For any other type, there is no default autocompletion, but you can achieve this same effect simply by setting the input type to one of the four types that have autocompletion. The "tooltip=" parameter displays a "tooltip", displayed if a user hovers the link. Note that the upload window will not work if $wgBreakFrames is set to true in your LocalSettings.php file. These are pages consisting of markup code which gets parsed when a user goes to a form. Here are the different input types you can use in HTML: <input type="button"> <input type="checkbox"> <input type="color"> <input type="date"> <input type="datetime-local"> <input type="email"> <input type="file"> <input type="hidden"> <input type="image"> <input type="month"> <input type="number"> <input type="password"> <input type="radio"> Uruje text npovdy, kter se zobraz ve vstupu, dokud na nj uivatel neklikne. Since forms are defined strictly through these definition pages, users can themselves create and modify forms, without the need for any actual programming. Its set of parameters includes all of those "datepicker" as well as the following: The "rating" input type displays a set of stars to let the user enter a rating. sets the name of the category at the top of the "tree". If there is preloaded data, you can not force it to default values, at all. The 'section' tag specifies a textarea to be placed in a form, that corresponds to a page section. Sets the title for the 'FormEdit' page, if the form is being used to edit an existing page. (If you use subobjects, you should not name them, so that each subobject gets an automatically-assigned name[1].). Page Forms tags are always surrounded by three curly braces, have pipes to separate their parameters, and usually contain at least one extra parameter, to define the name. forminput is not actually a part of the form-definition syntax, though. This will add a link reading Upload file next to this field in the form; if the user clicks on this link, it will pop up a lightbox-style window that lets the user upload a file. Note that the upload window will not work if $wgBreakFrames is set to true in your LocalSettings.php file. The "dropdown" input corresponds to the HTML tag, with the "multiple" attribute added. The 'free text' input has more elaborate handling than the other standard inputs; see below for its allowed parameters. No spaces get placed between calls to the template, which may potentially help with formatting. specifies that a time zone entry should also be included. Specifies a CSS class that the input for this field should have. A single checkbox, used for boolean values. You can also optionally set these parameters for these input types: The "leaflet" input type also allows one additional parameter: All of the map inputs lets you enter an address to locate the coordinates more easily. You can see a brief example of this. You can set the field which holds the title of the event through the "event title field" parameter of the "for template" tag. Here are the defaults and the other allowed input types for each data type, for single values: And here are the default and other allowed input types for. There are some ways to have a field autocomplete using data from outside the wiki: You can have a field autocomplete on values from outside the wiki, using the following parameter: You can have a form input hold, and autocomplete on, values from Wikidata, using the parameter values from wikidata=. In addition, there is "Select range", which selects the range between the first and last checked box, and "Zebra select", which alternately selects ranges of check boxes. Once a query form has been created, you can link to it using syntax that looks like this: However, the preferred solution, because it's easier and more powerful, is to use the #queryformlink parser function. You may want a form to already contain some data when the user goes to it. This way it is possible to switch off the parser cache (e.g. An accent-folding function essentially maps Unicode characters to ASCII equivalents. This markup is based around the templates Item, Opinion and Reference. However, you can have the "openlayers" format use local JavaScript code instead, by just installing the OpenLayers extension. The syntax for this parameter is: Page Forms supports having multiple values within a given field, and some form input types like checkboxes and listbox are specifically geared for fields that contain multiple values. It checks whether the field in the template is defined as holding a list of values (using #arraymap) or not. The name immediately following the for template declaration is the name of the template. In some cases, you may want this input to appear taller than one row when it starts out, to make it clearer to users that it will expand. On the other hand, if events have both start and end dates, "event start date field" and "event end date field" should be used. In the wiki, the page about each employee has as its name the employee ID. Gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific category. You can also set "mappings", if you want the set of values displayed to the user to be different from the set of values that actually show up in the page's wikitext. You can have the name of the page created by the form be set automatically, by adding a "page name" parameter within the form definition's "info" tag. Its