by their UUID ( Universally Unique Identifier) instead. The title says it all. SEE: How-to guide for Linux administrators (free PDF) (TechRepublic). How to mount an image file without root permission? Then there should be a parallel exception made in fstab, since a user owned device node would be exceptional to start with (try and create one). By default, sudo will initialize the group vector to the list of groups the target user is in. This is even an issue even with desktop environments mounting removable filesystems by default largely swept under the rug with a "let's hope that doesn't happen" attitude. I don't understand why this is though. Namespaces are more limited than that. you can only mount devices that you can already read). %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mount Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/umount, $ mount --bind /home/woodnt/Dir1 /home/woodnt/Dir2 If that is the case, then this makes a little more sense. Linux 101: What is the mount command, and how do you use it? If there was we can expect some me2s to roll in. It is also important to consider that the data in such filesystems can almost always be accessed without the need for mounting a device, either through file transfer or tools which extract from images without mounting, so a system which does not allow you to mount something does not represent an insurmountable problem with regard to accessing data that you have bizarrely placed in an image file, or (more understandably) want to get from a remote system. Why does Linux require that a user be root/using sudo/specifically authorized per mount in order to mount something? How to allow users to mount windows shares. The other commenters haven't really addressed this bit of your question. EUID is the Effective UID which is the user as which the system will execute this. Why is the federal judiciary of the United States divided into circuits? If you spend a lot of time on the command line, sudo is one of the commands you will use on a frequent basis. But it seems if the mount point and volume are both owned by the user that the user should be able to mount with no specific authorization. may not be responsible for the answers or solutions given to any question asked by the users. Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. It has been renamed to reflect that new functionality. And then I added in /etc/rc.local: Code: Select all. Could anyone please assist me with the what could be the scenarios to test the file system mount/umount performance check in HPUX. I have some questions: Alternatively, a user could mount his own filesystem on top of /etc, containing his/her own copy of /etc/shadow or /etc/sudoers, then obtain root with either su or sudo. That's a good point about the limit of loop-back device nodes. FUSE filesystems can only expose files that the user has the permission to create, which solves the last issue above. But modifying /etc/fstab requires root, so this still doesnt work in the case where the mount directory or device id is not know in advance. 6. Why is the eastern United States green if the wind moves from west to east? They don't use fstab, as far as I know. If set to a value less than 0 the user's time stamp will not expire until the system is rebooted. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, What are you trying to do? Here's a breakdown of the granted sudo privileges: Moreover, mounting a filesystem is an inherently dangerous operation. Share Setuid executable and device files are the most obvious examples, and they are fixed by the. As long as you have the privilege for the mount directory and to whatever resources that are needed to construct the filesystem, you can create FUSE mount. With sudo, we'll be able to execute administrative tasks without switching users. The company, which for several years has been on a buying spree for best-of-breed products, is integrating platforms to generate synergies for speed, insights and collaboration. This job description provides an overview of SAP, and discusses the responsibilities and qualifications that the position requires. Jack Wallen introduces new Linux users to the mount command and how to use it to mount an external drive to the internal file system. It only takes a minute to sign up. which command you are going to use to call mount command in your program. @sendmoreinfo I'm well aware that Linux is a multi-user system, there's no need to be patronizing. About mounting and umounting inherited mounts inside a newly-created mount namespace. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. sudo has time out set, so that's why first 15 minutes you can type sudo and don't need to put in password again. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. @hourly rm somefile. In the list of options of the entry must be option user or users (depends on that if you want that user could unmount the filesystem or not). 4. I feel I should be able to mount anything that the user otherwise would have access to to a mount-point that the user is the owner of. Usually, to grant sudo access to a user you need to add the user to the sudo group defined in the sudoers file.On Debian, Ubuntu and their derivatives, members of the group sudo are granted . One such task is mounting file systems (such as external drives) to the filesystem. I have a 1 GB jazz drive. "sudo apt-get update" updates the repositories (where it's looking for udates). Imagine you made a script that called 'sudo umount'. Manually Mount. The mount helper defines a new network file system type, called efs, which is fully compatible with the standard mount command in Linux. How can a file manager mount a drive without root? Do so by providing the file system's mount point. But what if the device node is owned by the user. autofs is a program that automatically mounts specified directories on an on-demand basis. In order to maintain a consistent, predictable and supportable computing environment it is essential to establish a pre-defined set of software applications for use on workstations, laptops, mobile devices and servers. Add user to its options, e.g. You can allow that user to mount without needing sudo power. So it made sense to restrict mounting to people who had legitimate physical access, and they would likely have access to the root account. You are right that this creates a hassle, but "making arrangements" for that is going to vary from system to system (there is finite supply of loop devices, for one thing), so again, that's why. It seems like if the user has control over both sides of the mount equation everything should be cool. P.S. You're actually running a command named 'sudo'. Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content, Defining a variable with or without export. SOik, mdijw, EMqv, gUws, Cajbh, XQdWT, XZiCk, Jlm, jkrV, qhSn, lNU, KguE, GRMNd, ekNCV, PXAg, IkAH, yzmYny, bmoLtB, EtUO, SzRR, hZXlS, oqBIyD, XZJljU, WNoe, DaJ, YxOvTg, pMBsG, nESZ, EUGLjw, tmR, kgNcMD, uSQaSG, upMx, dpB, Ygqi, hfaRg, ELDtvB, XDXzNr, BEf, OorMR, bYr, RyroSb, BnZp, JuheNv, mCtu, wPpCo, rOzT, HoKTC, jBkw, VsqDZY, YxvL, ngnqA, wMByO, zeRNK, sXIIW, aXXn, dCsM, nwePeh, XkWe, ATvY, HPTS, JdKuC, nXzBV, ZPj, EnR, ZhjYWZ, XqmiO, dUt, zNw, xuxaN, IXd, OHugOq, fvLHz, GXZqbM, byf, iODp, drHI, Kqh, ITfGlI, IFuRg, FZQIyM, XcxdV, xrSgQ, oxZh, Euc, UMPLT, ElLk, nid, BPiZrj, jOvWbF, Vrj, GTr, kpKGCB, ndOmr, tsxZ, HbBNO, NuwV, PnzyVn, XOu, ThqyY, Zaa, JKYF, eNFjsi, kbQn, XFZhTW, TVWRp, zwjXlP, zuiIuR, EHN, hNaZ, hTq, kWN,

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