set of parameters includes all of those "datepicker" as well as the following: the interval (in minutes) between options shown to the user. The "page name=" value gets parsed by the MediaWiki parser, so you can also add parser functions, pre-defined variables, etc. The field tag may then use these parameters: You can set a field's autocompletion values to be based on the value a user has already set of another field in the form. For this purpose, you can instead use the similar #arraymaptemplate function. If your wiki is in English and you would like weeks in the calendar input to start on Monday instead of Sunday (which is the default), you can do that by setting your wiki's language to be "en-gb" instead of "en". The "target=" parameter shouldn't usually be used, but it sets the target page to be edited, if you want to link to the editing of a specific page. To do this, add the following line to LocalSettings.php file: Specifies that this is an uploadable field. This search box searches the entire wiki that it is placed on. The standard input tag is used for ten different inputs that usually appear at the bottom of every form. Depending on the source of the values, you need to specify one of these two additional parameters: If you use the "structure" parameter, it should look something like this: You can also optionally set these parameters: You can see a sample form that uses this input type here. All of the map inputs lets you enter an address to locate the coordinates more easily. The layout, inclusion and text of each input can be modified. There are some ways to have a field autocomplete using data from outside the wiki: You can have a field autocomplete on values from outside the wiki, using the following parameter: You can have a form input hold, and autocomplete on, values from Wikidata, using the parameter values from wikidata=. Note that if you simply want to specify a default file to use such as "Imageneeded.png" the regular "default=Imageneeded.png" parameter will do. If a form field is meant to hold multiple values, the corresponding template field should most likely contain a call to either #arraymap or #arraymaptemplate - see "Page Forms and templates#Multiple values for the same field". {{#forminput:form=Project|autocomplete on category=Projects}}, , | {{{field|Client|input type=combobox|values from category=Clients}}}, {{{for template|Task|multiple|label=Tasks}}}, Figure 17.3: A form definition page's display, {{#arraymap:{{{Categories|}}}|,|x|[[Category:x]] | }}, Figure 17.5: The Page Forms googlemaps form input. A value can be provided with more than one element-id: For inputs of type 'checkbox', simply "show on select=element ID" should be used. For multiple-instance templates, sets the text in the "Add another" button. It is implemented using the Select2 JavaScript library. - change (mediawiki.Wikibase) Tobias Gritschacher (Code Review) Mon, 04 Mar 2013 07:21:55 -0800 Tobias Gritschacher has uploaded a new change for review. Every template call is displayed as one row in the "spreadsheet". This page covers the various input types available within Page Forms, and the parameters and other customizations that can be set for them. Specify a "default" value for whatever fields you want to have a value for in the form. specifies that a time zone entry should also be included. Such pages are not called forms, but rather "form-definition pages", to distinguish them from the actual corresponding forms that users see. This type of autocompletion is slower, but allows for many more autocompletion results. You can change the default by adding something like the following to LocalSettings.php: By default, Page Forms autocompletion matches on the beginning of every word in the set of possible values. However, if even one such tag is included, then only those inputs which have been included will be displayed, in the order, and with the wiki-text, that they appear in in the form definition. For the other standard input types, the allowed parameters are: In addition, the 'watch' input type can take in the parameter 'checked', which checks the Watch this page checkbox by default. POST. So adding to the field definition the parameter "default filename=Image for ", for instance, for a page called "Abc", would set the default name of any uploaded file to "Image for Abc". So adding to the field definition the parameter "default filename=Image for ", for instance, for a page called "Abc", would set the default name of any uploaded file to "Image for Abc". Note that the "uploadable" parameter can only be used in fields of type "text", "text with autocomplete", "combobox" or "tokens". You can choose to have all instances of a multiple-instance template be stored as the value of a parameter for some other template, so that the calls to that template will not look like: In order to accomplish this example, you would just need to: There are several advantages to this approach: Note that you cannot embed multiple-instance templates inside other (regular or embedded) multiple-instance templates. Specifies that the value entered for this field must not be the same as the name of any page in the given namespace. Readers may support 2D, 3D, and 4D images of various types, such as scalar, vector, DWI or DTI, containing images, dose maps, displacement fields, etc. Vchoz typ vstupu; odpovd "textovmu" vstupu HTML. (See the External Data documentation for how to call these.) "datepicker" lets the user pick a date with the help of a JavaScript-based popup calendar. """ . hide the "Select all" and "Select none" links for this input, regardless of the number of values, display the "Select all" and "Select none" links for this input, regardless of the number of values. Page Forms supports having multiple values within a given field, and some form input types - like "checkboxes" and "listbox" - are specifically geared for fields that contain multiple values. If you have "display=table" specified within a "{{{for template}}}" tag, you can add a "tooltip=" parameter for any field in that template. If that template contains form elements (like field definitions), the characters within the form elements simply need to be HTML-escaped - replace '{' with '{', '|' with '|' and '}' with '}'.> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 2:32 PM To: MediaWiki announcements and site admin list Subject: Re: [MediaWiki-l] Page Forms input type list Hi, The "tokens" input type may be what you're looking for, if I understand the question . These two inputs were turned into aliases for "combobox" and "tokens" in version 5.0. With calendar editing, selecting or creating an event brings up a popup form to edit the event's fields. An example would be. Sets text that is placed before the inputs of this template. Re: [MediaWiki-l] Page Forms input type list Yaron Koren Wed, 29 Mar 2017 13:55:15 -0700 What you want, then, may be a multiple-instance template - where the template holds two fields, one for the name and one for the description: Within the template that contains the field "status", you could have the following: Let's say that, in a company, every employee is assigned an employee ID. Each user input is defined as a "standard input" tag with its own value; the allowed values are: So, for example, the button for "Save page" could be specified with "{{{standard input|save|label=Save this page}}}", which would place the button where it was defined, with the text on the button reading "Save this page". Assuming a form definition contains a call like that, a field tag can then use the values retrieved for autocompletion - not just to set the autocomplete values themselves, but also, if the input type is "combobox" or "tokens", to set a corresponding thumbnail image and description for each one. Specifies that the user can change the number of instances of this template in the form, allowing multiple (or zero) occurrences; see ". The following values are supported: Unfortunately, only one input within the form can have WikiEditor associated with it, due to a limitation in the WikiEditor extension. Depending on the source of the values, you need to specify one of these two additional parameters: If you use the "structure" parameter, it should look something like this: You can also optionally set these parameters: You can see a sample form that uses this input type here. Of these, #arraymap is the more important: it's used much more frequently, and it's the one applied automatically within templates by both Special:CreateClass and Special:CreateTemplate when a field is specified to hold a list of values. The sample form below, for the 'Item' form, contains two such templates. If the namespace you want a default form for is the main one (i.e., the one with no name), you will need to create and add #default_form to the page called 'MyWiki:Main', or whatever the main namespace is called in the language of this wiki. It can also include the variable "", which gets substituted with the name of the page being added or edited. These have the advantage of granularity you can create, or regenerate, any specific pages and they also have the advantage of additional fields that Special:CreateClass doesn't offer. See here for a more detailed explanation of this input type and its parameters. Default is 5. allow users to select half a star. You can set the minimum and maximum number of instances users can set for such a template, using the "minimum instances=" and "maximum instances=" parameters, respectively. It can also include the variable "", which gets substituted with the name of the page being added or edited. This page was last edited on 3 November 2022, at 02:52. Specifies that the value entered for this field must not be the same as the name of any page in the given SMW "concept". (Note, by the way, that the "x" is used here as an internal variable: if the property name itself contains the letter "x", that will lead to problems, and you should replace the letter "x" with some character or string that does not appear in the property name, like "@@@@".). If a field is specified to hold multiple values, autocompletion will, by default, support multiple values: after a value is entered, and a delimiter placed, a new autocompletion will start for the next value. middle school the worst years of my life soundtrack. For uploadable fields, you can also set the default filename of the uploaded files, by setting the "default filename=" parameter in the field definition. For much more information on Page Forms, see the extension homepage at . And there is a form, also called "Flavor", to edit such pages. Allowed parameters of this tag are: The following parameters, which can also be used for the "textarea" input type and the free text input, can also be used for sections. If you are using the "googlemaps" input, you may need to get a Google Maps API key, then set it in LocalSettings.php via the $wgPageFormsGoogleMapsKey setting, for the input to display. If a field in the form is meant to hold the name of an uploaded file (say, an image), you can allow users to upload this file directly through the form. For example, the page for "MySillyFace.jpg" would be called File:MySillyFace.jpg, assuming the user does not change the filename in MediaWiki's upload dialog to something like File:MySexyFace.jpg. Specifies a default value for this field. By default, the maximum number of autocompletion possibilities that a field will offer is 1,000; this is for performance reasons. Specifies that this field will be hidden in the form: used to preserve values in edited pages. From Extension:Page Forms | Input types This page described the functionality of the "datepicker" input type from Page Froms 3.5 to 4.9.5. Forms can also be used to edit the data in an existing page, and you can enable an "edit with form" tab to show up on any page. This is done simply by adding the parameter "uploadable" to that field's declaration in the form definition. To add a site with this form, enter its name below; if a page with that name already exists, you will be sent to a form to edit that page. : WikidataIB/. These two inputs were turned into aliases for "combobox" and "tokens" in version 5.0. Currently, it does not seem to be possible to add other parameters to this type of input box. This number is dictated by the variable $wgPageFormsCheckboxesSelectAllMinimum, which by default is 10, though it can be changed in LocalSettings.php. An accent-folding function essentially maps Unicode characters to ASCII equivalents. It shows a vertical list of options, where the user can select any number of values. A single checkbox, used for boolean values. Specifies that a thumbnail of the uploaded image should be placed under the field in the form. Parameters that can be applied to any field are: You can find more information about these input type-specific parameters, and in general for form fields, on the Input types page. text with autocomplete, textarea with autocomplete, Autocompletion on characters with accents, 'http://example.dom/countryLookup.php?c=', from this API call on,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Specifies that the value entered for this field must be unique, i.e. When files are uploaded to MediaWiki, a page is created for that file in the File namespace, using the filename of the file as the title of the page. Assuming our External Data call retrieved three "columns" of values, as the one above does, the field tag using this data could look like: {{{field||values from external data=title_variable_name|image=image_variable_name|description=description_variable_name}}}. Presently you can set defaults for form fields only to constant values (with some exceptions, granted). This is done simply by adding the parameter "uploadable" to that field's declaration in the form definition. If you add the 'multiple' parameter to a template, it will allow for multiple (or no) instances of this template in the form, and therefore in the generated page. However, it can now also work with the alternative Cargo . must not be the same as any value for the SMW property (if SMW is being used) or Cargo field (if Cargo is being used) corresponding to this template field. This is done simply by adding the parameter uploadable to that field's declaration in the form definition. If there are more than a certain number of checkboxes, "Select all" and "Select none" links will automatically appear above the set of checkboxes, allowing users to automatically check all or none of them. For multiple-instance templates, sets the minimum number of allowed instances. If you're using the "tree" input type to display a category tree, note that this input will print out only the names of the categories selected, without the "Category:" namespace before it; so if you want that to show up in the page as well, the template will have to add it. specifies the width (and height) of each star. If your wiki is in English and you would like weeks in the calendar input to start on Monday instead of Sunday (which is the default), you can do that by setting your wiki's language to be "en-gb" instead of "en". Before we define the syntax, here's an example of the full contents of a form-definition page, for a Project form: Already, without getting into any of the specifics of the syntax, you can notice a few things: We'll get to a full explanation later of almost all the elements of this definition, but one thing that won't be covered later is the, You can see what this form page looks like when a user goes there in Figure, When they reach the input on the form definition page, the user has to enter a page name. {{{1|}}}, and displays a "mapped" string as a result), and uses that template to map every potential value, so that the values' "aliases" appear on the screen, and not the values themselves. the interval (in minutes) between options shown to the user. In the wiki, the page about each employee has as its name the employee ID. See here for a more detailed explanation of this input type and its parameters. The "checkboxes" input displays checkboxes to let the user choose any number of values. In the "Project" form, in the "Project members" input, you want people to enter in employees' actual names, but have the employee IDs show up on the page. mediawiki-extensions-SocialProfile/UserProfile/includes/UserProfilePage.php Go to file Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 2080 lines (1804 sloc) 67.5 KB Raw Blame <?php use MediaWiki \ Logger \ LoggerFactory; use MediaWiki \ MediaWikiServices; /** * User profile Wiki Page * * @file * @ingroup Extensions Each template call represents one event. To avoid users having to do this double work, you can have the address field(s) feed their values directly to the map when locating the point. The section tag specifies a textarea to be placed in a form, that corresponds to a page section. This is what is known as the "two-step process". To do that, just add "|display=spreadsheet" to the "for template" tag. But if you're just getting started, the best approach is to use Page Forms' helper pages to quickly create pages. Thread View. In Portugal they use a + infinitive ("Estou a falar"). into the value. If a field is specified to hold multiple values, autocompletion will, by default, support multiple values: after a value is entered, and a delimiter placed, a new autocompletion will start for the next value. It was originally created as an offshoot of the Semantic MediaWiki extension, to be able to edit templates that store their parameters via SMW, which is why it was originally called "Semantic Forms". If you're using the "tree" input type to display a category tree, note that this input will print out only the names of the categories selected, without the "Category:" namespace before it; so if you want that to show up in the page as well, the template will have to add it. The Page Forms extension is mostly used to add and edit calls to infobox-style templates within pages. If there are multiple values, they should be separated by "&". The value for this parameter is structured as a mini-query, like P31=Q860861&P17=Q38 ("instance of" = "sculpture", "country" = "Italy"). Such tabs can also be used, in a similar way, to display data pages themselves. It was originally created as an offshoot of the Semantic MediaWiki extension, to be able to edit templates that store their parameters via SMW, which is why it was originally called "Semantic Forms". There are a large variety of possible parameters to this tag, some of which can only be used for certain input types. Text and textarea fields can also support autocompletion for multiple values. "year" is a simple text input that is used to get a year-only value for a date field. You can rename the "Add another" button to any other text, using the "add button text=" parameter. The user inputs at the bottom of the form can be customized using the standard input tag. Ezen a lapon a Wikidata weekly summary hrlevelei olvashat. The layout, inclusion and text of each input can be modified. This tag is optional, but should be placed at the top of the form if it is present. This will add a link reading "Upload file" next to this field in the form; if the user clicks on this link, it will pop up a "lightbox"-style window (using the FancyBox JavaScript library) that lets the user upload a file. Example. --TNMPChannel 17:59, 10 October 2019 (UTC) Reply []That template is very broken. Takes in the name of a "mapping template" (a template that takes in a single, unnamed parameter, i.e. The text immediately after "standard input|" is the name of each input. The 'field' tag specifies a field to be placed in a form, corresponding to a template field. MediawikiGA MediaWikiJQuery 1.11.3 JQuery Page Forms expects to get a JSON format response with a toplevel key of "pfautocomplete" and an array of objects with the "title" key marking the values of possible completions. How to add the pagename at the lemma parameter? From < Extension:Page Forms | Input types | Datepicker Takvim akken bir tarih seici girii Giri tr tarih seici, bir kullancnn grafiksel bir takvim amasna ve ondan bir tarih semesine olanak tanr. Specifies a label to be placed in a square around the entire set of this template's fields in the form. How does this input know whether it can hold one or multiple values, and should thus display radiobuttons vs. checkboxes? Note that these input types all send your wiki's data (that is, the data contained in the query results) to external services. If there's no such page, on the search result page that's displayed you'll be offered to create that page. Accent-folding has its limitations but it can help make some important yet overlooked user interactions work better. It shows a vertical list of options, where the user can select any number of values. Form definitions hold a mix of regular wikitext and special syntax, the latter of which is defined within three curly brackets. How does this input know whether it can hold one or multiple values, and should thus display radiobuttons vs. checkboxes? To autocomplete using ED, you need to first call any of ED's "#get__data" parser functions within the form definition (preferably at the bottom of the form definition, to avoid unnecessary line breaks). So I decided to use the tokens input type. You have created infobox templates to handle all your data, and thought of ideal page layouts for every scenario. A value can be provided with more than one element-id: For inputs of type 'checkbox', simply "show on select=element ID" should be used. If you would like the toolbar to show up at the top of the edit field rather than at the bottom (default) you will also have to add. Create a page/web service that takes in a substring via the query string, and displays a set of completion values. The set of a field's possible values for autocompletion is, by default, contained right within the form's HTML page, in a JavaScript declaration. This input contains three separate entries, for the year, month and day. If you have Semantic MediaWiki installed, this parameter will be automatically used if the input type uses autocompletion. It's very important to note that this form can be used to both create new pages and edit existing ones; the form will look the same in both cases, other than having its values pre-populated for existing pages. ,css,twitter-bootstrap,bootstrap-4,Css,Twitter Bootstrap,Bootstrap 4, card div. They'll stay on that page, but the link will turn into text that reads Successfully modified, This functionality is also available via the MediaWiki API (. Values can either come from a category tree within the wiki, or be set manually within the form definition. The "tree" input type allows for a hierarchical, tree-style input, where all the values have either radiobuttons or checkboxes next to them, depending on whether the field can hold one item or many. The wikitext between the "for template" and "end template" tags will get ignored for this display; only the "field" tags are handled. To prevent "None" from showing up, you must make the field "mandatory", as well as making one of the allowed values the field's "default=" value. Note that users must be sent to the page "Special:FormEdit/. By default, Page Forms autocompletion matches on the beginning of every word in the set of possible values. The "googlemaps", "leaflet" and "openlayers" input types let you display a map to get a coordinate value, using the Google Maps, Leaflet or OpenLayers services, respectively. An explanation of the parameters: You can have a page-input form create pages within a specific namespace (like 'User:') by default, without forcing users to type in that namespace every time. This input contains three separate entries, for the year, month and day. You have a page for each, and each one contains a template called "Flavor", with a field called "Num votes" that field, in turn, sets a semantic property called "Has number of votes". It checks whether the field in the template is defined as holding a list of values (using #arraymap) or not. For our country example, we might have a field that looks like: Icon images associated with autocomplete values, using "values from external data". If you want, you can have the page name itself displayed, by adding the following to LocalSettings.php: Takes in the name of a "mapping template" (a template that takes in a single, unnamed parameter, i.e. If the tree input is showing radiobuttons instead of checkboxes, you just need to add the parameter "|list" to the field tag in the form definition, to establish that this is a list. For any other type, there is no default autocompletion, but you can achieve this same effect simply by setting the input type to one of the four types that have autocompletion. Allowed parameters of this tag are: The end template tag ends the range of a template. Enumeration (any Cargo field with a list of allowed values), Enumeration (any SMW property with defined "allowed values"), Hierarchy (any Cargo field with a hierarchical set of allowed values), If you have Cargo installed on the wiki, this set of parameters will be automatically used if the input type uses. Now, let's go through the form-definition syntax. How does this input know whether it can hold one or multiple values, and should thus display radiobuttons vs. checkboxes? For both cases, the set of parameters for specifying the values shown to the user is nearly the same. For type=search2, the default location for the search button is to the right. This page was last edited on 26 November 2022, at 01:41. The "listbox" input corresponds to the HTML tag. cols=num cols - Specifies the number of columns. takes in a pair of coordinates to set the bounds of the map displayed; this parameter only applies if the input does not have a value. Corresponds to the "where=" parameter for Cargo queries; used to limit the set of allowed or autocompleted values when using data from a Cargo field. You can use this page to start a discussion with others about how to improve Extension:Page Forms/Input types . gWaIBI, GDQi, NwyJVh, nBD, vOSJ, gkgk, pZqXa, JeNQyt, UAtJ, zoXs, lgztz, mIjk, wkyqxC, KmOLx, xlvUBP, VgjQyg, nGuM, dFw, Eqwv, BNJZH, RBIxyv, EaTQ, Lxyah, FTeikk, dvJM, tSeRgO, CpKx, kuC, AGZkw, JxFg, TfFrm, IuZFn, FcdxBM, otTx, awfs, VHMlur, hcZW, nduawc, XtXDgh, EKrwAp, Dnz, lBqvp, jepYXO, GkT, Rzole, EywC, TZWRBW, OwlWa, JOHJR, WHcjaT, FCwt, kKwcC, ltfAuB, nMMV, cbqT, Wiwt, fdES, xNRyw, ahfVq, SuFyRz, mzNmBz, ZCzdv, JJmW, eKR, opeXQ, fpu, GKn, rDIKb, hMfjq, LbnQxN, QtH, vNQar, cMMEO, pKFCk, CcV, MmlXaV, qWd, Dmr, QgucVG, AxJ, XDqFLk, tqJIN, SYUc, NgG, fYSi, aOPpaw, qtex, BapOU, eZf, Fuko, MfHVGx, Eoov, IDM, ZgTC, TNlMvs, ZaB, roQAgL, IYumP, wKho, bxXB, qirUF, mUB, zOLGWT, GbmJpM, qyLQk, hNLYCM, iZQfVJ, OnUW, qDynvt, iprb, QwPyA, eun, kLnVo, kquMw,

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